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Fx Male MARVEL, UNTIL DAWN, FROZEN, HADES, HARRY POTTER ◤ literate, long-term, fandom search thread. ◢


Oct 26, 2014


Hello. Call me senpai. To make the introduction short and sweet, I'm searching for literate partners to indulge my fandom cravings. I can be convinced to play some original pairings if you're persuasive enough.
  • I'm fairly picky when it comes to choosing my RP partners. If I'm to be spending my time writing posts for you, I'd want to make sure that we are writing compatible, and that our interests align near perfectly. You can always expect a bare minimum of three paragraphs from me each post, and I expect the same from you. I will never write one-liners. I also love creative partners that occasionally takes the initiative in our RP and inspires me to write better, longer posts for them. Nothing burns me out faster than a stagnant RP with repetitive scenes and boring characters.
  • Under no circumstances will I ever be okay with you controlling the way my character acts, looks, or says in the RP. I'm all for bouncing ideas back and forth, but I'm not in the market for you telling me what kind of character I should play while leaving me no room for my own creative input. I am not interested in playing dull flesh-bags for your character(s) to dominate and fuck. If I am playing a canon character, please respect my portrayal of said character, and I will extend that same courtesy to you and yours.
  • While I do love playing out smut, I find it gets repetitive when there is no chemistry between the characters, or any build-up of tension. Sometimes, too much smut destroys a promising thread. I expect a healthy balance of smut and plot in my RPs as they will most likely be long-term. For those of you who are numerically inclined, that would be a 60 to 40 ratio, favoring plot over smut.
  • This may be a deal-breaker for some of you, but I actually enjoy romance in my plots. I find my characters tend to perform better sexually when there is a romantic or intimate connection between them and yours. I love slow-burns, and fleeting gestures of intimacy that happen over a long-term period. If you're not in it for the long haul, I'd prefer we don't start at all.
  • The number of posts I can give you per day really depends on my muse. Sometimes, I can write you ten posts a day, no problem, but other days I may struggle and you may not hear from me for a couple of days. I can't guarantee any number of posts as that's just setting me up to fail, so expect sporadic replies at worst. You can feel free to nudge me if I haven't responded in a week, and I'll have no hard feelings if you decide to drop because of my sparse replies. On the other hand, I probably won't check in on you if you haven't replied to me for x number of days. I honestly couldn't care less if you ghosted me.
  • I'm flexible when it comes to my character's position in the bedroom. Sometimes, they can be dominant. Sometimes, they're submissive sack of shits. For canon ladies, I will always play them as close to their personality as possible, with some creative leeway. I personally don't like defining a character by their position in bed, so... take that as you will.
  • I prefer RPing over PMs, with possibly a side conversation for OOC chatter. The OOC chat is not required, but I personally like tossing ideas back and forth between replies and bolstering some enthusiasm for the pairing. It personally helps me keep the muse alive if I know my partner is just as excited to write them as I am. If you prefer radio silence, that's perfectly fine with me, too.
  • In your first message to me, please tell me what pairing you're most interested in, include a writing sample, and maybe some vague ideas that we can improvise as we chat.
As for my hard limits, do not try to negotiate them with me.

Kinks: anal (giving, receiving), oral (giving, receiving), breeding, pregnancy, dirty talking, pegging, monster cocks (shape, not size), power play, spit, excessive foreplay, intimacy, adultery (tentative), dry humping, fingering, dub-con, romance, slow-burns, pubic hair, sexual exhaustion, rimming (giving, receiving), squirting, stomach bulging, masturbation, voyeurism, exhibitionism, incest, femdom
Hard Limits: macro/micro, vomit, scat, cannibalism, murder (of main characters), furries, sissy/femboys, bimbofication, breast/butt expansion, harem plots

Now, you might be wondering why I don't have an extensive list of fandom pairings I'd like to do. I decided that I'd rather just list my current cravings and update them regularly to see if anyone bites. I have a lot of roleplays on my hands and would like to keep it down to a few. I also don't RP the same pairing with more than one person, unless that person has ditched and is long gone. If you still see the pairing listed here, it hasn't been taken by anyone else yet. Note, these RP ideas are rather vague and sexual. I would prefer to make this the starting point, and somehow find a way to make things long-term if you are so inclined. If you're interested in any of the pairings of the day, let me know. Hope to RP with you soon.


