Mx Any Shot in the dark for romance


Jun 13, 2019
The Internet!
Hola! Welcome to my thread :) I'm Jay and I am a bit of a choosy bitch when it comes to my roleplays, but oh well..

Anyways, I am a university student and I am usually quite busy, but I aim to get atleast one reply per day. Apologies if I am quite delayed with my replies. I am currently living in the UK and things are not so great at the moment due to the corona virus situation, but I am quite an optimistic person.

Roleplay and partner expectations:

I like my roleplays detailed. I am not an english major or claim to have perfect grammar and punctuation, but I do make sure that my replies are atleast a few paragraphs long and focused more on the story than the smut. I aim to have somewhere between 50/50 to 90/10 in favour of story, but I am occassaionally open to the odd bit of 'clean' roleplay. I expect my partner to try give me atleast 2 or more paragraphs (more is better). I usually like to match my post length to my partner's comfort.

I like partners who are confident and can lead a story as much as be a part of it. Ofcourse, I will do the same. I am a bit of a switch in bed, mostly sub leaning but honestly, story is way more important to me than sex. How we get there is as exciting as smut itself! If you are dominant/switch and you're a romantic, I am your guy. I am absolutely your guy

My obvious limits are gore, snuff, rape, underage and things that involve body waste. I will not indulge in any of those. If you think something is really extreme and I might not like it, you are probably right. I won't like it.

Roleplays pairings warning: my roleplays are cheesy af. They are focused on slice of life, romance, drama, the story and some have action involved in them. These rp ideas are NOT for the stone hearted :) the characters in bold are the roles I would be playing. Open to negotiating.

Boss x Intern/Employee

Husband x Wife (stuck in an arranged marriage, where they are initially cold towards each other but slowly warm up)

Assassin x Target

Employee x Employee

Queen x Servant (there can be a little twist to this)

Queen x Prince of the rivalling kingdom (similar to the arranged marriage roles but different in a way)

Demon x Angel

best friend's older sister x

I have starters and a vague direction for the story, for each of these roleplay ideas above. Honestly, if you have read this far, I am definitely down to chopping and changing my ideas so both of us have fun roleplaying. I am quite flexible with my ideas and I would love to hear yours too! I know theres probably quite a few minor grammatical errors in this thread but I hope you were able to understand my request! I am open to guys too if you wanna discuss :)

Hope you are keeping safe! If you just wanna have someone to have a chat, I am all down for it. Keep your heads up

Jay x
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