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Fx Male The Simple, Warming Harmony of Winter (NSFW)

Winter Harmonics

Winter's Warming Harmonics
Nov 29, 2020
Hello and Welcome

I am Winter Harmonics
Welcome to my Second Request Thread

Featured here will be more simpler roleplay concepts, scenarios, roles, pairings which will be most likely based on an image or character.
You'll also find any other needed information about myself or my writings here.
Consider these roleplays and ideas experimental.

A Quick and Easy About Me:

Please call me Winter or Harmony.
I have a familiarity with roleplaying that spans over a sporadic 13 year period and you could say this is my grand return to this lewd love affair. I'm more familiar with anerotic roleplaying with a little, but considerable amount of experience with erotic roleplaying. You could say I'm not a spring chicken. My roleplays are narrative centric with a substantial amount of focus on the story elements like characters and plot. With that all said, I'm not against and quite welcoming to having a fine amount of erotica in my roleplays, especially seeing this site is geared towards. You can see this from my roleplays, some are more organized so the narrative is in the foreground where as others, it could be a blend of narrative and erotica. This is seen in my Simple Plots. Two are more story based with the other two having a blend. Over my 13 years of history with roleplaying I've encounter many roles and settings so I'd consider myself flexible. This you will see in my request.

Click the link to browse my other, more detailed Request Thread:
A Hyperborean Harmony of Ideas (NSFW)

Wholesome Meru
Kinks and Method:
Writing Based:
  • Detail
  • Patience
  • Creativity
  • Brainstorming
  • Character Progression
  • Narrative Development
  • Time Jumping
    • Jumping backwards to tell an important part of the story
    • Jumping forwards to skip time to a new scene.
Non - Sexual Activity:
  • Kissing
  • Hugging
  • Cuddling
  • Talking
  • Admiring
  • Joking
  • Teasing
  • Flirting
Penetrative Sex :
  • Vaginal
  • Anal
  • Oral
  • Throat
  • Cervix
Non - Penetrative Sex:
  • Thigh-job
  • Hand-job
  • Boob-job
  • Foot-job
Ejaculation and Orgasms:
  • A High Volume of Ejaculate
  • Thicker/ Creamier Ejaculate
  • Both Partners having Multiple Orgasms
  • Cum Shots
    • Face, Tongue, Genitals, Buttock and Chest Area
  • Climaxing Inside/ Creampies
    • Mouth, Vaginal, Anal
  • The Use of Condoms
  • Hair-pulling
  • Choking
  • Choker/ Collar and Leashes
  • Ice / Food Play
  • Gags
  • Blindfolds
  • Featherplay
  • I have a thing for people who love to play with breasts
  • Heightplay
  • Ageplay
  • Raceplay
  • Sexism
  • Situational Non - Con
The last four really depends on the roleplay.



My Quick and Simple NOs and Turn-offs:
  • Just NO
    • Scat, Urine/ Watersports
    • Violence
      • Abusive
      • Criminal
      • Excessive
        • Violence for a Fight Scene or Warfare or something that is consented to it okay
    • Gore
      • Excessive
      • Non-narrative driven
    • Death
      • Necrophile
      • Death of Main Characters
        • Death of side characters for the narrative are okay
        • Death of main characters is okay if the character is to be removed from the story
    • Animals
      • Any Animals with some exceptions
        • Animals with sentience are Okay. Like a werewolf
        • Tentacles are Okay
    • Anything with Vore.
    • Non - Con
      • Dub - Con is okay when planned out
      • Situational Non - Con
  • Turn-offs
    • Text Speak
    • Godmoding
    • Assholes.... The people not the..... you get the idea.

Roleplay Ideas:
These ideas are Roleplays with the setting crafted by me and will general consist of a scenario, characters, face claims and other details as seen in the Simple Plots section in my first Roleplay Request Thread.

Drawn/ Anime/ Hentai Faceclaims. Links are to be considered NSFW

Bugs, insects, arachnids. Six legged, eight legged, a thousand legged, winged or not winged, passive or aggressive, hunters or the hunted. The moth drawn to the light, the bee that pollenates the meadows, the spider that builds elegant webs, the colorful caterpillar that spends the days waiting, the mantis that waits patiently and with a quick motion catching their prey in brilliance, and many more wonderful creatures that live under the feet of human beings. Yet what if these insects, or groups of them, were humanoid and human sized; living beside humans as friends or servants, seen as equals or judged by their appearances and stereotypes? Have they also been there, a part of civilization and history, or did they suddenly appear out of nowhere and were integrated into society?

