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&there's no way in hell you're topping ME! (vicodin/pikachu)


Jan 10, 2009
"Instead of venting so uselessly in the house, why don't you two battle each other to the finish outside?" Yuki irritably grunted, pointing to their wide arena waiting outside. It was probably better for the two cousins to draw a clean conclusion from where they had started away from the Sohma estate so Shigure wouldn't be pissed about their repair costs.

In the end, they were chased out of the house, and as if that wasn't enough to bug Kyo, the doofus was following him outside! The stubborn teenager stuffed his hands into the pockets of his khaki pants and growled, "You're a pain in the ass, you know that? You're lucky that Yuki saved your butt while he could. I would have fucked you up pretty bad." He ruffled his amber hair and continued down the forest trail, going deeper into the foliage with no regards as to whether Haru was following or not. The woods was basically his only escape from stress, really. If he just sat down next to the clear pond in the clearing, then usually his mind cleared by itself.

With a bothered expression, he plopped down on the patch of grass below, then rolled up his black shirt, throwing it carelessly aside. Kyo crossed his legs and dipped his hand into the water, quickly splashing himself with the cool essence to lower his body temperature. "You think you're so tough all the time," he muttered, "Just like Yuki. It makes me sick. I could take both of you." he huffed, running a hand slowly over his chiseled features.
Re: &there's no way in hell you're topping ME! (vicodin/pika

Haruhatsu walked out with Yuki and upon stepping onto the ground outside, it looked as if the boy had changed. Growling, his pupils dialated and little, and he smirked as he rushed forward at Kyo. The dumb-ass was keeping his guard off, so that anything could happen to him. Black Haru shoved his knee into Kyo's back, and then grabbed ahold of the orange hair that was on the boy. He then pushed the boy down towards the water, pushing his head in and holding it there. Haru was left open to any sort of attack, but it would be harder to attack if Kyo let his cousin continue to keep his head underwater. Plus, cats hated being in water at all. This would piss off Kyo even more. "What are you going to do? You always lost against me, and now you say that you can take on both me and Yuki? You're so delusional. You act like you can do anything, when you are on the bottom. You're the cat that nobody likes, and you should stay that way." Haru replied. He smirked as he let go of the boy and then took a step back. "What are you going to do, you useless excuse for a cousin? Come at me and I'll have you knocked out."
Re: &there's no way in hell you're topping ME! (vicodin/pika

Just the mere sound of Haru's voice closing in on him caused his temper to swirl like an uncontrollable tempest. If his ears had been out, they would have been perky and alert, or pressed back to his head in an attack stance. Kyo had slow reflexes, unfortunately, so before he could properly leap out of the way, Haru managed to dunk his head in the water and keep him there before he would suffocate himself to death. He flipped his head backwards and gasped, water spraying everywhere as he shook his head from left to right, his jaws clenched together in rage. "What the hell was that for, you stupid cow?!" he cursed, his fists tightening and feet staying solid on the ground. "You're the one who's useless!" he yelled, racing forward on his nimble feet to try and seize his cousin's collar. Haru wasn't as fast as Yuki, thankfully, so he managed to grab him by his shirt's front, slamming him back against a tree.

"Shigure told us not to start anything!" he growled, "You wanna make a wasteland out of this place?!"
Re: &there's no way in hell you're topping ME! (vicodin/pika

Haru yelled out a grunt when he was slammed against the tree, and he put his hand onto Kyo's fist, that was entangled in his shirt. "This shirt needs to be dry cleaned, let go of it. Your the one who doesn't belong. You know the zodiac. You know that you are useless." Haru replied. He felt that Kyo's body next to his was making him more tense. But the reason was, why? Why was Kyo making him so tense? And why was he staring at Kyo so much more often now? Whenever he came over, he never let Kyo leave his sight. And it annoyed him as he thought of them in a relationship. Haru would be the man. He would make sure of it.

He squeezed Kyos hand to make him let go, and he then pushed Kyo to the ground and got on top of him. "I can beat you in strength, any day of the week." He said, as he pinned the guy's hands to the ground. "Now shut up. Tell me that I'm the better one."
Re: &there's no way in hell you're topping ME! (vicodin/pika

(Sorry about the delay! I was in Catalina Islands on a mission for about four days ... Dx)

Kyo couldn't believe that he was actually trying to talk some sense into his twit of a cousin, when he was usually the destroying things because he couldn't control his temper. He loved nature, though, and he didn't want his sanctuary of sorts to fall to the ground because of one measly fight. He also wanted to come back to a home with dinner. "Shut up! I'm not going to listen to you of all idiots telling me that I don't belong!" he shouted, wanting to raise his other fist so he could punch him squarely across the face. Kyo was shocked for a second when Haru used such nimble methods to get him on the ground, but he was more surprised by the way he just straddled him that his cheeks temporarily flushed a faded pink. He squirmed when he came back to his senses, his abs tightening and his hips jerking upwards.

