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Fx Male Super Vanilla, Long Term, Slice of Life . . . Who wants to be my virtual boyfriend?

Jun 6, 2020
So here is my crazy, but potentially very boring to some people idea, I want to play your most ideal woman, starting with a first date and playing to whatever logical conclusion we both agree to. Maybe it ends up being dating, moving, in, getting married, having kids . . . I'm just sort of interested to see where it leads. Maybe it ends in a horribly messy break-up. I kind of interested in making this into a bit of a simulation of a real world relationship.

First of all, when I say I want to play your ideal woman, I'd ideally like to play one of these woman Make Me Your Dream Girl . . . but I want to act like, talk like, walk like, have the job of, sexual interests, politics of, etc. . . . whatever you think your ideal girl would have. The more specific you can be about that, the more fun it would be for me (and hopefully for you in the end).

I'd also be more than happy to mix up the smut to plot ratio as much as you like. If your ideal woman is a total slut, who wants it all the time, then that is how we would play it. If she is a shy girl who takes some time to open up, then maybe it would be a little bit slower with less smut and more dating and flirting. But I've realized I'd like to keep it from being entirely driven by sex, so I don't really so much want to play a nymphomaniac for this scene.

Ideally, I would like to find someone that I gel with so that this could become a long term play that we return to. And by long term, I mean keeping it going as long as we both are still gaining enjoyment from it.

Some specifics . . . I think for this one, I'd ideally like to play in first person. I can play either here or on Discord. I tend to post somewhere between one and three paragraphs per post, depending on my partner and the frequency of posting at a given time.

You can find my F-list here: F-list - Warning
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Okay, so some updates to this thread. It was way more popular than I thought it would be, and I realized some things that I will add here as addendums:

1. I really want to start pretty vanilla. Like I don't want to jump into a threesome or even sex. While I want sex to be a part of this, I would rather it weren't entirely driven by sex. Ideally, maybe there'd even be a first date without any sex.
2. I'm not at all good at playing very dominant. So if your dream girl is dominant, or larger than you, or stronger than you, or super muscular, that is just not for me. Sorry.
3. If you could start by giving me as much detail as possible off the bat, that is helpful and will keep us from having to go back and forth before realizing it is not going to work.
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