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Fx Any Im probably not your type

Jan 30, 2017
United States
Well hello there!

Im Sketch. Sketchy. That bitch over there. Doesn't really matter, but I'm here. And so are you. Welcome! (Is it weird to break the fourth wall here?)

I used to write here a lot. Too much even... probably. I had a fancy ass request thread and everything. Unfortunately, I dont want to spiff it up again for the millionth time with my changing needs and interests, so here's a fresh one: clean as a baby's butt. However, if youre really dedicated, you can track down my old one and use it to gain some sort of advanced insight into what I once was.

Anywho. I used to write a lot. Massive posts with entralling stories and detailed erotics. Over time I found that I was spending too much time on these stories and perhaps even having an unhealthy attachment to them: taking all of this blue moon nonsense too personally and too seriously. So I ditched. Took a lot of time off to focus on my life outside of the interwebs: finished school, went to work, fell in love, and all that jazz. Now I'm back to maybe try again. Things are going to be a little bit different this time.

Mystery. Fantasy. World building. Drama.

I love it all. And yes. I love a bit of romance too, but I dont want to jump write (see what I did there? Hah) into it. I dont really care that much about smut anymore. I have my own real life partner to get all those urges out with. I just want a story with characters I can grow to love and build to greatness. I want to make a world of our own with lore to die for and inspiration everywhere. Can we write some romance? Yeah! Sure! Do we have to? No. Not at all. We can have a lot of fun without hopping into the sack.

I like fairly long posts, but I dont have the kind of dedication it takes right now to write you novels every week. And yes. I said every week. Thats as much post frequency as im willing or able to promise right now. I'm busy. This is just for funsies. I typically avoid slice of life stories, but I could be persuaded if you had enough spice to add to it. But who knows! Show me what you've got, ladies and gentlemen. I've got a pretty wild imagination.

Well. If I sound like I might be your kind of person, go ahead and shoot me a message! We can talk about plots and characters and see if we'd be a good fit.

I look forward to hearing from you!
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