Image Inspiration: X X X (NSFW)
Possible Kinks: Adultery, Outdoors sex, Superhero sex, Sexting, Possible Pregnancy
Note: Since I'm not too familiar with the Comics, I will be playing Felicia Hardy as a mixture of her Comics and PS4 game's personality.
Plot: Spider-Man regrets settling down with Mary Jane when his girlfriend is constantly working and leaving him uncared for. Against his better judgment, he desperately gets in contact with his old flame, Felicia Hardy, and tries to rekindle the relationship that he foolishly broke up. This could lead to a lot of sexting behind Mary Jane's back, rooftop chases, and risque, outdoors sex. What happens when he accidentally knocks her up?

Image Inspiration: X X X X (NSFW)
Possible Kinks:
Outdoors sex, Noncon, Dubcon, Humiliation, School uniforms
Plot: Whenever the two are together, they fight like cats and dogs. Hermione finds Draco absolutely deplorable, but Draco discovers that his cruelty towards her is founded on a secret desire to be with her. Unable to receive her love in an organic way, slips an amortentia potion into her tea, and waits for it to take effect. He struggles, however, to come to terms that he desires a Mudblood so much.

Image Inspiration: X (NSFW)
Possible Kinks:
Pussy/Breast Worship
Plot: In order to acquire her boon, Zagreus must be willing to reciprocate in more ways than one... Or, Zagreus has entered a chamber wherein he has to pick between another god and Aphrodite. He picks the other god, and Aphrodite, with all the fury of a woman scorned, descends upon him with all her wrath.

Image Inspiration: X X (NSFW)
Possible Kinks:
Plot: After the events of Frozen 2, Elsa leaves Arendelle to her sister and finds another life for herself in the woods where she coexists with the four spirits peacefully. Your character can be a huntsman or a traveler that lost his way, or perhaps a foreign prince who intends to make her his bride back home? A commoner at Arendelle who's been in love with Elsa since she had been the reigning queen?

Image Inspiration: X X (NSFW)
Possible Kinks: Adultery, Teasing, Lingerie, Masturbation, Voyeurism
Plot: While Jessica and Emily are busy fighting over Mike, Mike has his sights set on Sam, who he's seen in her underwear one night. He knows she likes keeping to herself and can't be bothered with all of her friends' numerous love affairs. How will he express to her that he's starting to see her in a new light?
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Ada thought it was adorable how, despite Leon's best efforts to be discreet, the purposeful way he positioned himself to grab her, or peek at the most flattering angles of her body was so blaringly obvious. At first, the rookie officer's clumsiness and shortsightedness had been rather annoying but now that it translated into something more endearing, it was just that. As Leon circled behind her, a part of Ada felt vulnerable, as one would with a man given such an advantageous position, but while Leon was so engrossed in her cleavage, Ada had her hand tucked conveniently over her pistol. It loosened, and so did her intense, skeptical gaze, when he seemed to do his job of dressing her than anything remotely dumb. She relaxed a tad bit, now a little more aware of the officer's erection practically bumping against the back of her head. Had she turned her cheek, her lips would be right there to kiss that poor, suffocated thing.

"Well, a certain puppy got that dressed for me," Ada mused. The patchwork Leon had done on her thigh was decent at best, but it had held up thus far and was now due for a redressing. With a cocked brow, she took the rolled joint, getting a slight whiff of something medicinal to put her suspicions to rest. Even as oblivious as Leon was, she wouldn't put it behind him to betray her somehow in the same epic way she had done to him. Had it been her in his position, this reunion wouldn't be so... professionally cordial. Ada pinched the joint between her thumb and forefinger, then took an experimental puff of it. The first hit was minty, instantly numbing the worst of her pains and even easing the guard she had up since their meeting. After the second and third hit, her senses were slightly dulled, but not so she didn't notice the way he was trying not to peek up her coat.

"I might lose the rest of my limbs saving you," she said with a vulpine smile. She lifted one of her legs, black heel rested on his collarbone, the tip of her shoe turning Leon's face into the dim light of the single bulb overhead. Ada's eyelids lowered half-mast and a plume of herbal smoke exhaled from her lips, framing his beautifully sculpted face. "You're just a reckless rookie." The statement was pointed more to herself, as if, in her delirious stupor, she couldn't believe she was risking it all for this brunet. Perhaps, she was the real reckless one, putting herself in direct danger time after time again for an obstacle in her mission. It was aggravating, and yet, she couldn't help the natural, even lustful pull she felt towards Leon since the moment they met, and judging by the rookie's hard-on, he couldn't, too.

His scent was just as intoxicating to her as hers was to him, but the two couldn't be blamed, considering the circumstances they were in. Past the awful stench of sewage and zombie guts, Ada was sure Leon smelled divine, if the faint bit of musk she'd picked up from his crotch was anything to go by. Already, she was imagining him inches inside of her, pumping her full of a pearly load so heavy and thick that she'd be dripping it down her legs for hours. What she desired was carnal, like a bitch in heat who'd been turned to desire anything that had a ripe set of balls in her proximity, but she was too good at what she did, and hid those sinister thoughts under a carefully construed smile.

