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Fx Male Roman Gaul RP looking for M ch


Aug 30, 2014
Roman Gaul

Themes*: Age difference. Betrayal of one's values. Cultural differences. Forced Marriage. Historical. Love/lust/hate. Manipulation. Power imbalance. Seduction. War


That year had really been an annus horribilis to Aia daughter of Correos, late prince of the Parisii. Not only did her father die in battle against a rival clan, leaving a disorganized, empoverished tribe for her to attempt to lead, but she keeps having to deal with constant attacks from the aforementioned Bellovaci.
The tribute to Rome in occupied Gaul is heavier by the day, as is resentment... still Aia reaches out with a poorly written Latin missive and sends a messenger to the local Roman general, needing his help against the wild Bellovaci.
Will the general even agree to meet her or does he prefer for those pesky illiterate barbarians to kill each other off? Can she convince him the Bellovaci also threaten him? Do they? Will she become a traitor to her own people in order to save it? Will she look for an occasion to kill the general and teach Rome a lesson? How much time before her own tribe finds the whole thing suspicious, already mistrusting such a young, female ruler? She has no idea...

The game can go in several directions, and could borrow from some or all of the following ideas:

Maybe there is a faction in her own clan plotting to rebel against Rome, and she can't allow this to be discovered, while supporting it.

Maybe there’s that insane clan (the same her people is fighting?) the Romans haven’t managed to conquer yet and they would welcome more men, especially Gauls who are more familiar with their war tactics. But she can't be certain her warriors will follow her orders, especially those, which again the general can't hear about or she loses all credibility.

Darker twist: The general will want her to actually marry that clan’s leader and undermine it from within. Ending up wanting her for himself, he will be changing the plans without her understanding why. As she can't imagine why he would suddenly do that, she (or someone close to her) loses hope and may decide to try to make him pay for everything the Romans have done in Gaul, literally picking up Correos' deities blessed sword. Bad idea...

Even darker twist: She has a suitor, selected by her father on the very battlefield where he passed, and the general will accuse him of belonging to the aforementioned plotting faction. Is it true or a convenient excuse to get rid of him? Will she go along with it to please Rome? Is that order really from Caesar or totally made up, the scroll burned before she could read it? Does she even have a choice, now that she understands her father was just a puppet chieftain, making her highly replaceable in turn. Unless she can trade - or sacrifice - the young man's life to avoid being the last of Correos' kin to rule the Parisii.

I could see her ending as the general's wife, having to contend with her people's reaction to this. They would be safe, but at what cost… With possibly a trip to Rome, where she is considered too lowly for her husband. Sadly she cannot just hate him and get past her attraction to the guy. Oh the drama.

I definitely don't need a history professor here, but someone with some interest in this time period to avoid too many gross anachronisms. I did take a couple years of Latin but I don't need that. Basically if you've watched a couple Roman shows you should be fine ;) Not looking for the boring one-shot featuring a slutty Gaul jumping (into bed with) a dumb degenerate general but for a slower, more twisted game of persuasion, seduction and manipulation between two proud, intelligent characters who only know each other through stereotypes and old rancors and want the most for the smallest price. The general is a cunning Roman soldier and official, educated and also ruthless. Aia is obviously less experienced, but clever and makes up for it with desperation because she just can't afford to mess up. The rest is history?



I'd rather do pms or emails/Google docs but I'm now opened to threads.
Please contact me with your ideas if you are looking to start now, and can post 1 message a week as a minimum.
My Ons and Offs are detailed in my signature, please check and let me know if you have any question! :)

*The Themes above are by no means the only themes in the RP. They are only there to help you decide if you are interested. If you like them, check the thread and my O/O :) If you can't stand the themes, skip ;)

Hail, Caesar! Lo, the blue-eyed maid from Gaul
Dancing for thee the dance of her dear land,
Like a river-lotus ‘neath the snowy flight of swans.
A shudder passes through her swaying form.
Hail, Emperor I … See the huge blade flash
In the fierce sword-dance of her far-off home… .


Caesar, thou growest pale! Alas, ah, thrice alas!
Her sword’s jell point has pierced the lovely throat.
The cup falls from her hand, the blue eyes close,
All her white nakedness is red with blood,
Red in the pale light of the moon… .
Beside the great fire flaring on the lakeside
Ended is the dance
Of the white warrior maid at Caesar’s feast.

Roger Martin du Gard
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