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LOTR Battle for Mirkwood (Nine and Nathanrommi)


Jul 25, 2010
((Uncreative title is not creative at all.))

"Well, now what?" This was Helinniel's question to the others as they crouched hiding in the underbrush. Their mission to cut off the Orcs supplies had been a success until they went to turn back. Whether the Orcs knew they were there or not, they would have to find another way to get back into their own part of the forest. Helinniel shook her head, strands of her dark hair falling into her light eyes. She should have known this would happen, yet she still agreed to go with the others. Now here they were. They would have to find another route to get back, but that might take days, and no doubt they would encounter even more Orcs along the way.

At 86, Helinniel was still rather young by Elven standards. She was also one of the few females directly involved in the battle, and the only one in the group hiding. She was an archer, and a skilled one. She didn't wear armor, but there was a light chain mail shirt under her tunic. Her agility made up for her lack of armor anyway. Her father hadn't wanted her to be involved in this battle, but she would rather do something then just stay home and wait it out. Now she glanced around at the other members of the party, if they knew any other ways around the blockade.
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