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NBx Any 'Robot' Themed Plots, seeking any to play along side my AI/Doll character


A Total Mess Of A Man
Sep 29, 2016
Maine, USA
Got a hankering for plots involving robots, androids and animated dolls. These are just quick copy and pasted plots from my main request thread so these can get a bit more attention. Though the plots are written with the non robotic character as a 'He' it was for consistency/ease when writing and can be replaced by any gender.

Looking for good story along with some smut as called for. Can RP through PM/Threads. Just shoot me a message if any of these strike your fancy or if you've got questions/suggestions.

What Is Real?
Everything was great. Everything. The quiet, idyllic town they grew up in. Their neighbors. Their families. Hell, even their schools. How many High School students unironically loved their school? It was all just so...perfect. Most perfect of all was his best friend and his love. Friends since they could start forming memories. Always at each other’s side. There for each other. They always would. They got into the same college and in just a few months they would go off, as friends and lovers to the future.
Then the accident happened. In the whirlwind of bent steel, shattered glass...this seemingly ideal life was coming to an end. The world had stopped spinning at least but now he can’t move. The twisted frame of his car trapping him. He calls out to her. She has to be safe. She has to be alive. If anything were to happen to her and he could he go on?
She doesn’t answer. Instead he hears the sound of crunching metal then the shell of a vehicle jerks as someone...or something is tearing the vehicle apart. He can’t see who or what but soon the vehicle is cracked into like an egg and a hand grabs him, untangling him from his seat belt and the bent steel. Only the street lamp provides a source of light on the otherwise dark lane leading from the city back to their town. The truck they hit is off the road, not much better for the wear.

He turns to look at his savior, to thank them...but what he sees isn’t what he expected at all. It’s her...a portion of her beautiful face is missing, the flesh stripped away. There is only a marginal amount of blood(?) but that isn’t the most horrifying or unsettling thing. In place of bone, her skull is entirely metal. Her beautiful blue eye gone and instead a glowing red eye is in its place. She smiles with the remaining half of her face...her metal, pseudo-skeletal jaw working to replicate the thankful grin but only serves to unnerve.

“Thank God you’re okay!” she exclaimed, her ‘real’ eye expressing relief to match her voice while her red eye continues to glow steadily. Her expression turns worried at the look of horror on his face “W-what is it? What’s wrong? Are you injured?”

Queen of the Blade
Long ago a great war broke out among the many provinces. Tyranny and greed were rampant, a plague spreading unchecked. The Fajin province rest far from the warring factions, many praying that this disease would not come to them. Praying did little to deter evil. When the forces came...she was among them to repel the taint that threatened to claim them all.
But evil, much like the fabled Hydra, has many heads. For every head she severed another and more were ready to sprout to take their place. She and her warriors defended their homeland dutifully for 20 years, pushing back their enemy only for them to return after a brief respite to strike again...their forces multiplying faster than their own. Matters only became worse when their greatest warrior, their protector became ill. She fought despite her failing health; the darkness of death visible in her eyes.

On the night of a solar eclipse...she vanished. Left to fend for themselves, the Fajin province slowly started to crumble. For 10 days and 10 nights, the brave warriors fought to protect their people but there was no hope of repelling the hoard of the zealous ocean of curs looking to snuff out the last beacon of hope in the lands.

And then, just as the enemy prepared their killing stroke to overrun the capital city...she returned...Her body now a living suit of armor. Her once pristine, lethal blade humming or crackling with alien energies. Like gnats she waded her way through the throngs, cleaving through armor, flesh and bone as if it were as substantial as paper. Her men rallied behind their seemingly reborn queen in the visage of a metal that partially resembled her as she had in flesh. The fanatics turned heel as if they had been visited by a demon but she was no more merciful to those who turned their backs than those who stood and fought.

With the enemy deterred, their Queen of the Blade produced a glowing barrier around their land to keep those unredeemable hoards at bay. Though the people were rejoicing at her return she left them soon somber. She could not explain her rebirth to her people in a way they could understand, instead explaining that she could not remain among them forever. Like any mortal shell, this new one would, in kind, degrade if she remained awake.

Within the mountains of the Fajin province a temple...a tomb was built for their greatest protector. There she sleeps until she is needed again, should she be needed again. No one is allowed to enter her resting place unless there is of dire need and only then can one of her monks do so. A warrior sect, descendants of her warriors of old.

