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Fx F or NB Perils and Wonders


Dec 17, 2020
Hello, there! My name is Lady Autumn, and this is my request thread.

So, to start, some ground rules. You will address me by "My Lady" and that title alone. You will compliment me at minimum every other sentence. You may not refuse when I make a demand of you, and-

I kid, I kid. You may refer to me by whatever you wish, and by all means you should object if I say something you have objections to. I strive to be accommodating, after all. (Not that I will refuse if you wish me to be, shall we say, less so.)

So, haughtiness aside. I am here to relay my interests to you, so that you may determine whether they mesh with yours.

First and foremost, I am craving a fantastical setting. Not necessarily fantasy per se (though that is quite appreciated) - science fiction, superheroes, perhaps even a modern paranormal situation, what have you. So long as there are grand adventures and unlikely perils. (I am, too, a big fan of said unlikely perils. Be they creatures with surprising powers, magical beings with lurid intent, or the classic somewhat-lewd-tinged misfortune, I do so delight in the surprise that results in suddenly finding oneself incapable and endangered. If you intend to play such a danger directly, or wish me to do the same, to produce a more in-depth examination of one specific such instance, I may find it difficult to refuse.)

Tangential to that, I do so love a spot of worldbuilding. A planning period before we begin in earnest, to be sure, but beyond that. Mentioning a character, or location, or item that wasn't previously acknowledged but it makes perfect sense that it would be there, or even if it doesn't make perfect sense, it adds to the story - wonderful. When in doubt, abandon your plan in favor of excitement, say I.

Now then. I will update this with specific plot concepts as they come to me, but for now, I will provide a list of potential character pairings that may spark your interest. If any of them seem compelling, feel free to alert me! I am happy to play either role in the pairings provided.

(Please note that I much prefer to play in original worlds and with original characters.)


Spirit x Summoner
Pirate x Captive
Monstergirl x Hunter
Siren x Stalker
Hero x Fan-Turned-Villain
Hero x Sidekick
Angel x Demon
Goddess x Chosen One

Scenarios (vague plot seed ideas to spark your fancy):

Exploring a haunted house
A school for magic
Stranded on an alien planet
Ancient ruins, not quite uninhabited
Kidnapping with love
Sworn enemies, yet lovers
Your personal demon, here to tempt you and follow you wherever you go
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