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Fx Male Broad Strokes and Fine Details


Oct 25, 2019
I am a fan of the gentle reluctant. Where the hero of the scenario, through circumstances determined before hand, has the upper hand over the heroine and presses his advantage. But he presses that advantage slowly and gently, coaxing our heroine into fully entering and enjoying the scenario. The dialogue goes from "Oh, we shouldn't" to "Please don't stop."

I have a taste for the fantastic, from dragons and elves to robots and aliens. I can write the mundane if you wish, but I do enjoy writing in fantastic realms.

I like the naughty "What If." As in, what if this seemingly innocent scene in an animated movie became a little not quite so innocent.

And speaking of innocence, I do enjoy writing where either one or both partners in the scenario is the innocent, with the experiences unfolding before them being (more than) occasionally overwhelming.

So those are the broad strokes of what I like. So what would be some specific scenarios that would reflect my interests?

Hagrid looks after Grawp because Grawp is only sixteen feet tall, and is thus bullied by the other giants. But what if Grawp were twenty-five foot tall, but was rejected by the other giants because he has handsome human features and has a tendency toward cleanliness? The same encounter happens between Hermione and Grawp as happens in the movie, and Grawp is still differential toward the young witch, but the pair have a second encounter, just between themselves?

What if Zorro hid in the stables until after his pursuers raced through, then had his encounter with Elena?


You're a shy, gentle, innocent young man who, for his eighteenth birthday, has been given a tiny (seven inches tall) woman in a cage. What do you do?


Teenage K'Masi was sitting in her room on a far distant planet, doing teenager things, when she finds herself teleported to the basement of a young genius in his basement laboratory. Neither one of them was expecting her to show up in the young genius' laboratory, and neither one speaks the other's language. What happens next? Can they learn to communicate? Does K'Masi ever get home? Does romance bloom?


She's a Japanese assassin in a Steampunk version of the Wild, Wild West, both deadly and strangely innocent. She's trying to track down a mystical artifact stolen from her family's home in Japan. How does your male character encounter her? Does he aid her in her pursuit? Do they attract others who want to join their quest? Does romance blossom between them? Can your male character pursue a more intimate relationship with her without discovering first hand that she is truly the deadliest human being on the planet?


Okay, this is the one and only Mind Control scenario I'm willing to RP. But it has to be done SLOW. As in, if my RP partner tries to rush it, I will walk away from it without a word and without regret. Again, it has to be SLOW! And please don't ask me to do another MC scenario besides this one, because the answer will be a NO!

Details for this scenario are below, And one more caveat. If you participate in this scenario, do not write my character.

So here's the scenario. Four friends have been playing all sorts of table top games since they were twelve. Three of the friends are your typically nerdy white guys. They're not bad looking, and none of them are fat or anything. They're just your typical non-jack academic/gamer types.

The fourth friend is Ashley Gardener (pictured above). Amy is the daughter of an American military man who married a local woman while stationed in Japan. Amy is a very nice, but very shy girl. Growing up, she wore thick, black rimmed glasses whose bridge was always taped up. Her braces were reminiscent of a young Willy Wonka's. She was constantly battling acne, and her chest was a carpenter's dream: flat as a board.

But she was still once of the nicest people you could ever meet, and the guys were glad to have as her friend. They missed Amy when she went overseas for a year to send time with her mother's side of the family.

When Ashley left, she was 5'2", very sweet and very kind. She was still 5'2", sweet and kind when she got back, but that was all that hadn't changed. Amy had become a major babe while in Japan.

The scenario begins in the June before everyone's senior year. Everyone is eighteen. Ashley still thinks of herself as the same girl, and still wears the same frumpy, oversized clothes. She doesn't wear glasses anymore (she had laser surgery), but still thinks of herself in the same way as before she left. The guys know she's changed know. And they know when school starts again, everyone who treated Ashley as a pariah is going to see her hotness and swoop down on her. They know they're going to lose their friend.

But one of the guys has a solution. He has a device that can slowly reprogram the brain. Sort of like electronic hypnosis. He offers to use it on Ashley to help her with nervousness on certain tests. Which he does. But he also starts making slight changes in Ashley's behavior. But it can't be fast. The guys can't simply say "Get Naked and Pull A Train!" But they could suggest at first that Ashley feels more comfortable wearing slightly revealing clothing when she's alone with the guys.

This scenario will be filled with lots of false starts, reversals and setbacks. Sometimes a program won't stick in Ashley's brain and, if the guys move too fast, might erase the progress they've made. If you haven't got he patience for that, then this scenario is not for you.


In general, I prefer to write a character(s) who is female and somewhere between 18 and 30, in good shape, busty and darker-skinned. I like my writing partner to write a male character(s) who is between 18 and 50, in good shape and lighter skinned. I don't do pain, watersports or other toilet related activities, anal or forced. I prefer a slow development. I write my character(s) and you write your(s). In theory, I'm not against mind control scenarios, but in practice, I've discovered my co-writers in those situations never want to take it slow and always want to rush things, so I don't even bother with them anymore (except the one listed above).

I will write in forum threads only.

If you like one of the general ideas I posted, or have an idea that would fit in my general guidelines, drop me a line!
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