Mx Female Of ages past and eras gone


Dec 25, 2020
Of ages past and eras gone
Salutations, visitor!

Since I got some messages asking where my roleplaying preferences lie, I thought it'd be useful to set up a request thread to refer to.
First I'd like to tell you a little bit more about my roleplay priorities:

Our characters are the heart and soul of our every story. Therefor I'd say it's pretty important we get on the same page about what we are looking for in each other's character. Foremost I am only looking to play with female characters, however, I'm not opposed to authors writing characters of another gender. In fact, if done well it only shows tremendous skill and understanding. Besides that, I myself also strongly prefer playing males, since men are simply more relatable for me.

Another thing in regards to characters which is very important to me is emotions. When our characters are feeling happy, sad, scared, in love, angry, disappointed, whatever, please do me the pleasure of describing these things in as many adjectives and superlatives as you'd like.

Nobody likes perfect characters that have no negative traits or behavior. They are unrelatable and quickly become boring in my experience, especially in long term roleplays, where character development falls flat, since there's imply nothing to improve anymore. I'd rather we play broken and imperfect protagonists, making our stories a lot more flexible and interesting.

Settings and themes
The settings I enjoy most are definitely (in order):
- High fantasy;
- Low fantasy;
- Medieval;
- Victorian;
- Modern;
Other settings like futuristic, steampunk or post-apocalyptic are up for discussion though.

An important theme for me personally is conflict. This can be conflict between the main characters, with side characters or just the world, but I strongly believe this to be a key ingredient to any good story. Usually conflict leads to natural character developments, innate tension to the story and sets up for interesting plot twists. I'd love to see this get worked into our roleplays.

Post length, quality and frequency
In regards to post length, I'll be able to churn out a number of paragraphs for you, but it really depends on the situation (world building versus dialogue, etc.). Let's say three or four paragraphs are a good starting point for me. Post quality beats quantity every time in my opinion. Nothing kills the muse faster than having to decipher the meaning of a sentence. English isn't my first language, and I'm sure I make mistakes all the time, so I'm no position to make great demands, but please have a basic grasp on the English language, including grammar and spelling.

Writing is an outlet for me, I thoroughly dislike it when the pressure of having to post starts to get to me, so I won't make any promises in terms of posting frequency. Obviously this freedom applies to any of my partners as well.

Kinks and limits
My kinks mostly vary from plot to plot and from scene to scene, whatever fits the characters and the story best at that time. I feel like the story should take shape first and then a lot of particular exciting kinks fit into those settings. I think you'll find me willing to explore a lot of different kinks and ideas, unless they are listed under my hard limits. If you're curious about certain kinks, especially when you'd like to know before you'd like to start a roleplay together, just ask please. I promise I'll play nice.

To give an indication of kinks that I think are generally sound and exciting (though certainly none are mandatory!):
- Begging;
- Bondage;
- Brats/uppity and mouthy characters;
- Dirty talking;
- Domination;
- Dubiously consensual;
- (Face) slapping;
- Fighting/wrestling/spell-flinging, etc;
- Forced orgasms;
- Panties in mouth;
- Sir/Daddy/Master/Owner;
- Spanking;

Hard limits:
- Amputations;
- Bestiality;
- Foot worship;
- Vore and extreme gore;
- Spandex, latex;
- Underage main characters (<18);
- Main character death;
- Watersports;

Soft limits:
- Adultery;
- Pregnancy;
- Excessive body growth;

Plots and starters
Here you'll find a small list of random plots or ideas I'd enjoy playing. If you feel like we'd mash well in terms of interests and kinks, please do feel free to reach out regardless of whether you like the plots. We can always craft something fresh and fun together!

The Ottoman Empire was an empire that controlled much of Southeastern Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa between the 14th and early 20th centuries. The empire reached its peak between 1520 and 1566, during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent. Starting in the 1600's, it began to lose its economic and military dominance to Europe. Around this time, Europe had rapidly grown more powerful due to the Renaissance and the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. As time passed the Ottoman Empire grew weaker and weaker. Eventually the empire slowly started to collapse to the growing neighboring powers.

I'd like us to play a hypothetical scenario in which the Sultan is pushed to his wit's end. In a desperate attempt to forge new alliances he sends out his daughter as a Royal emissary to for example Great Britain or Austria, etc. Does this woman end up saving the Empire through deft political maneuvering in court? Is she treated with respect and dignity, or is she given away to a high ranking official like an afterthought?
This plot is a little different from my usual shenanigans, but I thought I'd just put it up.

“The boy is as useless as that fat cat!” the inebriated man shouted angrily whilst pointing a trembling and wavering finger at the unimpressed feline figure sitting near the door. The cat stared back at the drunkard with a void expression, there was no love lost there.
“I toil and I sweat on these horrid fields, day in, day out to provide for this family. I should have married into a proper family, one which could afford a proper dowry. Maybe then I wouldn’t have to work these wretched, infertile lands…” The words poured out of the drunken haze, not meant at anyone specific. Though the words were not intended for his wife, who seemed to busy herself with a stony, reined in anger face, she did definitely hear them. The young man sitting at the other end of the table made an unnatural sounding gurgle, his blank face betraying no emotion or thought of any kind.
“That idiot sitting over there, however, has never worked a day in his life… We all do our part, but he just eats, shits and sleeps…” the complaints continued.
“Richard!..” the woman said admonishingly as she lovingly ran her hand through the messy hair of her son. A brief smile or grin flashed across his face at the tactile sensation, but soon nothing showed he experienced anything of the word outside of his head.
“What? Just look at him sitting over there, all cuckoo! I should tie him to a tree in the woods and leave him, it would all save us a hassle. I wouldn’t even have to tie him, he wouldn’t even manage to find his way back!” the cruel father cackled at his joke, earning him another look from his wife. A look he was lucky not to notice...

The young man, my character, will indeed end up getting abandoned in the forest by his grim father. Your character, however, could be a powerful druid from an ancient order. This mythical order is a dying breed though, the one grove remaining in those primordial woods is their last. YC would somehow come upon MC and realize what must have happened to the innocent soul. Overcome with sympathy she feels a need to help him, though she knows she wouldn’t be able to support him were he to stay with her. As YC diagnoses MC, YC could discover the root cause of the sickness, and heals MC.

Set in the late 1700's (think Pride & Prejudice)
  • Lady is forced to marry a wealthy Lord to save her family from destitute;
  • Lady running away from an arranged marriage hides in a random carriage in London, ends up trapped inside with a Lord travelling far away from London;

Anyways, the aforementioned plots are very susceptible to change and discussion.
If you're willing to take a chance, just let me know and we'll see if we can set something up.

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Edit 30-12-2020:
- Updated roleplaying preferences;
- Added a small kinklist;
- Added a plot and an introduction for 'Controlling Cashflows';
- Added an introduction for 'Druid's Champion';
- Put 'Shieldmaiden's Fevor' on taken;
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