Scenario One:

With the sudden appearance of humanoid like insects around the world almost 75 years ago, the Gaian International Interspecies Academy, or GIIA for short, was created on an artificial island called District Zone Zero, which later would become known as Gaia by those who would take up residence on the island. With anti insectoid movements around the world, Gaia and the Academy was built to be a safe and equal place for both humans and insectoid to live and intermingle without bigotry or fear. Over the last 55 years of the island existence, it has seen tens of thousands of residents and has become the center of international trade being located in the Pacific Ocean. Tech and Research companies came to Gaia, it becoming another hub of science as the question of how the insectoid appeared hasn't yet to be answered. A semi governmental state was created to govern over the people of Gaia and to push for Insectoid Equality, being comprised of both Human and Insectoid, the Gaian Federation was created.
For the Japanese born Ikehara Madoka, Gaia had become her home the day her parents moved her after her brother was born. She was an child, merely two years old at the time, the day they stepped out of District Zone Zero's International Airport and breathed in the fresh Gaian air, they come finally come to the place they'd call home. Madoka would grow up around other Insectoids and the occasional human and would come to love how diverse Gaia was as she grew up. There were stores from around the world, art from human and Insect a like, foreign cultures, food, music, clothing, in one of the most advanced city on the face of the planet. And Gaia had the Gaian International Interspecies Academy, a place of learning. Madoka, 16 years later, walk the hallways of the Academy as a Highschool Senior.

Possible Pairings:
  • Gyaru Student x Normal Student
  • Upperclassmen x Lowerclassmen
  • Bestfriends turn lovers
  • Girlfriend x Boy/Girlfriend.

Character face claims:

An anthology of stories featuring Demons, Devils and Oni.

Confessions of a Succubus Girlfriend: (Full) The idea that Succubus had sexual intercourse with human only to suck, literally in some case, them dry of all of their life force is nothing but a red herring created by those that didn't understand Succubus and Incubus; or wanted to purposely spread misinformation about those humble affection loving demons. In a world populated by Angels, Demons and Humans, the Succubus and Incubus are powerful demons that simply crave intimacy with one dedicated partner or from many, willing partners. There are demons like this that have malice in their hearts, but most look for humans, angels and other demons that have passionate souls and who are as romantic as they are sexual. And the idea of Succubus feeding on a being's life force is soooo fourth century. Much like their human and angelic counterparts, demons eat food like the rest of them, only craving sexually manifested Mana once their powers need a recharge. They are not as sexual craven as some would believe but passionate lovers.
Eryka Vylixis stirred from her peaceful slumber, the light of the dawning sun casting ray of sun light and shadows across the studio apartment through the blind drawn doors that led to the balcony. She tried to move and felt an arm around her wrist that pulled her back against a chest, her golden orange eyes slowly opened to see the two sliding glass doors before looking down at the arm around her body. Someone shifted behind her and the arm pressed her tight the torso behind her. For a moment Eryka almost gasped in delight before moving her upper body to see the face of the one she loved, gently sleeping. They both had a tough day yesterday, Eryka had gone with him to see his parents and it was the first time they had met one another since Eryka and him started seriously dating. It didn't go as either of them had hope with his parents outright disapproving of their relationship. They returned home, deflated and fell asleep in one another's arms. Eryka was content with just that and she smiled, looking at his sleeping face. She watched him as rested, waking up some time later to a happy and smiling Succubus girlfriend.

Eryka Different Appearance: 1/2, 2/2
Eryka details: 1/1
More Meru: 1/3, 2/3, 3/3

After Hours Service: The Tribulation Pit, a popular, little risqué bar at the heart of the Tartarean Metropolis of Apollyon, is the current business operated by the Third Hand Man of the Devil and Overseer of Apollyon; Ollmunauth. This dainty and hellish public house is the place to be for any and all who visits the hellscape city and whose who live in the surprising clean streets. Apollyon is an exceptionally unique city that welcomes guests from the three primeval Planes of space and time, known collectively as the Tri-Planes. From the dominions of Heaven, Earth and Hell, many people come to visit Apollyon for business, pleasure or both. Some do the foolish thing and become permanent residents of Apollyon. People come to Apollyon and The Tribulation Pit looking for something the couldn't find in their home planes, the offerings the safest city in all of the Tri-Planes has in store. Longevity, power, wealth, fame, perhaps all four; Apollyon is the place to come looking for their place, it is a place of wheeling and dealing, of contracts and deals, of soul hunger demons and Angelic party-poopers. Though for the those whom door through the double door of the Tribulation Pit, they will discover a place of music, liquor, cigar smoke and the most beautiful women of any Plane.
Shynara's the one number waitress of the The Tribulation Pit and Right Hand Demon of none other then Ollmunauth myself.

