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[WB] Girls are studs, Boys are sluts


Nov 20, 2020
Girls that have a lot of sex are considered studs. Boys who have a lot of sex are considered sluts. What would this simple change in sexual attitude would mean?

Girls want to sleep around and have as much sex as possible. Boys want to have few partners so they don't get a reputation.

How do you think things would change?

What would porn be like? Which sex acts would become more popular? Would boys have to sleep their way to the top?
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Maybe I’m not very creative? But I imagine you’d see a pretty 1:1 reversal of existing gender/sexual stereotypes. Unless you introduce some other change to twist things further, it seems like a pretty straightforward switch.
Cowgirl, reverse cowgirl and reverse missionary (the amazon) would be the most common sex positions right?

Maybe girls would brag about the number of pregnancies they had? Or is that too extreme? Lol

A 9 month reminder of what a slut you were. Especially if there is more than one girl.
It's hard to envision what this change would be like without changing a host of other social and cultural factors.

I guess one obvious change would be that women, rather than men, would become the primary initiators for hook-ups and pick-ups, etc.
That's a pretty broad brush you're asking about and as Versus said, you'll have to think about social and cultural factors as well as political and historical ones too.

I can think of several things that would change in this type of society that isn't purely related to porn.

1. Birth control for women (and other preventatives) would be significantly cheaper and easier to come by. Parents would be much more encouraging of their daughters to start being on the pill with a spare day after pill to be kept in purses or bags. Men, on the other hand, would still have an easy method for buying condoms (it's literally rubber. No doctor would stop you on that), it would be a lot more societal judgment for purchasing a box, and parents who find a condom on their son would get angry at this find.

2. Following that, health treatment between the genders would be significantly different. Sex Ed would focus more on the female reproductive system while for men it would be a little more hazy. Girls would have to leave class when it's time to talk about men's health. Guy's would actually know how pads and tampons work while women would wonder how a condom wraps around a penis. When it comes to health care providers, there's a lot less shame for women in wanting to tie their tubes while with men, they need to go the full nine yards in talking with their parents, having a waiver signed, and getting sit down by a doctor making sure that they do not want any children.

3. Sorry to burst anyone's bubble, but the beauty standard for men significantly increases for men while decreases for women. Advertisements would be targeting men's insecurities, more sexualization of men on screen, and broad industry of appearance-based products (clothing, cosmetics, accessories, etc.) for men. Women will not be obligated to dress nicely- or at least "sexy" while men are pressure to maintain appearances. The clothing industry for women would be much more limited, so some outfits that you may like on a woman might not even exist here since these industries are targeting men.

4. That said, porn would be vastly different. More porn for the female gaze, POV from the woman's point of view, ugly bastards become ugly bitches, and porn for the enjoyment of men would but little to none. Any of that would be produced by small creators. People are looking for their favorite male porn actor while female ones are rather 'eh'. I would imagine an increase in audio and written erotic though.

5. With all that said, "terms" between the sexes would be reverse. Woman would be counted on their merits and strong words such as "brave, intelligent, independent," and so on. Men would take on terms focusing on their appearance and what they can give as a parent, "Gentle, kind, considerate, handsome," and so on. Women don't need to keep up appearances since they don't need that to attract a man (though it does help) while men would be fearful of losing their woman if they gain weight.

6. Babies. Hahahahahaha. No. That wouldn't be a mark of merit for anyone regardless of gender. Like I said for the first point, there wouldn't be any shame for a woman to not get pregnant or even want kids. If they are, dumping the kid on their father would be much easier. That said, it does have its cons. Custody favors the father and women are expected to pay child support... which leads to women not interested in having kids. If we're looking at conquest or not, women would be focused on the dude's dick size and if he could make her cum.

7. An actual pro: maternity leave for both parents since the father is expected to help care for the newborn.

There are so many more I can go on about but these are what I can think of for a reversal of such a kind.
There's a novel series, Black Jewels by Anne Bishop, that is basically a magical society with a stratified caste system and while there are some men near the top, the highest caste a man can be a member of is still a long step under the highest a woman can be, and the entire society is generally female dominated. There's a scene in one of the books where a young man, probably late teens-early twenties, is having trouble because he'd gone out with a girl and ended up losing his virginity to her and then, when she dumped him, he ended up having her friends harass him for sex because he was "easy" because he fell into bed with the other girl. It was badly effecting his reputation and he was in a bad mental health place because he was getting harassed and while society basically clucked about the girls, it was in the way our current society clucks about young men who sleep around a lot, in a"oh, they're a wild bunch, but I'm sure they'll get married and settle down eventually" kind of finger-wagging way while the young man was subject to more severe judgment, to the point that his family was considering sending him away so he'd stop getting harassed. I really enjoyed reading the way this situation was resolved - and honestly, I enjoyed this book series a lot because of how it dealt with the gender power balance reversal. I also just erased a more in-depth response, because it got into gender theory and violence and stuff and this thread isn't the place for it, so I'll leave with this - if you want inspiration for a society with those moral standards, I really recommend this series.
I think you also need to answer a very important question here. What is the source of this scenario? Has it been like this forever with men being a protected group back in tribal times for whatever reason? This would imply women being physically stronger than men or at least more suited to hunting and combat. In this scenario, literally everything changes. You get stories of great conqueror queens and of young princes who managed to bend those mighty women to their will by wrapping them around their fingers. An inversion of Caesar and Cleopatra. You would also have inspirational male warrior figures, who held their own in spite of being unfit for combat roles (John of Arc, King Bodacious of the Iceni or a male Amazon equivalent). In this scenario we also get emergent man rights movements, starting with right to vote (because being shit and depriving your partners of control is not a gendered thing) all the way towards more extreme forms of that.

