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Fx Any Soft Stroke's Fully Fledged Side Request Thread [Sunstone Inspired RP]

Soft Stroke

Jun 28, 2015
United States!
Soft Stroke's Fully Fledged Side Request Thread!

Hello everyone of Blue Moon, my name is Soft Stroke, and yes, the name means exactly what you think it does.

Firstly, I want to clarify this is not my main thread! You can find that thread here: Main Thread. I decided to separate this idea, as it is a bit more specific and fleshed out than the ones I post there. However, I will go ahead and copy over some information from my main request thread you can use if you want to figure out anything abut me as an RPer! One quick note, please drop your favorite color in a message to me if you reach out, it helps to filter out those that just don't pay any attention at all.

1. My post length will vary by partner. In more detail oriented RPs, I can break a page in Word at 12pt font single space. In smaller RPs or one-offs, I average closer to 2-3 paragraphs. I won't respond to one liners or just 3-4 sentences. I tend to mirror the post length of a partner as well.

2.All I ask is just tell me when you're going to not be able to post. If I know that you're busy, I will wait as long as you need! But just getting dropped will result in me having to terminate an RP.

3. I will fully admit, I have fallen prey to the all-too-easy habit of ghosting if RPs don't work out. As apart of my resolutions to fix this, if I find a plot doesn't work out for me, or the first few posts aren't to what I thought initially, I will message about this. I please ask you do the same!

4. I personally enjoy writing smut-focused stories. I find that characters can have fun having filthy and rough sex, while also developing romance with them. Most of my RP ideas tend to center around sex. Generally, I use story as a vehicle for smut and vice versa.

5. I’m not truly into 'modern' or 'taboo' RPs. RPs like office life, teacher x student, neighbor x neighbor, marriage, stuff like that generally doesn’t mingle well with me. Incest is not my forte. Anything to do with cheating and cuckholding I will never touch.

6. In general, I don't do fandom focused RPs. I haven't found many attempts where it worked out for the best. So unless an idea is very interesting, I won't touch them.

7. Given that we are on a writing site, I request that you attempt proper grammar. I make mistakes myself when typing, that is forgivable. But one of my biggest issues is when people don't use commas. If there isn't proper grammar, it kills my interest in reading posts.

8. Once we begin an RP, I will be flexible. I am always willing to accommodate plot shifts, time skips, etc. However, this does not mean I am open to sudden changes without discussion. If we begin an RP and my partner suddenly introduces an element that I wasn't privy to, I will end the RP without discussion. (This is partially why my fandom focused RPs have never worked out).

9. If you ever have any questions, please ask me. I always prefer that we discuss something rather than let it die.

There are two classifications of RP posts that you can expect to receive: one of which is a more 'Standard' post that will usually fit into Discord's character limits, while the other is a more long winded post. There are exceptions but at minimum you can expect 2 standard paragraphs. A paragraph is at least 4 sentences long; you will notice I tend to write very long sentences as well. I will put an example of a Standard post below and links to RPs that I have done that demonstrate my more long-winded posts.

(Sampled from a Discord RP) [MxM]

Hunter let out a little purr as he felt the way that Breyth's fingers were tracing every inch of his cock, learning each detail and making sure he felt Hunter's slightly above average length, "Glad to see that you're liking all of this..." He purred. His own hand reached up towards Breyth's groin, but rather than go for anything clear, his fingers instead carresed his hip, slowly tracing small circles and working down towards Breyth's groin. Once there, his fingers moved further down, instead once finger lifting each of Breyths balls up and slowly rolling them about in his hand. Few men he'd been with ever really thought of this, but he had found it a nice little way to rile someone up. He drew back his finger for a moment and sensually licked two of them, then placed them right back on Breyth's orbs and rolled them around with those two fingers. Once he'd explored them all, he drew back, only letting the tip of his finger brush the underside of Breyth's proud length.

"Oh, you ask me for sex positions then~?" Hunter smirked, "Well firstly... if you want to do things traditionally..." Hunter kissed his fingertips, then lightly pusehd Breyth upwards so that he could show off. Firstly he leaned on his back and pulled his legs towards his head so his ass stuck up in the air, and his knees were where his head was, "The press is fun if you wanna keep pressure on me~" Hunter then twisted himself to be laying on his stomach, legs spread apart, "Lay right on top of me just like this and fuck me like that would be nice and fun~" Now Hunter suddenly slid down so that his hips wer eagainst the side of the couch but his head was on the floor, "The big fox can piledrive me into the floor..." Finally, Hunter got up and laid on his side, his legs together and knees bent up towards his chest, "Or... you can fuck me from the side like this..." Hunter moved back up and looked towards Breyth with a grin, "Or you can always fuck me from behind with my ass in the air and face planted into the couch. what sounds best for you, big boy~?"

These link to roleplays that were done on the BlueMoon roleplay forums. If the links do not work, I can send them to you manually as well.

The Musician's Overture [GGentleman x Soft Strokes]

You can find more information about me on my main thread if you like what you see so far! However, I believe that it is time that I get more into what I'm really writing this side request for.

One of my absolute favorite comics of all time is Sunstone. Not because of the sexual aspect, but because of how it fully embraces the true side of BDSM culture. The sides that normal fetish fuel doesn't want to truly look at. To fully show it, but also not even everything there. As of late, I've been truly thinking about that. About what it would be like to be within a BDSM group. One that's truly more in line with reality. What it would truly be like to actually meet with and forge a relationship with a dominant or submissive. What sort of aspects would go into that. The reality of what that would entail for the parties involved, and how it would cause them to grow. In effect... what it truly means to embrace pure, unfetishized, unrestrained BDSM.

Therefore, I'm posting this thread for that. I want to create an RP similar to sunstone, where MC, a young woman, finds a local BDSM club that she wants to join as a submissive. One that has obviously heard of the base aspects from porn, but wants to truly see how that would work for her. How she would actually embrace it. And therefore, how she would respond to what that would mean for them. How she would explore herself, but also the relationship with her dominant. The friendship and potential romance there. Not just a fetish fuel, not just two people that do that, but who care about each other, who put their true trust and faith in each other. Who want to fully embrace what they want, in a dance of love and respect. That's the sort of story that I'm looking to write.

Granted, I know this idea requires the other side to have a knowledge of how it works. And therefore, I don't fully anticipate that this idea will find much traction. I did, however, decide it was worth creating a second thread to separate this idea so as not to confuse it with my more, sex-driven RP prompts on my main thread. I don't quite know what the story would fully entail, but I know the base idea here. And thus, I just hope that what I bring to the table is enticing enough for anyone reading this thread. If this sort of idea interests you, please reach out to me. If not, thank you for your time in reading this far down the thread. Let's take our time to write together and create something new.

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