Soul Bound: The Xolgron have been a part of humanity's reality since long before recorded history, with the first depictions of them being discovered on cave walls. Throughout history they have been called by many name or by many titles, the designation of Xolgron had been one of the most recent titles given to them and is general regarded as the globally cooperative term for them. The Xolgron are spirit like entities that latch on to the souls of humans and are generally shaped by the Host's soul power and personality. This unity between Human and Xolgron is called Soul Bound. Mostly everything else one of these beings with him and they are seen as a symbol of power and maturity, creating a hierarchy based on soul power and the power of the Xolgron. In ancient time this would've lead to war and conflict between people and between nation, but in more modern times the hierarchy is that of the Haves and Have Nots. The single worst place to be is someone without a Xolgron, or Soul Blocked in modern times. These people are subject to the worst of the bullying and social isolation, and are seen as outcasts with many having their parents kick them out if they haven't gotten their Xolgron in time.
Liltia silently saddled the hips of her Host in the dawning light, looking down at them with a hungry smile. Blankets covered her Host's body, yet Liltia could feel their warmth, breathe and heartbeat as she ember orange eyes studied their face. She was an Xolgron, but more so, she was a Parasitic Xolgron, and she had devoured the Xlogron that was bounded already to the soul of her Host, claiming the soul for herself. It took a little longer then Liltia had thought it would've to consume the previous Xolgron. Her arrive was around three years later then what she wanted and she had to watch her Host become the target of bullying and segregation from his peers. Now that she had been manifested, she'll make sure that her Host as the respect that they deserve. "Master.... please wake up." She whispered to the sleeping human with a soft voice, her hand caressing their cheek.

The Daily Diary of a Demon Freeloading Dependent: They are seen as the cultivators of sin. The corrupting influencers of ruin, pain and torment. Entities of purely twisted emotions and thought, hell bend to subjugating those who give into their hidden, darker temptations of the seven carnal desires. Like cunning beasts of distress, they encourage and promote destructive behaviors as they ripen the soul of whose they twist only to betray those that trusted them with knife in the back and a drag down to hell. For thousands of years, they have been known as the servants of the realm of hell that plant and sow the seeds of evil within the souls of man and woman a like. Their image has been dirtied by the lies of crueler humans. They are not the beings of despair that some would indicate them to be, nor do they have malice intends towards humans. They are just the jailer, the confessor, the torturer, people just doing their jobs and working for a living in the pits of damnation. Even those beings of judgement need a break once in a while, to get away from the heat and flame, the noise of screaming sinners and lava flows, and relax.
Auraka had worked tirelessly for a few hundreds year so punish those have committed sins yet she had never took a vacation in her long life and though she deserved one because of her hard work and dedication to said work. After she got her vacation notice, Auraka headed to see the world that her "clients" come from. With a strict warning from her superiors about the dangers of the human world and how evil humans can be, a general power point about how to survive during an encounter with a "Wild Human" and other informative documents; Auraka left her home to visit Earth. Disguised as a human, Auraka soon found herself among humans and a chance encounter that would lead her to freeload.

Other Freeloading Demons: 1/2, 2/2.

The Devil is a Hard Working Man:

Debut Plots:
Short, accessible and flexible ideas based on an image or character.

Demon Ark: Gates of Hell opened up flooding the world with Demonic beings and the Dead Sinners. Much of the population of humanity, their art, history, technology, were crushed under the hellish tide in the opening weeks of the invasion. It was estimated that half the population of Earth was killed or consumed in less a month. What was left of humanity slowly retreated into fortified cities called Holy Strongholds and were aided by Angels from the Heavens. Isolated from one another, these Strongholds survived with all they had for decades, with some falling to the Hellic Hordes that now freely ruled what was once Earth. No human can survive outside the walls of the Strongholds unless they have the blessing of an Angel or Human Priest. One day, while out on a recon mission about demonic movements, a team of scout discover a girl who is unblessed by the heaven surviving out in the wastelands. They did know they found a rare person, a person that could hold and control a Demon.
Pairing: Human Scout x Demon Host.