Or is it a new thing? Perhaps instead of peacefully gaining all the rights, women had an armed uprising of sorts? Then you can go with silly dystopia, basically as far as your imagination takes you. Or you can make it a utopia, where all problems were magicked away because women are in charge now.

More interestingly, perhaps a shifting society where power is moved between men and women as part of legislative? Bit crazy, but could be interesting in a book or something.
Supply and demand drives culture, but it's kind of a feedback loop. Artificially lower the demand for women and raise it for men, behaviors will shift accordingly. I don't necessarily agree with every hypothetical put forward in this thread, but there are some good observations here. I think there are some factors of gender relations in our culture that are not inherently tied to the supply and demand. For example, I'm not so certain that aesthetic care necessarily changes; humans are a rare species where the female preens more than the male, but realistically, it makes more sense that the person in more demand preens less. I'm also not entirely convinced that all factors of society flip on a 1:1 basis. I don't foresee the supply and demand element changing the existing power dynamic by itself; men are still innately bigger, stronger, more aggressive, and think differently. On top of that, women have to deal with 9 months of pregnancy and have a harder time proliferating since they can only carry so many children at once whereas men are theoretically limitless. Ceteris paribus, I would more bank on something like virginity being seen as a form of machismo. That said, in this scenario, women absolutely become a lot more sexually assertive and probably a good deal more vulgar; desperation versus standards also flips upside down. Views on sexual performance might also change in interesting ways. Penis size would probably be a lot more 'forgivable' (in line with vaginal width in our society, I suppose?), premature ejaculation from a guy would probably be a sign of female excellence, erectile dysfunction would be seen as a major failure for the woman, being unable to orgasm would probably be seen like our society sees erectile dysfunction. Definitely much more women-centered porn and male body objectification in fiction. Dick pics become all the rage, tit pics become the new dick pics. Oddly enough, blow jobs probably become *more* common (although not until climax) in order to get it ready to penetrate. Cunnilingus also happens more because it becomes a way of getting the woman off without having to have sex.

Now, something I would be interested to consider is the *how* of either something like this or if we wanted to create a society more likely to reflect some of the things mentioned above. In that case, there's a few ways we can go about that. The easiest IMO is to drastically shift the gender ratio of the population. A lot fewer men would drive up the demand of men exponentially, and would also give women a lot more room for systemic power. The potential consequence of that is normalization of harems or concentrating power in fewer men in order to consolidate resources. That all really depends on how women choose to handle the situation though, so that could be written to go either way. One way that could be handled is by having males be drastically reduced as a percentage for a few generations, but gradually shift back to equilibrium after some time. That would give some time for the demand for men to spike and for women to take the reins of society, but then bring the ratio back to baseline enough that harems aren't the norm. A backlash to a harem-based society could then result in the type of scenario where men are sluts and women are studs.

I also considered that a higher percentage of men could also potentially shift things, but I think in that situation, war just becomes more common and power more concentrated -- so, basically imagine current society on steroids.

Another possibility to accomplish this (with results much more in line with the 1:1 flip that people seem to want to see) is by changing some of the power dynamics. So, keep things relatively the same for men -- but now all women are Amazons (or some kind of monster girl that is innately stronger than human men). That would greatly flip the roles in a systemic sense. Alternatively, if women could be much more intelligent and thus more able to accumulate wealth and exploit the physical labor of men to maintain a female hegemony. Another possibility is that these changes happened early on enough in human society that humans have evolved in ways to reflect the changes (ie: more biological aggression among women, passivity among men, refractory periods flipped, physically stronger women, possibly even shorter gestation time, etc).

It would make an interesting world to explore at any rate. I actually did an RP with someone where we used some of these concepts and MC was a male escort with no other career opportunities. Made for an interesting story.
I have a RP idea based around something like this where women are in charge and men are relegated to sex work or work that has no authority. With women making the real money and holding positions of authority men would have to be "pretty" as well as try and appeal to them in other ways like housework etc. I kind of see it as a 1950's type society but with the gender roles flipped.

For me a scenario like this would be more than just the sexual aspects but that flip in power would make it kinky even when things aren't kinky, if that makes sense.
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