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Mx Female You wear flowers in your hair, we're all alone. [Summer of Love/60s Setting]

Mar 29, 2020


I have a very specific idea I want to pursue, and for that I am on the search for a female writing partner.

First a few very basic things:
  • I'd highly prefer to play over PMs, Docs, Discord or E-Mail. No threads.
  • I love to brainstorm and flesh out plots during brainstorming sessions, I'd be available on Discord for this as well. If you want to talk to me over there, shoot me a PM.
  • I am very flexible kinkwise, but I'd eagerly share my favourites with you later on
  • I'm open to the occassional one-shot scenario, though I would highly prefer mid- or long-term stories

About me
  • I’ve been roleplaying for over 10 years
  • I’m from Central Europe, if that should matter to you
  • I’m able to post 2-4 times per week at the moment. I probably won’t be able to go higher than that, so if you are searching for daily replies, I won’t be able to fulfill your needs. I’ve got a quite demanding schedule, but I’ll always let you know if I should be able to foresee it getting worse.
  • You can find my F-List here

What partners I am looking for

  • Someone who is equally interested in plotting and worldbuilding as me. I'm honestly tired of steering games completely myself, I crave for a mutual effort here.
  • A passionate brainstormer! Seriously, I have so many ideas, but I want to talk to you about them!
  • Someone who is quite literate and enjoys multi-paragraph writing. I usually aim for 5-8 paragraphs, sometimes more and sometimes less.
  • While I greatly enjoy the smutty scenes, I am looking for a multi-layered story here. There will be plenty of steamy scenes in this, but I do want some heartfelt, dark drama along the way.
  • Someone who fully read my requirements and thus puts their favourite line of a song into the subject line of their PM & and a writing example within the PM

Plot Idea: You wear flowers in your hair, we’re all alone.


(I'm keeping this as concise as possible, I want you make this story your's, too.)

Themes: Romance, Roadtrips, Adultery, Social differences, Age Gaps, Crime, (Un-)healthy Relationships
Setting: The mid-to-late 60s, Summer of Love

Basic Plot Outline:
A family father and business man in his early to late 40s is leading the perfect life - or so it seems. Having left his shady past as a conman behind him, he tries keeping up the charade as long as he can, trying to live the good, honest life for as long as he can, the occasional side-hustle the lone sin he allows himself to divulge in. But during on of these adventures he runs into her: She's a flower child, a hippie, she loves life, she enjoys drugs, she loves music, and more than anything else, she loves the con life. Their fates intertwined, and out of a little criminal fun an affair was born that looms over both of their lives, threatening to swallow both.

What I want from this story (among other things):

Flawed characters. My character? He will tell YC he loves her, he is going to leave his wife anytime soon, and then he postpones. Your character? She's all about her hate for the materialistic pleasures of the world, but when her lover puts that necklace around her delicate neck, the golden pendant resting on her skin above her breasts - doesn't that feel nice? And how good does it feel to con people out of their money?

Love, dark, twisted, all-consuming and craving love for each other. An insatiable lust for the two characters that threatens to devour them both.

Class differences. He's made, has money, he is used to fine hotels. She is trying to live a simplistic life. I want them to challenge each other, learn from each other. He spoils her with the finest restaurants, tries for her to not let her education slip away, she lures him into relaxing with her over a lit blunt, shows him some nice tunes and feel himself.

Burning jealousy. Oh, he has to call his wife to lie to her again? Maybe a flirt with the receptionist will send him a little reminder on what he's missing out. And doesn't it feel just so damn good when he comes back, all angry and heated up and claims you?


Interested? Than please write me a PM and do not reply to this thread. I'm looking forward to hear from you!​
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