All To The Overlord:

Assortment of Face Claims
Face Claims to be used as substitute character appearance or to base a roleplay one.

Modern Non-Fantasy Ideas: (New Ideas within)
Straightforward roleplay ideas which are accompanied by visual references. Mostly adult visual references. More Ideas to come in the future.
The Hard Time Girl: Raven Miyagawa is considered one of the strongest student gang leaders in all of fifteen local areas, commanding fifty loyal delinquents from Maeda Memorial High School. The Second Daughter and fifth child, her Father was Miyagawa Atsushi, a well off and affluent businessmen, and her American mother was Victoria Miyagawa, the owner of a famous beauty department store chain in America. There wasn't anything that she needed in life, yet being the fourth born she wasn't given the attention that her older brothers and sisters, and her baby sister got. Clothing, jewelry, cellphones, shoes, wealth were all hers and she became a delinquent leader. With her gang's help, the Oni Vipers, Raven protects her territory from the other student gangs from the surrounding districts around Maeda Memorial High School. Although as a high school senior, she would be graduating later on this year. She was worried about her boys, her loyal delinquents, as 40 of them would be without her leadership and guidance. The ten graduating with her would must likely go their separate ways after high school was over. Four years of work would be washed away the day she agreed her diploma. What time left she had of high school, she was going to live it up.

A Secret to Keep: For Matsumoto Junko, focusing is very hard to do. She'd rather sit around and relax, listen to music or sit and chat with friends. Despite her horrible tendencies to get off track from her studies, Junko got acceptance into her dream college as a business student. Because of this, she had to move away from her friends and family and into the city. With support from her parents she moved into a quiet apartment that was a fifteen minute walk from the Amako College. In the beginning of the year everything thing was going well and yet her tendencies were coming back. Her mark started to slide from the top of the class and rumors started about her "commitment" to the class. While living in her apartment for a few months, she got to know her neighbors well as most of them were going to the same college as her. Someone she got to know very well was her next door neighbor and they said they knew a way to help her focus if she only agreed. She could his hand and started her fluffy romantic friends with benefits plus Master x Pet adventure.

What Makes A House A Home: It was easier to run away from the house of her birth then it was to be dragged back kicking and screaming. This wasn't the first time that Halle Carter had defied her parents demands, packed up what she could, broke her curfew, and ran away yet it would be her last. She didn't need to back to the home where her negligent father had patriarchal, cult like control over her family, older brothers that tormented her for being born a girl and a mother that abandoned her once her little brother was born two years after her own birth. No longer did they need to take care of her for merely the sake of appearances. No longer would she run away for attention, the worried faces that turned into cold stares once the police left. No later would be be consistently told she was a burden to them. The day she turned eighteen was the day she had no party of celebration or happy songs and beautiful cake. It was merely the day she left for good and she doubted that her parents or brother would care. And soon she drifted from park bench to park bench before ending up in a women's only shelter, but even they stay was too short. After two weeks, the longest she'd ever had out for, of being one her own for the first time, Halle discovered how hard it could be. It wasn't easy on the street for a runaway, but her life got better the night she met him. The man that taught her into his house, The man that asked for nothing in return. The man that'd finally make a House a Home for her.

The First Time You Saw Me As A Girl: They had always been close since the day they met when they were merely six years old on the first day of grade one. Both of their parents said it was fate that they met like they did, both of their parents becoming closer friends as the two of glower up together. With her bestfriends by her side, Cassandra Wolfe grew up a happy and tomboyish girl, being more interested in playing sports and collecting bugs. It had to do a lot with her bestfriend who was very good at sports when they both were younger. There was a bite of childish rivalry between the two of them, both playing on the same (Insert Sport) team until the league was separated between boys and girls. Still neither one, except, if they couldn't go between of their own games, missed a game of the other. Encouraging the other as they grow up together. Some said that Cassandra's boyish behavior and mannerism were just a stage in her life and that she'd grow out of it eventually. Naturally, Cassandra didn't grow out of her unladylike etiquette and by the time she was in high school, it was painfully obvious to most that Cassandra was going to be a tomboy for life. Spending the most of her life with her bestfriend and her other besties that grouped a little click group, was the best experience of her life. It going to be the end of the year soon and she has her eyes on asking her bestfriend to go to prom with her.

