This is a bit of a different request, but I've been craving to do a roleplay centered around the Titans- and more specifically- my favorite two characters: Raven & Changeling/Beast Boy.
That's what this request thread is all about!

Based on Beast Boy and Raven (Age Range- 21 to 27)
The adult mind delivers both mastery and temptation. Jump City's roster of superheroes has far outgrown their prepubescence, blooming into a lethal team befitting of their title. The "Titans" are just as lively as they were in their teenage years, their antics no less colorful or sporadic. A loud-mouthed cyborg spends his evenings soliciting team movie night, or trifling with new technology in his workshop. An Alien Princess still manages to produce the worst cooking earth has ever seen, as kind-hearted her efforts may be. Batman's former right-hand is investigative as ever, leading his own team.
Though not all is left unchanged.
Something darker lingers beneath the goofball of a green mutant's grin. His teeth are sharper, his build more deadly; the image of Beast Boy but a distant memory. To anyone but the master sorceress, who still regards him as his obnoxious, naive, adolescent self. Little does she know of the feral whispers that now plague his psyche, fueling the man with a wildness beyond comprehension.
The Beast. A terrible, wicked alternate personality that inhibits Changeling. One he'd done well to keep under wraps. Until the very sight of her would leave him parched. It was no secret that he had a schoolboy crush on Raven. The girl of grace and shadow. Though as years passed, his unrequited affections were meant to fade. They were meant to. And surely, they did. For awhile. It is now, when he's grown into a full beast of man, that he'd been blessed with the ability to truly sense everything around him. Including each and every patronizing detail of her.
Now, the Beast demands the selection of a mate- growing more restless each day. And only she will satisfy his wretched desire.

My knowledge of this universe is limited to the 2003 show, and some research. But, I really enjoy this idea. I'm not expecting to be true to the universe's character portrayal. More-so I would like for us to be able to freely personalize our characters in our own visions/however we deem fit. I'd like to think of this as our own rendition of the characters and the universe. Therefore, you're not required to have any prior knowledge going in. You are welcome to tinker with the concept of Beast Boy's character, the mechanisms of his powers, details of his history, and even his given name "Garfield"- if you so choose. And vice versa, as I personalize the role of Raven for the unique dynamic of the roleplay.
If you'd like a resource for what's canon for the character, you can find that here:
Garfield Logan (New Earth)
I have also compiled a summarized version for his general lore, here:
Name: Garfield Logan
Alias: Beast Boy; In his later years, he goes by Changeling
History: Garfield Logan was born of Mark, and Marie Logan- two scientific researchers who specialized in wildlife. As a child, Garfield Logan contracted a rare illness called Sakutia and was cured by a serum from a green monkey. This serum had the unintended effect of turning his skin and hair green and gave him the ability to change into any animal form.
Upon the death of his parents, he was adopted by the leaders of the Doom Patrol: Mento, and Elasti-Girl. He grew quite close to his foster mother (Elasti-Girl), however his foster father (Mento) was driven into madness by the helmet he used to fight enemies. Unfortunately, he experienced quite a bit of abuse from his foster father as a result. Virtually all the Doom Patrol members perished in battle (inclusive of his foster mother), save for himself and Mento. Soon after, when he was of age, he left the decimated Doom Patrol- and the care of his foster father to join the Teen Titans. His foster parents were wildly rich (Steve Dayton/Mento, being one of the richest men in the world), and he became privy to his inheritance by the age of 17. Although he appeared to use it quite modestly, without informing the other Titans.
He became fast friends with Cyborg, and had a rather goofy persona that would easily cheer up the rest of the team. It is scrutinized that he acts this way in order to cope with past trauma, although he is generally the most "gung-ho" of the Titans. He also formed a friendly rivalry with Robin, or Nightwing, as time passed.
When Terra joined the team (a young girl with geokineses: the ability to control and manipulate all forms of rock and earthly substances and materials.), during their teen years, Beast Boy had forfeited his efforts on Raven- falling in love with Terra. Unfortunately, she was a mercenary and spy for Deathstroke (Slade). This is later revealed towards the end of their relationship, when she arranges for the Teen Titans to be captured by Slade. After rejoining the Titan's side, and vowing to be good- she is killed in a battle against Slade through madness incurred by Slade and self-sacrifice. Beast Boy remained depressed for a good period of time, but eventually recovered from the loss.
As the Teen Titans eased into becoming the Titans, Garfield finally an adult (albeit the youngest of the team, one year junior to Raven), he changed his alias to Changeling. He is still criticized for his powers in battle, the Justice League labeling him as 'reckless'. However, he seems to work very well with the Titans. His animalistic side are said to be represented by an internal "Alter-ego" dubbed "the Beast", that attempts to heighten his feral instincts. When he finds it difficult to control, he often goes on a jungle retreat- to shift into animal form, let the beast out for awhile, and re-center himself.
In the recent years, he'd become fairly popular of a hero- featured as an actor on television a couple times and adopting a more liberated lifestyle regarding his love-life. Garfield is also a vegetarian (sometimes said to be vegan), as he possesses animal empathy- and considers himself an animal. Raven and Cyborg seemed to have a knack for teasing him about this matter, finding his eating habits amusing. In his younger years, he would pester his teammates to try tofu- and other vegetarian options.
His general interests have been portrayed as video games (especially when shared with Cyborg), women, cooking (vegetarian), sometimes manga, and retro television shows. He enjoys humor, and can be found to be cracking jokes quite often (although more refined as time has passed).
He lives together with the rest of the Titans, under the leadership of Nightwing, along with Starfire, Raven, and Cyborg within Titan Tower. Titan Tower is located on the West Coast of the US, in a town called "Jump City".
*Please note, if you're uncomfortable altering the concept of the original characters from the series, we could always create our own with similar circumstances.
*If you are knowledgeable of the series, and would like to portray the characters to your satisfaction- I'm up for that as well!
My goal here is to play around with the Titan's universe, as well as the dynamics between Raven and Changeling. It doesn't have to be set to a specific goal or storyline, and I'm extremely open to alternative submissions or ideas.
There's also the possibility of slice of life, blackmail, power struggle, and even more. It's really up to you!
If you're interested in any of the ideas I've mentioned, feel free to shoot me a PM. ❤

