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Is there anything that the public agrees on?


Oct 14, 2013
At this point I don't think we'll ever fix the problems that ail us. Watching the year go by so fast I've come to an understanding . That we literally can't agree on anything . We can't agree on how to fix education , taxes , healthcare , voting , policing , courts ,abortion, media, foreign policy , racism , sexism or anything. Are we even accomplishing anything at this rate? It seems like we're stuck in a never ending cycle of wasted time .
The real question you should ask yourself is if you truly want everyone to agree on everything. And while I cannot figure out where you are from, Dutch I think you aren't.

Different countries have differrent views, and within those countries its citizens have even more different views. If we were to agree on everything, we have become robots. The examples you mention, and I know you could mention a lot more, but those ones have a very US American ring to it. That is, to my Dutch/European views.

I am vehemently against guns. and if it's up to me, they are banned anywhere and everywhere in the world. But that is an opinion based upon having always lived in a country without guns. And because I don't know what it is to be in fear for the colour of my skin, or my heritage or whatever, I cannot say if I were to agree to guns.
But it should be the power of political debate, to regulate things like that.

I think I understand your point of view, I think however you shouldn't focus on the wrongs in society, but on the rights. See positive in the world around you, and try to better yourself. But that's my opinion, you don't have to agree with me.

Um…. We have fixed more problems in 100 years than we have in 1000s. Despite our problems, it can and will never be a one-party system. That's sure death. I mean I think we are doing pretty well considering the life our grandparents had. That would be on a worldwide scale. If you fail to see that, that's unfortunate. Maybe read a history book? If not just try to remember not even a few generations ago no one was even bitching about half of what you've listed. All these things were a fantasy.

Apart from racism and sexism, we all agree we need those other things. So yeah, we all agree we need schools, hospitals, police, courts, taxes... We are just undecided on the right approach because nothing is ever black or white and humans are complex creatures who will go against the grain just to do it. Will we ever agree? No. Can we all agree on certain things? Outstandingly yes.

Turn the news off and bump your request thread. You need a breather, friend.

I don't want a one party system that would be complete chaos . I want multiple parties . Its just discouraging that when I was a kid that we're still haven't fixed some of this crap . People were literally talking about fixing healthcare when I was kid . Yes we've made improvements in some areas ,but at this point it feels like we're in a stalemate and nothing ever gets accomplished . Also I very much dislike the news media.
There's some very powerful people with a vested interest in keeping healthcare the way it is. And the people that own the news media have a vested interest in keeping things the way they are.
Yes, but you only hear about the ones that are newsworthy, like the timeless subjects of healthcare, foreign policy, abortion, taxes, various parts of education... presumably in an American context, since the US at this time especially struggles uniquely in areas other countries just don't stress over.

Each hot topic has hit an unhappy stalemate where enough people are content to carry on and brush off the problem that the two or more sides of a given issue (which have more in common than they'd like to admit most times) can never muster a decisive enough action to give it an answer. Between miscommunication and polarizing, not to mention genuinely flawed plans, even t he answers attempted simply cannot appeal to everyone. Someone gets shifted. And of course, there are motivations that often include keeping things the way they are to support an inefficient system that may not be ideal for the people, but are ideal for the ones who benefit from them.

And likewise important to never forget, some people, including some attributed ulterior motive, do genuinely believe what they're doing is right or the best they've got. Boiling people collectively to a particular reason that would put them on the defensive is one of the reasons things rarely change in such hot topics, even if both feet are dug in a position even they know is not that good.

As much as it can add to the above, I think the safest suggestion for any individual is to throw the above in the bin, look for the common ground if the issue does come up closer to home, and if you feel strongly about one of them, advocate in a reasonable way, one that would hopefully loosen the concrete boundaries of the conflicting opinion. In the meantime, live life and agree or patch up the things you have the means for.
I don't disagree with anything that's been brought up here, but I don't think anyone's really addressed the core issue OP is flagging.

Public discourse (at least here in North America, not sure about Europe) has never been so noisy, divided, and shallow. The twitterization of politics has made it a winning strategy to simply pour out incredible quantities of empirical lies. Claims don't need to have any credibility to gain legs; you can get your messages out to millions much faster than anyone can fact check them. The interconnectedness of the internet also means every wacko, conspiracy theorist, or Nazi can find a community to reinforce their own horribleness and cherry pick whatever information suits them. This is why previously eradicated diseases are back and a growing contingent believes the earth is flat.

This isn't a matter of "people have always disagreed, democracy requires debate," etc. The way we receive information and evaluate truth have changed in this era, with disastrous results for civil society.
True. Very good post Shiver.

I wish in the world we could agree on somethings but as long as there are two there is division. Hmm, like ice cream. Chocolate or Vanilla? What if genetically incapable of loving the other?

Take your avatar for instance. It is fucking sexy. Merow. I love it when posting around because I find it pure eye candy. Yet, I can't somehow start to think that others in the world might see it as a symbol of sexism, misogyny, debauchery, oppression.

As innocent as mine is, perhaps it's too spiritual and religious for others' enjoyment. Maybe even it too is too sexual. We probably could debate on these things all day.

Baby Yoda can spark mass media outrage, so can just about anything I feel like. What I thought was humor was horror.
I think a lot of the problem is things have become very extreme and if you disagree with something you tend to be alienated etc by one or both sides. There isn't much of a middle ground anymore.
Europe too. I remember a time "salary, politics and (age? religion?)" weren't discussed in public. I didn't know my parents' salary or vote. Now it's about yelling at people and convincing them.
Nothing will be fixed while we persist with the current mentality of disagreeing with the other side just because it's the other side.

"The other side" might have valuable ideas and experience. Ignore that at your own peril.
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