Of Vivid Imagination...(MxF, long term, gradual change, multiple characters)


Dec 2, 2014
As the title suggests, this RP is about a therapist who laid eyes on this business woman, overhearing her chatter with another colleagues of hers about her stage anxiety (could be anything) that prevents her from climbing the corporate ladder. She could be married or not. But I see this RP to be a slow burn, where inputs are put into her when under sessions and then allowing her to slowly change to his liking. I am open to other ideas. I already have a faceclaim in mind, but if that doesn't work we can come to another one in agreement as I am big on visuals!

So yes, Visuals are a must! And only approach me if you are into them as well, adding them through out the scene.
Other requirements are Third person and past tense posting, detailed (3 to 5 para), long term, realistic setup.
Turn offs: scats, vore, lactation, bimbofication, pregnancy, latex, tickling.

Where to play: Discord > PM > Gdoc/Hangouts.

It was a cocktail party, one in which Edward didn't mind attending, but it wasn't his favorite activity to pass the time. It wasn't the people that bothered him. It came down to a lack of personal engagement that happened at these events. So yes he chatted among colleagues and had a few drinks after all these people higher up where the ones who made it possible for him to be an independent therapist. Edward enjoyed helping people overcome obstacles that they faced, whether it be in their past or current day life. More importantly he enjoyed understanding the minds of others. He had quite a lot say, yet only said it if the person asks for his help. He offered his service to anyone who thought he could genuinely help become their best selves. Not that Edward would brag, but his clients tended to leave their appointments happier, feeling free, alive, cured even if they went to enough sessions. All through the use of hypnosis. One thing that did keep Edward's attention through the night was a particular female who simply couldn't keep still. Now that she was fidgeting but as if she was comfortable in her own skin. She appeared worried and seemed to be hiding behind that smile she gave to her friends and the coworkers who sometimes couldn't a hint or seemed to forget she was married. The ring she wore was a clear indication that she was taken. So why did Edward feel the need to keep observing this woman?

It was a conversation he had overheard while she talking to her friends. He hadn't been trying to listen in, perhaps he was an attempt to indulge himself in admiring her curves that her dress amplified. Edward simply couldn't help but interject himself into the conversation, her friends giggling and bashful smiles as he spoke about hypnosis. The female who needed his service was only half paying attention. Yet her lack of belief or interest didn't worry him as her friends would serve as the extra push to have her thinking about calling his office. While consciously she may think his method is nonsensical, her subconscious would warm her up to the idea of being free from her worries and living a better life. He could only hope she would give him the pleasure of being her therapist. A beautiful face that he was certain had the mind to match it, yet it was the smallest of things that held her back. It was these issues that allow him to further understand who she was and how he could use her to help himself. It was a strange thought, yes. Edward was unsure where these selfish were coming from, but he couldn't help to see where they lead.

Previous Old theads

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Stalker much?
{MxF, noncon to con, coercion and much more.}​

The RP is centered around this young man who have been infatuated by this female character and is about to make some move on her after a long time of stalking the woman.

The woman in question could be his teacher, ex-girlfriend, or someone else totally. I would love to explore all sorts of ideas that you may have.

The air howled behind him and bit him with teeth of icicle and timber as he waited with the air of a man who had all the time in the world to do with as he please, and for the moment all his attention was focused on one name; the lovely Miss, his saviour and guidance incarnate – who helped him in more ways than she can realize, who unmade and created him in clay of redemption, and who shall now suffer the wrath of desertion. For the book of David follows the proverbial example of the Chinese quote where when you save someone from themselves, you are responsible for them the rest of their lives. Carlos Reilly followed the book of David with a passion that was reserved for the obsessive and true disciples, his need to do right was beset from a virtuous path one David Snow taught him; the lesson was to never abandon the going whilst the going was good, and who was better to study the art of going than mister Snow himself? After all, didn’t Carlos himself witnessed the fall of the ever promiscuous Snow uncle as he hid behind one of those cocoons he was kept in, how David got rid of that nuisance and acquired the empire the fool wanted to build him. Have a job, he said… worship a God, he claimed… save some cash, he ordered, and none of his beliefs saved him at the end. Like his family they deserted him too at the end for different reasons; and one of those was he was an old man bereft of the bigger plan David Snow possessed, and sometimes that alone allows heavens to fix their gaze on a new chosen.

But that was long time ago, Carlos thought. He fixed the scope atop his rifle and peered unto her beautiful face as she slept, in all probability dreaming of an old man whose bones kept hers warm throughout the few winters they endured one another. After all a woman of her stature could only stand a man of his for so long before she gets tired of him, oh yes – he thought – and that was what the book of David preached too; somewhere along the line she slipped from being the beautiful, all-knowing, sweet Miss teacher to a beautiful, hurtful, awful, (foolish Miss West! Stupid Miss West! Miss West the whor-) Missus Whore, and that alone warrants death, for she failed to heed the bigger plan and what was in store for her. Kill her! Escape… NOW! The voice in his head did not bother him much as it used to before when he first started this practice; he kept on eye on her for her own benefit, Carlos thought at first, a man’s foolish lament to justify one wrong to commit another, even he knew that back then but it was always enough to let him stay sane – and because that was what David wanted too – but somewhere along the line his game plan changed. She had enjoyed her summers long enough, and now it was time to come back home to her lover winter whose arms will keep her frozen for all eternity in an embrace she has never known before.

