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Insatiable Sadie

Aug 29, 2016
Let me start this request thread with a few things that any new partner should know about me and my preferences.

I tend to write anywhere from 2 to 5 paragraphs per post. The first post always tends to be the longest to include things like background and the basics. I like a lot of description and things to respond to. I hate when it is just simply a reaction to what I posted without moving things along at all.

I do not do god-modding. IF there is a situation that requires stating the other person's reaction then it should be discussed BEFORE the post. With that said, I also like to plan things out. It makes it easier when we know and agree on what direction we are going with the plot. If you have issues with something I post, tell me and know that I will do the same. I will change things as needed.

I try to post multiple times a day but on weekends it may be more sporadic. I will try to give advanced notice if I won't be posting for more than 2 days. Please give me a heads up if you are going to be gone.

I do not do canon characters. If it is from a show/movie/etc, that I am into I will work within the universe but no canon characters. I tend to stay away from sci-fi and superhero type RP.

Pairings/Themes I enjoy -

Incest – Father/daughter, Brother/sister (Occasionally I will do mother/Son but it has to be a really good plot.)

Nonconsent – I tend to go more hardcore/extreme for these. I RARELY will do one that will end up with my character liking it. I also have very few rules on what I am willing to do in these plots since if it is really nonconsensual my character won't have a saw. I like a bit of realism to it if that makes sense.

BDSM – I play submissive characters. I am not really comfortable with the Dominant side of it. It makes me uncomfortable and stressed out so I tend to avoid it. I do not really play the sub who tries to top from the bottom either. A little resistance when being trained is possible.

Romance – Sometimes a good love story really gets my attention. It isn't something I write on the regular.

Plot Ideas -

The Trouble with Talia – Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are at their wit's end. Their once sweet and innocent daughter has turned into a wild child that they fear they can no longer control. She has been skipping school, drinking, doing drugs, and staying out all night with her boyfriend who is a few years older. When YC, her older brother, offers to take her off their hands they agree. She is taken to his house and quickly learns just how strict he is. (Incest/BDSM)

The dangers of drinking – YC and MC have been best friends since high school. Everyone thought that the two of them would end up together but things never quite worked out that way. After a nasty fight with his girlfriend, YC and MC decide to go out drinking to get his mind off of the bullshit. It is something they had done many times over the years but this time seems different. The attraction has always been there, but neither of them ever thought of doing anything about it. With the liquor flowing through their veins one thing leads to another.

Game Over – It all started several years ago when YC and MC were playing an MMORPG. The two started talking a lot and became really close. While they live very far apart, there is a deep connection between them that neither of them could deny. After several failed plans to meet face to face, they had all but given up on seeing each other. One day, he has to travel to her are for work/family thing/etc and they agree to finally meet up. They meet up for drinks at a bar she frequents and the flirty nature of their friendship takes a turn.

One Last Time – The relationship started when MC was just 16 and YC was (depending on if we go father (Late 30s early 40s) or brother (18). The situation in which it started will depend on your choice of partner. Over the past few years, it continued sporadically, mostly with quick one off encounters. Now that MC is engaged and about to be married, it is the last time that the two can be together. It can either be a one night thing or longer while the fiance is away on a work trip.

Lila's Last Attempt – YC, Lila's father, is trapped in a horrible marriage to his second wife. Leaving her means he loses everything he has worked so hard for because he knows that she will ream him in court. She is a skilled liar and manipulator. MC, Lila, has watched her once happy father sink into a deep depression over the years and wants desperately to make him happy once again. On a weekend trip to close up the summer house/cabin, she decides to take drastic measures.

Revenge of the Nerd – In high school the name Lana Monroe struck fear in many of the students. She was a cruel girl who loved to torture those around her. Her favorite target was YC. He was a scrawny guy with an interest in computers and anime, (pretty stereotypical but can be changed to your liking). When she found out he had a crush on her, she used him to get her GPA up and humiliated him every chance she got when in front of others. Now, he has changed drastically. He works out, is successful, and has just bought the company her husband, a once handsome man who peaked in college, works for. She meets him at an office function and does not recognize him due to a name change and his appearance. He tells her that if she wants her husband to get ahead to meet with him in private and the two can work something out.
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