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Fx Any Looking for some Wolf/Werewolf rps Edited: 2/6/2024 added a new plot with more to come now that I am back!~


The wolf who serves
Mar 11, 2011
Okay, so I've been kinda on a long hiatus due to college and spending time with my daughter, but with me getting so close to graduation, which I'll be graduating in the Fall. I'm studying for a studio arts degree now. All I need is math next semester then I graduate, with that said I've got some free time now to RP and I'm feeling pretty good about myself. Anyway, I digress, as for introductions for those who don't know me, I'm 33 years old and going on 34 next month, I'm very experienced in RPing, and I will RP via Discord or Threads only. English is my primary language and though I am not a grammar nazi, I still prefer to use proper spelling, hell Spell check is my best friend! Anyway, I have been reading and listening to a TON of books about wolf shifters and werewolves. I do enjoy them very much so and they've been inspiring me to come back here to maybe write some more plots and/or work on some new ones with whoever wishes to work out a new one with me! Maybe something I haven't thought of yet? :"3 To note: I am mostly a sub but can play a bit of a switch. Just don't expect me to be dom all the time. I can be your equal but not the main dom. An alpha equal is what I thrive to play as. :"3


The elf who cried werewolf

Every night she cried werewolf, and every night the villagers came running out carrying pitchforks, torches, axes, swords, the whole works, but to no avail was there any real danger. Her parents had been killed by the monster, or so they had been led to believe, not knowing that they had lurked in the shadows waiting for the right time to strike the town for when it was left unprotected. But when Sesshimara Dawnsorrow was little, her parents had been taken by the beasts and never were seen again, the villagers took her in and for so long she cried werewolf... And tonight, when she cried, no one came, she cried and cried and when no one came, they attacked, for real... [Craving this badly again...]

The ones who fell from grace

The war against the werewolves had taken its toll on the kingdom, and the king and queen were left with one option left, to end the war they had to give up their youngest and eldest daughters to the beasts. They knew not of what they wanted with their two daughters, but if it ended the war then it didn't matter to them, only it did. The weres wanted royal blood to turn and breed a new form of werewolf, one that would decimate the kingdom completely....

The moonlit curse

Since her sixteenth birthday she was cursed to turn into a wolf, cursed to shift, to break every bone in her body just to have it reformed into that of a wolf. She hated it, but most of all, hated being the the only one like this. Her parents were killed by a rogue pack, and she refused to join just any pack. Not use to pack life she is branded a lone wolf, and as a lone wolf, she is weakest without a pack and is susceptible to being killed off without the protection of a pack.

Moon touched

Sesshimara Dawnsorrow (werewolf name Sesshimara Thunderpaw) was born as a hybrid, half witch and half werewolf, yet she doesn't know this. Her mother gave her a enchanter silver necklace when she was five to wear always and she was told to never remove it. Especially on or after her sixteenth birthday. Never knowing that there was another world of which monsters were real. She is then approached by a recruiter during her prom and is then given the option to join a elite school for the gifted, stating that she is an alpha that is to be part of something bigger than anything she could ever imagine.... (Really craving this one)

Werewolf x Half Human and Half Phoenix [The half human part can easily be turned into half wolf later once bitten]

Pant Pant, she ran, jumping over logs and fallen tree branches as the howling neared her. She was the last half phoenix alive and the races had been raging an underground war with who'd get to claim her and make her human half subcome to their side by a bite. The Dragons of the West wanted her for the riches she held, while the Wolves of the North wanted her for breeding due to their race nearing extinction, the Bears to the East wanted her for her longevity, and last was the lions to the south, they wanted her dead for they saw her as an abomination to the world. The Wolves had gotten the upper hand and with a Phoenix to breed with... Their race would be reborn anew and not even the greedy Dragons or the Mighty Bears, let alone the Cunning Lions of Death, would stop them....

Queens never die... But they can be turned.~

Lilly, aka Liadrin Dawnsorrow, is the current queen of the remaining Dream Elves, she has power, magic, and a sexy body! But with power and what she had comes envy from others... Her reign has been on rocky waves since her parents' sudden deaths, little did she know that her becoming queen would open the portal for the beasts from the underworld...

The one that couldn't get away (A Werewolf rp)

It was mid-July and her eighteenth birthday was upon her, not knowing of her family's forbidden hidden, truth, her family were all werewolves, granted her mother wasn't born as one, her father had turned her so she'd be able to be with him. Her elder siblings were all born as weres, but yet no one told her till she started turning from the night's full moon, let alone that she would be forced to mate with not one, but four futa were sisters! The other packs were dying off due to the lack of offspring, but those who were female, or futa, was surviving, and in fact, their pacts were thriving so well that their numbers reached a entire kingdom's worth. The futa's parents were from a futa mother and a male father, only the males born from a futa mother survived, while all the women in the pack were futa. Sesshimara, was from the Romanian pack, a very small and dying off pack. Her siblings were all off married, as she thought, to others in different countries.... (This one I am asking for my rp partner to be able to play as the futa siblings who come to claim my character as their mate.)