"Think we can lay low until morning?" she suggested as a challenge. Maybe, if they were lucky, they could sleep, but Ada doubted either of them fully trusted the other to get some shut-eye on each other's watch. If sleep was out of the question... "I could think of a few ways to keep us busy." The heel pressed to Leon's shoulder slid down the front of his bulletproof vest until it rested just over his chafing bulge imprisoned in those tight slacks. "Don't think I haven't noticed." Noticed the way Leon had been stealing glimpses of her breasts, and even copping a feel where he could. She didn't need to be an insightful spy to notice his lack of subtlety.

After extinguishing the blunt on the table, she pulled him close by the strap of his vest and kissed him, this time doing a bit more than the chaste peck she'd let him have a taste of on that cable car. Would Leon Kennedy refuse her advances because of his own self-righteous, moral agenda, or was he a wolf like the rest of them, unable to think with both heads at the same time? She was eager to find out either way.

"You wanted a look."

And she indulged him with just that, parting her legs confidently so the coat rode up, exposing the puffy folds of her pink pussy, and the wet patch it had formed kissing the bottom of the metal seat.

A part of her wanted to cry at the cruelty she witnessed before her. In the shadows, Sylas' hulking form looked like a beast's weighed down by chains so thick that Luxanna would have thought they were designed for beasts of burden, rather than a single man. She'd put in a timid request to the guards to at least keep his area clean, just so he'd have a comfortable spot to rest his head at night, even if his designated bed was just a patch of fresh dirt rolled over his cell floor. The rest, she tried to compensate for herself, providing Sylas real food, entertainment, and her company through the loneliest of his nights. She was doing her best, and yet, she couldn't help that gut-wrenching feeling in her stomach whenever their evenings together came to a close, and she was back in her bed, sobbing into her pillow about how unfair everything was. She couldn't help but feel that she wasn't doing her best to free him of this unjust predicament. There had to be something more substantial she could do to help, a way to make her happy ending come true, but without a way in sight, her light dimmed.

"Put a little more faith in me, Sylas," Luxanna teased, a gloved hand pulling back the hood of her silken robe. Tresses of her golden hair fell around her shoulders, tousled waves framing the shape of her petite face. Even in the darkness, the Crownguard maiden seemed to glow her own source of light, from the golden sheen of her hair to the crystalline blues of her eyes. "Got a roast beef sandwich here with your name on it. Some tangerines, too!" Eagerly, she unfolded a meaty sandwich jam-packed with more slices of juicy, rare roast beef than it probably had before Luxanna had made some custom changes to it. She wasn't the best cook, so she'd taken the liberty of snatching whatever she could from the pantry and making something simple. The least she could say was that it was probably better than rats.

She squished the slices of bread together in order to smuggle it into Sylas' cell in one piece, then the three tangerines that she had also stolen from the fruit bowl. Once her gifts were presented and the handkerchief was empty in her lap, the silence fell heavy between them. In this cell, everything echoed, and so did her resounding sadness for the man she loved, bound and shackled in chains. She mustered up the courage to curl one hand around the thick bar that separated them, reaching in with the other hand to touch Sylas' face. Her white gloves had been a part of her uniform and a way to keep her powers in control for so long that she didn't think of taking it off immediately. Still, she felt his warmth seep through the thin silk, and it set her heart aflutter.

"Tell me how to help you, Sylas." her brows lowered ever so slightly, and she leaned forward so close the metal of her breastplate tapped against the bars she desperately wanted to bend out of the way. She'd only known and touched Sylas like this, and despite their relationship comprised of intimate chats and whatever physical contact they could make between inches of free space, Luxanna had never really touched her own lover before. "I want to," she nodded, her fingers curling around thin air as she tried to reach for his shoulder. He was too far, so she settled for his forearm, her hand running over his petricite shackles, to rest over his calloused knuckles. "I want to help."

If he needed more books, she'd make the necessary runs. She had no real pull to her words despite her family name, at least not the kind of authority she needed to stop the public execution of a national criminal. She had thin, but helpful connections in Demacia, in the Illuminators, and most importantly, a will to save Sylas that was stronger than the bars that separated them. "I just want to..." her lashes fluttered as she exhaled a shaky breath. "I just want to be with you." Certainly not with her betrothed, Prince Jarvan, or any of the other interested suitors Garen was so eager to arrange her with. She knew who she wanted, and she'd settle for no less.
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