A Little About Me
- I am a Semi to Advanced Literate roleplayer.
- My preferred writing style is third-person past tense.
- Decent spelling and grammar is a must! I can't sink my teeth into a story when the contents are difficult to follow.
- Threads are my favorite place to post, but I will accept DM's. Never over discord or chat.
- Intimacy is always a wonder to write, provided it's driven by a riveting story. That goes for both its sensual and romantic counterparts. Bring me tension. Bring me passion. And we'll never have a dull scene.
- My plot to smut ratio is in favor of plot.
- I am ghost-friendly. We all run into it. And that's okay. Roleplay should be a source of fun and relaxation; not your sworn duty.
- My availability ranges. I prefer quality over quantity, so post when you feel inspired to do so. And I shall do the same.
- This is a collaboration! I always enjoy having an open discussion of ideas, details, and the direction of the roleplay.
My Yes Please's and God No!'s
Yes Please
.- OOC chat is always welcome and much appreciated.
- Detailed replies, anywhere from multi-para to novella.
- I enjoy the use of both imagery and descriptions for characters. I lean towards realistic art, though can be swayed towards anime or photographs. However, I'll always prefer a description above all else.
- A flare for the kinky and wild.
God No!'s
My full F-List - One liners, or short responses to a lengthy reply unless we've agreed on a change of pace. I will return the effort you give me, and I ask you do the same. If you aren't inspired by my posts, let me know! I'm happy to spice them up at any time.
- First-person narration.
- Genuine rape. Whilst I'm all for Consensual Non Consent (CNC), or Dub-con, this is a flat out no.
- Cheating. It's not pleasant for me to write. However, if you're simply looking for a more open setup- I do enjoy roleplaying polyamory.
- Characters under the age of 18.