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Fx F or NB Vee’s mixed request thread (F / Femme)


Dec 8, 2020

After being around for a couple of days, I decided that it was probably time for me to write up a request thread. More accurately, it took me this long to think up enough ideas to not seem like a one trick pony.

So to those of you to who it matters, I’m a twenty three year old from the GMT timezone with a moderate amount of previous erotic roleplay writing experience. In terms of genres I’m mostly used to modern, realistic or otherwise. But lately I’ve been wanting to branch out and try new things, so if you have an idea that doesn’t quite fit what I’ve asked for here, still feel free to shoot it my way!

I’ll just give a quick overview of my rules, then dive right into some ideas of mine.

Writing preferences:

> Preference is to write in PMs, but can use threads. Never email, discord, or other off-site methods.

> Right now, I’m trying to practice brevity. Ideally posts will be between 3-5 paragraphs.

> Third person, past tense and good detail wanted. If doing a GM / DM style RP, sometimes first person.

> Mistakes are fine, I’m bound to mkae some. But we need to be able to understand each other.

Anyway, the important bit... Ideas!

F x F

My roommate doesn’t close doors! TAKEN - CLOSED.

Character A has lived alone for several months, and has developed the bad habit neglecting modesty. She is prone to leaving doors open when getting dressed, showering, etc. as well as not wearing a great deal of clothing while at home. Character B is her new roommate. Character B is straight, or assumed she was, but finds her new roommate and her lack of modesty is providing more entertainment and temptation to snoop than her sexuality accounts for.

There’s no way it’s real. (Magical elements, transformations possibly, unrealistic)

Two women visit a newly opened store, not really looking for anything specific, other than maybe a few small minute Christmas gifts. The owner of the store seems to have an act, pretending that the antiques and objects they sell have magical properties. Neither of the characters believe the stories, but one buys a blank book with an interesting cover design, planning to use it as a diary. When they get home, the women jokingly test out the seller’s claim that anything you write about yourself in the book comes true…

What happens on vacation…

Character A is vacationing alone, either to get away from the stresses of home, or because a friend was unable to come with her due to a last minute change of circumstance. A day or two into her stay, she gets a notification on her phone from an app she had forgotten she had installed; a same sex dating / hookup app. Character A never really used the app at home, still being firmly in the closet due to her conservative family. Figuring that there’s nobody here to recognise her, she sets her profile up properly and dives into it.

(This could be a series of one off meetings with different types of partner, or a slightly longer term thing with a single partner with eclectic tastes)

Any room in a storm. (CRAVING - modern or fantasy setting!)

Character A and character B do not know each other, having never met. They are very different in terms of background, personality (and if doing a fantasy setting version – possibly a different race / species). They are people who would never normally mix with each other. They arrive at a hotel or Inn at the same time, with a fierce storm brewing outside. There is only one room available, and neither is willing to let the other take it. The storm breaks, with gales, lightning, and torrential rain. With no other option, they reluctantly agree to share the room.

F x Futa

My new gym buddy. (shameless, simplistic plot to include a very physically fit futa character)

Character A is a female patron of a gym, having recently joined. She is, by her own admission, clueless as to how to use most of the equipment. Character B (futa), sees Character A having a hard time and approaches her. Character B is either a personal trainer who works at the gym hoping to sign on a new client by offering some free helpful advice, or just another patron who happens to find character A cute, and uses it as an excuse to introduce herself.

Russian roulette. (playful, affectionate roughness).

Female character A works for a company that sells a new type of recreational drug – ones that can temporarily alter your body. She gets given a free sample of pills to try out, one of which turns the taker temporarily into a futa. Female character B is eager to help test it out, but they decide to make it into a game. The pill looks almost exactly like a blue M&M. They take one each, not knowing which is which. Whoever gets the futa pill gets to call the shots for how they test it out. (Can be made into a threesome, with two real pills and one fake)

Monster layer. (human x monster-girl)

Female character A is an adventurer hired to remove a troublesome ‘monster’. When she confronts the creature, it becomes apparent that she is not going to be able to manage the task. Defeated, character A is convinced by the monster to offer up her body (maybe through hypnosis, or in exchange for being allowed to live). Alternatively for a less dubcon approach, they reach the agreement that the monster will leave, in exchange for character A’s ‘sacrifice’.
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Bump, still looking for one or two FxF or F x Futa RPs. Currently not seeking MxF.
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