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Getting Feet Etc. Wet


Nov 28, 2020
So this is my first attempt at a request thread. I hope I hit everything that’s relevant and important to those that come to see what I’m all about. So here goes nothing!

Kinks and Limits

So my limits aren’t too restrictive. I do not do anything like feces, urine, vore, or things along that line. I find it disgusting, and way more of a turn off than anything. Other than that, I’m not sure how far I will go, so I’m open to trying a lot. Basically, give me the idea or kink, and I’ll tell you if it’s a no or not. It will most likely be a yes.

My own kinks? I haven’t explored a lot, but the ones I do know are pregnancy/risk of pregnancy, large loads, multiple partners, furry/anthro, kemonomimi (humans with animal tails or ears), dirty talk, bondage. I’m sure there are more, and some of these might be vanilla, but I’m willing to try all sorts of new things, so don’t consider that an “only this” list!


I will try to respond once a day at the least. Some days I respond more as availability comes up, some days I won’t be able to at all, but I will try for at least one a day. I do understand if your life is busy and you can’t meet the same, so I don’t expect you to - life is unaccommodating at best, and we should be able to understand that for each other.

I’m a little more expectant of post length. I’m not expecting a full novel in every post, far from it, but I like to give two to three paragraphs and at least want to see the same effort put forward by my partners. If you’re not willing to put an effort forward, neither am I.

I have a few role plays going on at the moment, but I would like one or two more to fill the day more fluidly. Now, this means if I get swamped I might not reply right away, though I will absolutely try to! Just have patience with me if I get a lot of responses at once. It’s usually sporadic, so I’m consistent enough, but sometimes I get replies all at once. Depends on the day.


I have story ideas, but I’ll list those at the end of this fun little post. First, I want to list some couplings I like outside of my story ideas. I’ll have more of those as I update this with new ideas. These are interchangeable for what characters we each play, but I will list my preferred role as the first one.

I’ve also had a major craving for furry role play lately, which is open for story ideas. I’ll be honest with this one, I’m not sure what kind of story, but I’ve really been wanting a furry anthro to have fun with. This can be either misty smut, or even on story, but let’s be real with this arc - it’s more of a smut craving than story. I’m flexible on it though. We can bat around ideas, or if you have one of your own, please let me know
(When referencing Anthro, kemonomimi is also okay, if furry isn’t your thing)
Healer x Tank
Airship Pirate x Mercenary
Dragon x Knight
Demon x Human
Anthro x Human
Anthro x Anthro

Alien x Commander
Law Enforcement x Smuggler
Recruit x Captain

Detective x Killer
Brother x Sister
Server x Patron
Student x Teacher
Client x Therapist

Story Ideas

Now for the two stories I have thought out, though not fully - I like my partner to have some say in the storyline, so I leave some of it open for a conversation about it. Let’s create something together!

Cursed Collar

This idea came to me when I was particularly excited (and you know what I mean) so I’ve been really craving to play it out with someone.

Basically, my character stops at a small shop that she’s been wondering about every day on her way to work for a week. It opened recently, so she’d been meaning to check it out.

Before work one day, she decides to visit. While browsing, she finds a beautiful collar amongst the wares. She likes it so much, she decides to purchase it. The owner insists she wear it out, so to quiet him she puts it on.

While at work, she finds out she can’t remove the collar. So she stops the next day at the store, and finds out in order to remove it someone must put a name tag on it, like one would a pet. The catch is, the person that does (your character) is naming her with that tag, and whatever he wants her to be - rabbit, dog, fox, etc. - she becomes. This is the part up to you - it can be just the tail and ears of the animal chosen, or a furry of that animal.

In public, she appears to everyone as just that pet. The collar makes her believe she wants to do anything her owner tells her to do. Anything. Even if she doesn’t want to, it heats on her neck and makes her do as she’s commanded.

We can come up with more together, like eventually they meet another couple with the same ... “problem?”
Story Idea #2

Over the Smog

This one is more steampunk influenced. The city below is clogged by smog and industrial waste, pollutants etc. The upper echelons live above the city, in clean air and untold riches.

Most people live below the upper clouds, barely making a living. An airship pirate has been attacking and looting Big Corporate ships for the past month, which has made them a bit of a heroic figure to the general public.

The big wigs don’t like her existence, however, and hire a well known mercenary/assassin to sneak aboard her ship and kill her or bring her to them. Things go wrong, and she captures him. There she explains she’s trying to bring down the filthy ones living atop the toiling of those below.

Perhaps he knows of a way to further her goals, and he wants to help. Maybe it takes a while, and they grow a bond as she keeps him in her brig. He keeps escaping, and she keeps capturing him? We could do any number of things with it.

Story idea #3

The Beasts

This one is a loose idea I had that definitely needs work, so we can talk about it more. But it’s a strange craving that’s sounded amazing to me.

Either MC buys two dogs at the pound to bring home, and she gets more than she bargained for, being turned into their bitch - which, she finds, she actually likes the feel of. This will have knotting, large amounts of cum, the whole nine yards.

Or it can be in the forest; she stumbles on a wolves den, where she unknowingly makes camp while lost in the deep woods. A wolf pack takes advantage of their new guest, and she stays because they offer protection should anything threaten her. Where the idea goes from there is up in the air.

Like I said, they need work, but you get the idea of what I’m looking for. If you have your own take on it, I’ll probably be game for that too. Weird kink, but I’d love to explore it more

So if you’re interested, which I hope you are, please let me know! And I mean in any of these, or even ideas of your own! I look forward to a good role play with as many requests as I can handle!

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