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Mx Female -‡ Details, Descriptions, Lust and Fore-play anyone? -‡-

xl Torro lx

May 17, 2020
Hi..I'm not looking for any one thing, normally I can adapt to quite a few offered plots/scenarios on your feed instead of mine. I do have plots listed below that I have acted out before and will do so again if you like one. If we've written together before and made it beyond 2 posts your welcome to write with me again.

I'm a highly detailed person, I have writing samples on the link in my signature. I'm looking for someone who can write similar to my styles. I need eye candy to read, your writing is my candy. I crave lots of it. But get little. :cautious:

The only thing I'm really big on is you writing over 300 words a post which is about 3 thick paragraphs. Thats my minimum requirement, and maybe only requirement. :unsure:

If this intro gets confusing it may be the moderators fault.

- Quantity/Quality-
I'm sure I can write 5+ full paragraphs. My max record is between 10-15. (100 words per paragraph.) Novella/Advanced Lit.
The more details the better. I do immersive writing from the characters viewpoint more than narrative/thought writing. I seek high definition quality with a high word count =D
-How often to Write-
If it's a hot session you'll find me posting every day, sometimes 2x a day. I like finding partners who'll post several times a week.
Weekends I'm available for back and forth RP.
My Favorite kinks:
Beautiful descriptions of your character.
Passionate lovers
<3<3<3 Fore-play till I got a raging hard-on<3<3<3
Capturing women in medieval days, the submissive, innocent yet unmistakably eager to be taken.

Boob-teasing/ Hips that want more/ Moaning
- NO Kink List :-
- I won't kill, beat, maime, toilet Yc
- Rape, stockholm, choking etc. is off the list unless its a necessary part of the Sl and you write really good descriptions of YC responding to it in an enjoyable way.


Codi - Mafiosa
(Heist) - YC would be someone who would be part of the heist, one of the crew. She can either betray him, have a backup plan to steal the money and run. To do so she would have to get close to him, and persuade him with hot sex to get on his good side and get his trust. Plot twists can come out of this in 3 ways, she sticks around, she gets in trouble and needs his help after she runs with the money, or more.

Other Modern plots:
Your the new maid.
For protection YCs' father offers MC his daughter as payment. He turns her into one of his girls.

This character is also used for multiple other modern mafia/gang related plots, or other modern plots.
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Rahmor - Warrior of Gor
Theme/ethic: I started writing with Rahmor back when Gorean slavegirls were becoming a dying trend (from a 32 book saga by jon norman 1980's).
Bonuses: He can be played with his squad of soldiers. He owns a seaside manor with a courtyard garden, beach, and other romantic scenarios to have hot, melting sex.

1. (Noble) YC can be someone he's escorting, story can weave around campfires, traveling, cities being passed through, festivities, and even rescuing her from evildoers. Useful for respectable play and lots of plot with opportunities to be romanced.

2. (Slavegirl) YC can be captured, bought, or already a possession as a white silk slavegirl.
White silks are virgins, and remain virgins. Dolled upon, adored, bejeweled and used like geishas minus the sex. Tons of slow burn, romance, foreplay and plot if needed. They do get kidnapped.
Red Silks- Pleasure slave. Trained, or to be trained for the use of pleasing her master.

3. (Peasant/commoner) YC is either a villager, or traveler on the road. MC would come upon your own, as a soldier, he is to be respected and offered what services she can offer, shelter, food, etc etc. Plot can delve into protecting her from bandits he's there to hunt, and or using her as bait to do so.
Dub-Con: Scene can be in enemy territory, where YC can be captured and owned.

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- Winged One/AngelsvsDemons -
I play these scenarios too. Either a fallen angel himself/ someone who was turned into a demon/winged person when the world turned/ or an Avriel fantasy creature (Standing trials)
- Orcs -
A.) Orcs begin raiding beyond their territory, where travelers/merchants are known to pass along "safe" roads. They thus will be the first to be pillaged and taken captive. The caravan YC is on will be one of these. B.) YC is captured while raiding a human/elven city, and taken captive.
- PuppyGirl/Nekotoma -
Seems a growing trend, puppy girls and cat girls out being captured, hunted and sold. I have a premade post written out for this posted on the intros page of my site. It'd be really cute and adorable to play out.
- Neighbor -
YC finds out mine has a hot tub, and starts using it when he's not home. Or intentionally uses it until he comes home and finds her in it. Several things can happen then, he can have her obey him or get her in trouble, he could join her and seduce her, he could afterwards invite her inside, get her drunk, high, or just straight to the bedchamber.
- Invisible man: -
He opted for a science project, for money of course. Had some slight side effects, one of them...They didnt mention. He turned invisible. He decides the chance to toy with YC ( neighbor, friend, rival, coworker, gym bunny, beach bunny, tan salon) is far too great to pass up. He starts just at her home? Touching her, doing whatever he wants to her. Then he decides he wants to have her wherever she goes.
- Father x Babysitter -
Babysitter has a sneaking kink and sets it up so her boyfriend is supposed to come over while she's watching the kid and fuck her? Boyfriend gets delayed and the father shows up. She's wearing a miniskirt situation, blindfold, and set up for free use somewhere in the house. It'd be dub con because she'd think it was her boyfriend and since the father wouldn't be on the hook, he can be as rough and demanding as he wants. She would be early 20s looking for a thrill while dealing with college classes
- A Plot of PIracy -
What pirate ship would you prefer to play on?
Multiple cannons or 40+ range, which means hundreds of people onboard, or a few dozen?

2.) SInce its a pirate ship, it could even be a schooner, that boards your larger ship, and takes it over. Persuading the crew to join their team for treats of treasures (which is common if their treated badly etc or under some enslavement or contract to get out of debt or even enprisonment etc etc)

3.) Plot can go a few different directions. A.) #2 above. B.) His ship disembarks a port, and your girl comes along for the ride, for one of many reasons of your choosing, maybe even something flattering, like she fell in love with him at the tavern. C.) She was taken prisoner by one of his more darker men just recently, and is discovered hidden away below decks, so he takes her for himself before she is ruined etc. d.) A dream of your own that will lead to your sought after romance.

4.) YC is rescued from a stranded/attacked ship, and makes some deal to be taken onto his ship. Captured, ransomed, respect given till she's handed over etc.

5) YC is a RIVAL pirate captured during a seabattle, or even found at a tavern. She'll go along with what she must, or finds herself so intrigued and wanton for him that she gives in to his desires.

Last Updated: 8/12/2024
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