Sister Dearest.~

Ever since they were born they were never allowed to see one another naked, Tatiana, Sesshimara's twin had walked into the locker room one day to find her twin getting undressed for a shower and couldn't help but watch as her sister slowly undress, revealing her naked form and her... Wait.... Was that a... Cock inbetween Tatiana's legs? She had never been allowed to watch her sister naked before since birth, and now she knew why.... But would Tatiana go after her for finding her dirty little secret and turn her into her bitch? Little did she know that her sister had been bitten by a werewolf a few years ago and with Sesshi being of the right age...

(I wanna see light to heavy BDSM as well as total mind fucks, want my girl turned into a breeding slut please.~)

The Pack Princess

She was born into a world full of war and violence. And she was now bound and was being brought forth towards her new pack, a pack full of males. Her and her sisters had all been brought, much to her demise and she was the only one who had been alpha of her previous pack, and that was due to all the males being killed and her being defeated, thus losing her powers as an alpha to the ones who brought them here. But to them, she was too much of a prize to have fully stripped her of her alpha status, her eyes still had the look of an alpha but were now much weaker, as if to still be powerful but weaker than the True Alphas.

Werewolf x Elf [Yes I want there to be rape and lots of naughty stuff done to my character.~]

It was late and the almost full moon was high up and the air was cold. It was the middle of winter and Iris was cold, freezing but she knew she had to go hunting for food. She ends up leaving her warm home to find herself hunting more than what she had bargained for...

Elunes Will

The moon was high and the night was cold, the war was still waging as the werewolves and the Dream Elves had been fighting for over thousands of years. For the king and queen, it had been taking its toll on them as they prayed to Elune, their Moon Goddess for the right way to win or at least end the war. And then their Goddess spoke to them, to end the war they had to join with the beasts to become one, by giving their firstborn as a gift to the wolves they would be able to end the war. But the firstborn would not like it and would go against their will and would try to escape. And so, let the hunt begin....

Destiny's Melody

Howls could be heard in the night again, as every night before. But the howls called to her, for Sesshimara Dawnsorrow she could feel them calling to her, beckoning her to join them. Yet she refused to join them. Yet as the last remaining Dream Elf of her kind, she yearned to be whole. Still, she wouldn't give into the madness that called to her, but even she couldn't resist forever... Right?

Moon Called

Some would call it a curse, others saw it a blessing. For Sesshimara Dawnsorrow she saw it as both. Born as a priestess of the Moon Goddess of Elune, she was gifted with sight and magic that could rival that of a royal. However, to the werewolves, they saw her as a prize and they needed her to free their god Fenrir who had been sealed on the moon by her very Moon Goddess. Thinking that turning her would be the key to releasing him is what led to the war upon the Kingdom of Nightfallen, to which they would find her praying to her Goddess in the very temple named after the very Goddess herself... [I want to see BDSM brought into this, yes it may seem odd but we can discuss this over Discord on how we can incorporate it. I also want my character used as not only as slave but as a breeding tool for the future.~]

The Fallen Kingdom

In a faraway place hidden in the enchanted forest of Meridell, there lay a Kingdom in ruins with only few remaining royals left and with what remaining guards was left to guard one last remaining, living, Heir over the entire Kingdom, a lass by the name of Sinvious Halthrus, the last remaining daughter to Durell Halthrus the XIII. With her untainted still the magical barrier that keeps the magical world hidden from the mortal realm, remains intact. However, should she fall to corruption like to the curse of lycanthropy like the rest who survived the curse and those who didn't... Well, they perished.
"Run my Queen!" One of the soldiers yelled to her as she could hear the snarls coming closer to her as she began to take off with the other guards behind her. How will she fare against the horde heading towards her?

Il'goth The Corrupt

In ancient times there were the old ones called the mad gods. Il'goth was the Corrupt that tainted, twisted, and turned creatures that were once normal or even semi-normal and turned them into creatures of the mad gods creations. Il'goth even reached out to the lands of the werewolves, which is were our war takes place. Werewolves with mighty tentacles that formed out of their backs and sides of their arms, often even replacing the males genitals to make breeding more predominant and more.... Ensuring. The war between the tainted Wolves and the dream elves had been a long one, but even the dream elves were starting to lose to them. Even though Il'goth, C'thulu, N'zoth, and the other mad gods had been sealed away after the war of the gods... Their influence still continues to corrupt and slowly taint the minds around them.... With Il'goth being the worse. [what I wanna see here: corruption, duh, to see my character/characters turned into not only a breeding slut but also to have one to be a full tainted alpha female the help overlook things. An equal to say the least. Some bdsm, and I might... I empathize on MIGHT try bathroom control for this depending on how you present your idea to me. I'm open for ideas on your kinks too!]

