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Obsession&Murder&OtherThings || A search thread.


Dec 4, 2020
Hello and welcome to my search thread,


Inside this thread, you will find twisted macabre fantasies among some normal Ones.
I will try my best to keep it organized but sometimes I just...
Yenno... Embrace the mess.



Yup, this section is always kind of cringy to me because I don’t know really what to say about myself other than I
am a living breathing adult in this chaotic, upside down place. But, I will attempt to tell you about me...
I have always had an interest in writing, ever since I could hold a pen but role playing came later into my teenage life
and from there I was sold. The only issue that presented itself to my was a lack of communities there were dedicated to
adult role playing. I find the genre of psychological thriller and violence that I like just isn’t for a younger crowd. I am very
interested in the topics of serial killers and the macabre, they are always exciting for me.
Well, that’s kinda it.

Here is my Flist.

My no’s are not up for debate and this list does not limit me from the things that are not on it.
So, if you don’t see your preference, just ask me.


1. Grammar and spelling: I do expect my partners to be average to adept with grammar.
I don’t expect your writing to be perfect, or error free, just that you put an effort into making sense.
I don’t require you to write novels, but please nothing less than a paragraph per post.

2. Diverse characters: I expect you to be open to role playing with ethnic characters.
I am mixed race, so I will be playing characters that I identify most with and I encourage you to do the same.

3. Time: This is tricky. I’d like to tell you that I will post every day, but that is not always the case.
I am moving from one home to another, so things will be hectic and there might be times where
I’m not in for a day or two. If you’re okay with that, then please continue through this search thread.

I don’t like swarming myself with roleplays so first come first served.

Scenario #1:
My OC is walking home from work when she sees a body of a girl laying in an alley way.
She stops to help the girl, but it’s a trap. Your OC steps out from the shadows and
knocks my OC out and kidnaps her.

Scenario #2:
My OC is a university student where your OC works. They are a psychology teacher, but once they set eyes on
my OC, they become obsessessed with her, and offers her private lessons to help her move further
in class and into the field of psychology. One day he offers her the chance to participate in a secret
experiment that they say will boost her career but ends up Leading to them sleeping together.

Scenario #3
My OC is a young 17 yr old girl just graduated from highschool who is a little bit of trouble. Her dad is dead and her mom is never home. She pays for the apartment but my oc is always alone when shes home.
She meets your oc in a club after her friends bribe the bouncer to let her in because shes pretty. He’s stunning, but also the most dangerous man in the club, being known as the owners hitman. He sees her and is obsessed immediately with her. * Could be twisted for vampire and werewolf lovers. *

Anyways, I hope you made it this far through my thread and found something you’re interested in,
if you haven’t found anything interesting here then I wish you good luck on your search. <3
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