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Mx F or NB Lizard's RP prompts 1

Mar 14, 2019
Preferably looking for someone in a timezone close to the UK, trans people are welcome. I'm willing to play either role in each prompt.

Missing out on Sex Ed class.
We're school friends, a few days ago there was our first sex ed class. Unfortunately, one of us wasn't at school that day and missed it. Confused, we turn to each other for help when we notice new things happening.

Lonely space traveller
A traveller lives aboard their starship, mining asteroids in the outer rim of the galaxy. There's no access to the supernet out here and so installations nearby to meet or talk to know people. This is why the traveller's only friend is their curious ship's computer.

Brave adventurer gets their reward
An adventurer has completed their quest. A benevolent spirit asked them to slay a savage monster, to which the hero greatly succeeded. Now it's on the spirit to reward the noble adventurer to the best of their abilities.

Sold on the darkweb + used and degraded
Sold at auction, the slave finally finds theirself in the home of their new owner. They're surprised how normal the house and their owner appear to be and today their new life begins. Hopefully they're ready to be treated like human garbage.

Breast Envy
Some women just get jealous of another's body. Whether it's bigger breasts, a narrower waist or a prettier face. Whether you're the jealous one, or someone that notices others being jealous of you, I want to hear about it. I love women comparing themselves to others if it's a roleplay or real chat so let me know!

More generic noncon/degradation roleplays
Feel free to suggest me your ideas for these!
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