Red's Demise

Poor little "Red", as everyone called her due to her fiery red hair and temper, she found herself lost in the woods, no cell phone signal and no pay phone in sight. She is left to wonder the woods after her ex dumped her on the side of the road. He dumped her there because she refused to sleep with him and they had only been together for a couple months. She said she'd been waiting till she got married, but now she is trapped with howling wolves and no one to save her from them. Will she survive the night and make it home? Or will she fall prey to the unknown?

The Canis Lupas Way

Thousand years have passed since the great war between the Canis Lupas, a mighty Werewolf race, that ravaged and took no prisoners, except for one. A rare Dream Elf girl had been their main goal and after many years of searching for her.... They finally found her, she in their eyes, was to be their savior, someone who could bring life back into their packs. After the war, their females had stopped producing heirs and pups, and this Dream Elf was their key to bringing their race back to its former glory. They knew that she was susceptible to their bite and would be able to save them all. However, will she survive the bite? Or will she be damned to purgatory for all life?

The Lycan King and the Dream Elf

Thousands fell to the Dream Elves and thousands of Lycan's have died trying to obtain the princess of the Dream Elves. However, the war draws near its end and the Lycan King has cooked up a plan to capture her, himself. He has lost too many of his kind due to the war and this time, he has a chance at his prize. He's always wanted an heir and yet no mate he took could bare his child, thus he has set his eyes on Sesshimara the Dream Elf Princess. It was said that by their legends the princess would be the one to win the war and to give the Lycan King heirs to help rule....

The Lycan's Rule

Lycans rule over the world and have since the fifth war, with humans, elves, and other creatures at the bottom of the totem pole now. Many have been seeking the last of a hidden race of elves and many have failed to seek them out. The mighty king has been in search of this rare breed to infect and bring to their knees as their defiance will soon come to an end. With the princess at the top most wanted and any who find and bring her to their king will be rewarded handsomely. After the fifth war however, their kind has been inflected with a unknown virus that ONLY the princess can cure for it was she who condemned them all after the war, she made it to where their females could only carry one pup every ten years, and only she could cure them should she be turned into one of them. But will the king every get his claws on her? Or will his race continue to die out before she is found?

~More plots to come~

What is a Dream Elf?

Okay so I've been asked this question, and it's a race that I've been working on for a few years now. It started out as a DnD race which I've moved over into a rp race that I myself adore. They are a rare race of elves who live immortally and can only be killed by the means of gold. Humans learned that gold in the purest form, granted they learned that by magical means they can add gold to other materials such as, silver to make it stronger so that it wouldn't break, but they found out later that diamond was the best thing to merge with gold seeing as it turned it into the strongest weapon that didn't break when forged to kill a dream elf. Now, What does a dream elf look like? Well, simple! If you look at the World of Warcraft's Blood Elves they are similar in looks but have red eyes and paler skin, that of which matches the moon or as some would say, a vampire's.

What is a Dream Elf immune to?

They are immune to everything BUT gold and a bite of a supernatural being. Meaning, yes they can be turned into something else. Are they immune to other curses and diseases not tied to beasts? Yes, they are. In a sense, they are derived from the moon goddess Elune, (Yes I stole the name from Blizzard but that was all I stole).

What can a Dream Elf do?

They are blessed by the moon goddess and as such, they can perform not only magics of destruction, but they can heal as well. Some have even been able to turn life into death magic, but those are rare.

What are the classifications of a Dream Elf and their powers?

Royals are the top of the line in magic and can perform all forms of magic, from destruction to life, healing, elemental, and even death.
Vectors are second in commands and are the royal guards to the royal family and can only perform three forms of magics, they can vary.
Priest and Priestesses are blessed by the Goddess herself and are special, they are gifted like the royal families and can hold various magics. Some see them as the true embodiment of the very Goddess herself.
Scepters are the ones who oversee healing and death magic.
Peasants can perform any form of magic, but only be born with one at a time, rarely ever two.

Here's a link to my F-List

My Discord is: sesshigobloodpaw
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Will add more plots hopefully tonight when I get home from shopping and looking at Christmas lights with my daughter and family. ^^;;

Edit: I do have my cell on me so I will be able to do replies, just will be slow. ^^;;
Added Werewolf x Half Human and Half Phoenix Plot, that was from a previous thread~
Added some more plots from my previous thread but they were the more favored of the bunch and more popular of them too.~
The Girl Who Cried Werewolf is taken now, but there are more rps up for discussion! ^^
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