New Ideas:

The Surprise: It had only been three months since they starting to date. It had spur of the moment on her behalf, a once in a lifetime chance to confess her feelings to the one she'd had a crush on since junior high. Weeks before the start of their last year of primary education, she had invited them out on a date to the movies, to go shopping, to have dinner together. During the final parts of the date while evening was turning into night, they walked in the park towards her house. Then and there, Sarah Thomas confessed her feelings loudly. The nervous wreck that she had become from confessing to one of her long time friends, Sarah couldn't handle the silence and quickly ran away before hearing out her crush. A few days, she'd talk with her crush and would hear their answer. They'd accept her feelings and the two started happily dating for the few months. It was a Saturday night and she invited her partner over to hang out and have dinner in her apartment. Once they were their, she opened the door up to see her crush standing before her, but Sarah in just in an apron.

The Littlest of Sisters: Her mother had remarried to a man and that man had a son of his own. Her father had been dead for half of her life, his life cut short by a tragic accident at his place of work so she and her mother were all of their own so many years. The man her mother remarried turned out to be a great guy and his son was very nice to her. Rebekka would finally have a happy family. As the seasons changed, she'd grow close with her new brother and despite him being an older step brother, she'd seen him as her one and only true sibling. Now in her older teens, her and her brother would be babysitting the house for a few weeks as her mother and step father took a much needed vacation away from their stressful work lives. It wouldn't be too hard, she had her brother with her.
(A sweet romance between a little sister and her big brother)

My Christmas Gift to you: Oba Aoi met him during her time in her school's foreign exchange program to America. She'd study in an American school for her 11th year before going back to Japan. During her time there, she befriended a lot of people and worked hard to fit in with the groups around her. Aoi became particularly close to one of the guys in her class, discovering they had some common interests and hobbies. That guy would become her bestfriend in America, yet, unfortunately their year together would come to a close as Aoi had to go back to Japan. They continue to connect on social media, despite the time differences, and continue to have discussions about life and everything like they had when they were together. A year later, Aoi was out of high school and discussed with her American friend about flying over to see them as she was interesting in going to university in America. She moved into his apartment as roommates, but their was a physcial and sexual connection between them, turning their relationship into more of a friends with benefits. Soon after, Aoi started University and they started dating. It's now Christmas time, a year and a half after Aoi came to live with her now boyfriend. She wanted a nice gift for him, getting him a brand new Playstation 5 and her for Christmas.

Team Project: Alice Kobayashi at 23 became the Junior Project Manager for marketing department at a large, international organization. She was the youngest in that position, gaining her the awe and ire of many of her coworkers. Some knew she was a very hardworker and others considered the idea that she used her womanly gifts to get to her position, and the company rumor mill didn't help it too much. Still she just ignored the rumors, focusing on her work and position within the organization's hierarchy. With her promotion to JPM, she was handed a small team of newbies to help her with her marketing projects. All of them were dedicated to their work although one of her team members stood out to her. They were always early to work, sometimes even working before she arrived, and they were always the last to leave, mostly ending work whenever she did. Alice and them grew close, them walking her to the train station so she can caught her train home. It had been like that for weeks, both friendly with one another as they started to see one another outside of work. Not soon after, Alice asked if they'd like to come by her place for dinner one night. They agreed and a date was set for dinner and a movie..... if not more.

She's Too Flirty For Him: Idea is a Work in Progress.

Fandom Ideas: (Full)
Roleplay ideas that are based around a Copyrighted or Creative Common product, based on a character from that product in a way similar to the way they are seen in said product.

Here's a list of some Wholesome Hentai that I personally loved for your viewing pleasures!

Template and Chocolate By Aoki Kanji
Yume ni made Mita By Aoki Kanji
Dakishime Nasai!! By Aoki Kanji
Hanayome Sakari By Kurokoshi You
Gal to InCha no Kousai Shuukan By Tamabi
Kemonokko Tsuushin By Jun
Floriography BOUQUET 1 By Mizutani Tooru
Te to Te o Toreba By Hiroya
Link Ring By Meetban (?)
Koimoyou Hare Nochi Hare By Ed
Henpin Fuka! - No Return By Cuvie
Phantom Voices By Kuyou
Tsuresari Dragon By Harigane Shinshi
Futago Hunter - Twin Hunter By Ginhaha


Thank you for reading my Request
Sorry for any spelling errors and grammar mistakes, I'll be reading this through to check my own work

I wait, once again, in anticipation

Cordially yours,
Winter Harmonics
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