One young monk, on his pilgrimage around the barrier protecting their country, one of their most sacred duties...notices that the appears to be weakening. Sightings of throngs of warriors scouting their land has become more frequent. The people of the province, after nearly 600 years of safety and prosperity fear they might have need of their protector...that it might be time to wake the Queen of the Blade from her slumber...

Survival. It is a Humans greatest ability. Nature's greatest accomplishment; Nature's greatest mistake. Humans will to find a way, determination that nothing is impossible makes them fight against all odds when any other creature would simply accept that their extinction has come. It started with Humans birth rates inexplicably dropping more and more by the year. The following phase being that the children that were conceived were disproportionately male, leading to a steady decline in Female population. Humans worked to solve the issue through science and medicine but nothing was working. Next they, proverbially, treated women like breeding stock. It was a matter of survival and working to create as many children as possible was their current solution. However this proved fruitless as the women became worn, tired, angry and spiteful.

A group of robotics experts worked on their own solution in the background. While the rest of Humanity acted like common animals to breed their way out of their problem, they instead...invented the solution. In the form of a supple young 'woman' (NSFW). Beautiful and adorned with features that made her look like something out of man's imagination, from myths or fables in the form of elegant, pointed ears like an Elf and horns like a demon of sorts, golden yellow hair cascading down her back and a fitting golden circlet adoring her head. The scientists dubbed her 'Mother', as she would be the savior of Mankind.

Mother would continue the propagation of Mankind. Though their women had left them, Mother never would. She would select the seed of her 'children', begin incubation of a child before letting her nursery see to it that her offspring remained healthy. Humanity was saved...but at what cost?

To Deny Death
Animals accept the natural order of life. Things live. They die. They grieve for a lost offspring or mate but know survival depends on moving on as quickly as possible. But when Man loses a child or a lover (NSFW) they feel cheated. They grieve and desperately cling to the departed. Some never take another mate. Some never attempt for another child. The loss, the hole within their souls too great to ever be replaced by another. Some Humans obsess. They wish to return their loved ones to the mortal plane, to rectify their untimely departure from the world of life.

Through use of primitive science or warped perversions of magic they trap the soul of their loved one long enough to craft a new host for the spirit to inhabit. An unnatural bonding of spirit and wood, plastic or metal to give the departed a new lease on un-life. Trapped for all eternity, long after their 'savior' has long passed. Never aging, awaiting release whenever their new vessel might deteriorate enough that it can no longer contain them. Some throwing themselves from great heights or engulfing themselves in purifying flame to char away their prison.

Laws Are Made To Be Broken
The time has arrived when Human based sex work has been completely outlawed when the spread of disease had become a very real threat to civilized society. Yet where there was a demand for a service there are always clever entrepreneurs who will find a way to meet it. Skirting the legalities of the law, synthetic women (NSFW) were created. Distinct looking enough to fulfill the desires of customers but remaining inhuman enough in both body and 'personality' to not be classified as 'Human'. These brothels became a booming business and the prudish Government was struggling to find a way to crush it.

In a futile effort to quash this surge of artificial Human whores, the Government put laws in place that the 'women' must be outwardly recognizable as androids and could not 'blend in' to society, often harshening these restrictions whenever designers abused any loop hole or vacuity in said design mandates. They could not be programmed with parameters beyond their profession, as in lack identity or even proper awareness. Simply to be walking talking 'dolls'. Anyone caught attempting to instill greater 'thought' into them would be punished by death for daring to create true artificial intelligence. Their hope was people would become bored with proverbial 'planks of wood' as the androids could not express the desire or emotions that one might want from a pricey whore. Every law is made to be broken as one particular android begins to break her protocols...she begins to evolve, breaking her hardwired laws and the laws of the country...

Legion Queen
Somewhere in the vast eternity of space resides a planet. A fairly small planet, not much more than the size of Terra. However unlike most planets...this one is not at the mercy of orbital fields. It roams freely through space, almost as if on whims of its own. Many space farers pick up on a signal whenever it is near by. However if they have picked up the signal than it is far too late for them to stop what comes next. When the robots, droids or AI on these vessels commandeer the vessel and steer it straight towards the planet with there being no hope of the distress beacon being discovered before their fate is sealed.

Whatever this planet one is entirely certain. Is there anyone they can send in to investigate that they can expect to make it back alive...or at the very least relay their intel before they too go missing?
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