Wishful thinking, boyo… David snapped at him, once more pulling Carlos out of the cocoon he was climbing into. He had to concentrate and not let a moment of the day slip him by, ‘lest the wrath of the fearsome. The stupid lawyer may show up again, the stupid lawyer can -can-(fuck her, lick her, nip her, ram his cock up her as-) harm her! Carlos feared what David would do to him should that happen, he cannot let that happen. David had already lost too much and the last thing he needs for Carlos is to hide back in his cocoon again.

Carlos gazed unto the scope and wished against all hope he would catch sight of her form in its glory when she changed for her morning’s beginning. He was able to feast his eyes on her flesh once, long ago when he had first started, when something scurried past her window and she reached out to enquire what it was, and that alone was enough for David Snow to stay awake for nights, sweaty and naked in his bed where he reminisced upon what Carlos was able to behold; her nude form, drawn by the finest artist extraordinaire, à chacun ses gouts as David put it.

Carlos sighed and focused, his breath caught in his throat.
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Wife's true Potential (FxM, Not cuckolding, multi-character)

Seeking: Female (regardless of the gender)
Plot: The RP revolves around a naive, dedicated, loving wife succumbing to her husband's long lasting desire of wanting to see her sleep with another man. So, when their 10 year anniversary arrives, she plans a nice getaway for them both, having dropped the kids at grandparents, with her wanting to make this anniversary a best one to make it all about him. To tend to all of his needs and desires.

Now, I am not into cuckolding, but would love to explore the idea of helping her find a man, and ensuring she goes on with the plan when she is doubtful about everything. I will be playing all the characters except the wife.

It was a shocker to say the least. As great as Emily was and she most certainly was great, she had never been really good at surprises. So when they dropped the kids off and hopped into the car and headed east he was pleasantly surprised. He turned and looked at his gorgeous wife giving her a pleasant smile. " I gotta admit I am pretty excited. Plus you never drive so that in itself is pretty freaking cool" he grinned and turned back forward looking out at the highway.

Aaron was the kind of guy that have everything to his family. He worked long hours to make sure Emily and the kids never went without. He was a good man and he almost never asked for anything in return. He considered himself the luckiest man alive. 6 foot tall and at a heavy 265 he had lost his hair young. Still handsome though with a shy smile he knew what a catch his wife was. Sometimes those thoughts steered him on a path to dark fantasies. Fantasies he had shared with Emily occasionally but never really gotten into deep details with her about. " Any chance you can give me an idea of what is on the agenda?" He asked genuinely excited.
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~Dear sister and her secret~
[fxm, incest, blackmail, stalking, and much more]​

The perks of having a free Google phone number! Drew was excited and nervous, both, at the same time! Excited because of what proof he held in his hands of his sister. Nervous because this was about his sister! Though he could confront her, even blackmail her, it would mean ousting himself as a pervert in front of a sister who may think he’s the most naive person she knows, apart from being a geek.

It was not his fault he was the unlucky one of the siblings who wasn’t born with his father’s chiseled look. Instead, it was her who went after her mother’s beauty. Prettier than anyone he had seen! Though that’s not something a brother could ever tell his sister, could he?

Keeping himself in check not to overdo this except play a prank with his sister, just want to see how far she would go or how bothered she’d become to keep her relationship from her parents and the world. It wasn’t just about her relationship but it was about doing what she’s not supposed to! Inviting a boyfriend over. To add to that, helping him sneak into her bedroom. And if that’s not enough, to have sex with him.

Drew had recently ordered a selfie stick and it arrived the very day he was putting it to a good use. That night, when he heard something around the back of the house, Drew managed to open his window only to hear noise coming from his sister’s room, two people talking and giggling. He couldn’t fully look into her room but with the help of that long selfie stick and being a tech giant, he managed to hook up the live screen feed into the TV in his room. There was no way to track back to him as everyone knew he was scared of heights.

When he looked at the video feed on his TV, he saw that his sister was making out. For a few second, he pulled the stick back. Put the phone away. Filled with guilt and remorse….but then a teenager’s excitement could not be contained. To see what happens next, he decided to poke his selfie stick back out and was surprised to see the young couple progress to removing some of their clothing. Well, that was it! He began to record it. And now had a full video from the beginning to the ending to even spooning!

Overwhelmed with what to do with it apart from having jerked off to it for about a week, he decided to finally play a prank on her. With his blocked phone number, he sent her a text from his google phone number, attached a picture of her making out with her boyfriend in her room.

<After school, slap your boyfriend and simply walk away from him…>

It was a silly task but Drew hated her boyfriend. A jock. Had it not been for him dating her, he would still make fun of him in the school. So…now, the joke is on him!
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