He then realized how suggestive that thrust might have been, and the scarlet haired boy just proceeded to writhe aggressively. "You'll never be the better one! You and Yuki are useless!" he growled, managing to twist one hand free so he could run his nails down one of Haru's thighs, triggering hormones in him that weren't there before. Why was it ... god ... why was it turning him on to see Haru on top of him like this?
Re: &there's no way in hell you're topping ME! (vicodin/pika

Haru did not get off from the useless acts that Kyo was doing, but the thrust upwards at Haru's hips were something that made his face red. "What the hell are you trying to do?!" He asked, and he grabbed ahold of the hand that scratched him, before getting off of Kyo and kicking him in the stomach. "Your fucking weird. You don't thrust your hips on the man who is on top of you!" Haru replied. "Maybe that is why your such a girly man. Because you don't fall for any girls." He smirked and let out a big laugh. However he was being a hypocrite. He didn't like any girls in the zodiac either. And since Kyo never left his sight... He shook off the thought. "So Kyo, when are you ready to tell me that I am the better one." Haru said, as he moved forward to try and punch Kyo in the chest.

OOC: No problem. I have patience.
Re: &there's no way in hell you're topping ME! (vicodin/pika

It wasn't like he was trying to do that on purpose. His body was on instinctive control, and while his body had been thrashing to free itself, his hips had just unconsciously thrust upwards. Kyo hissed as his cousin booted his stomach, and automatically his world churned and his body curled up in pain. "It's not like I could! At least I have somebody I wanna protect, you stupid cow! Who the fuck cares if she's not a part of the zodiac. I'm not part of it either," he coughed, handling his quivering abdominals with his free hand. He hated how Haru strutted around in those boots because they hurt a lot more when the heavy thing was used as a weapon. This time, his cat-like reflexes made it possible for Kyo to predict what would happen, so before Haru could punch his chest and break his ribs, he rolled to the side and shouted a determined "NEVER!" in response to Haru's cocky question. "It's you who should TELL me that, idiot!" he huffed, lashing out his leg close to the ground so he could trip him, "I hate your guts! I hate everything about you!"
Re: &there's no way in hell you're topping ME! (vicodin/pika

Haru fell to the ground, being successfully tripped by Kyo's leg, but he uttered a small, "Tsk." As he got back up. Kyo didn't capitalize on the trip. The idiot. "You only hate me because I am so much better then you." Haru replied, and he moved forward and grabbed ahold of the man's shoulders so he would stay still. He then attempted to crash his head into Kyo's nose, possibly breaking the nose, or ending uo hurting Kyo in some other way if he missed the nose. Haru was very vulnerable while he did this however. So if he messed up, he could lose the fight.
Re: &there's no way in hell you're topping ME! (vicodin/pika

Kyo didn't know how much longer he could take this considering he was already on a thin line with Shigure's warnings. "That's not true," he seethed, his fists clenching at his sides as he staggered up on his feet. Because they were both stubborn animals, Kyo knew that the battle wouldn't be over unless somebody was on the ground, bleeding. The boy froze up when Haru handled him, but he had tensed up in a way where he would be prepared to take anything thrown at him. Fortunately, he realized what his cousin's intentions were, so he made some kind of an attempt to duck, but his timing had been horrible. He had saved his nose, but Haru's skull managed to bump against the top of his head, very hard. That wasn't what bothered him, though. When he had been dodging his attack, their mouths had somewhat grazed, and when he was on the floor, one hand was covering his mouth, and the other was placed over his bleeding wound tainting his wet orange locks crimson. "Fuck ... WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" he snarled, addressing vaguely to the brief kiss rather than the attack.
Re: &there's no way in hell you're topping ME! (vicodin/pika

The kiss was not something that Haru would admit to enjoy. And since it was an accident, Haru was just as defensive as Kyo was. "What the hell do you mean, what was that for!" He yelled. "You are the one who kissed me!" He noticed that his cousin was bleeding, but he was not going to show any kind of remorse while Kyo acted like an ass. He ran his hand through his hair, and he saw the blood starting to drip down Kyo's head. He sighed and leaned up against a tree. "You might want to go clean yourself up, before you decide to fight me again." Haru replied, making fun of him. Haru's head was fine from that headbutt, it just was throbbing from the pain of Kyo's hard head. He then crossed his arms. "What are you going to do? Idiotic cat?"
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