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Fx Male ↞ Play the Beast to my Orc? ↠ ♡ ↞ NSFW // Adv Lit ↠


some girls wander by mistake
Oct 20, 2019
❦ My Very Specific Proposition ❦
Hello there Bluemoon! My name is Ursa & I am looking for someone to play a pre-made forest demon of my design. I am a smut artist that loves coming up with character concepts, and earlier this year, I created my orc Rothruk & her beastly companion, Blackmane.

I have 0 backstory for these characters, with only a couple of ideas on how their relationship forms & blossoms. Each story I can manage to craft around this pair will be different, so trust that I am seeking a variety of players that want to be my beloved Beast -- please note I am looking for partners that are highly literate & into sensuality more than mindless e-RP! While I love my smut, I'm looking to craft a backstory/plot between these two, I just feel it'd be more fun to weave this story with someone else.

I've included some art of these characters, along with info about me, my preferences/kinks, & sample posts at the very end so you can decide if our writing styles are compatible. Thank you in advance & have fun out there, don't get too sticky. ❤ ❤

❦ Our Lovers ❦






By Monstrifex on Twitter


By Elysaesia on Twitter

❦ What I'm Seeking ❦
25+ IRL - just a personal preference.
Someone skilled in writing as monsters.
Replies at least once a week; I get we all have lives, all I ask is we communicate!
Lit - Adv Lit; No less than 2 well written paragraphs please.
Long Term Commitment.
Interested in communicating OOC; like f'real, writing smut with someone who doesn't want to ever talk kinda creeps me out.
Can write competent, drool-inducing smut & not "fat cock slapping against her pussy" for 5+ fucking posts - I will block you, on god.

❦ About Me ❦

Californian (PST timezone)
Professional Smut Peddler (NSFWhighempress on twitter)
Friendly Pervert - Open Minded to a fault, honestly.
15+ yrs RP XP
World-builder & Character Designer
Adv Lit - highly obsessed with creating rich environments.
OOC Friendly - If we hit it off, I love to chat through discord! I am very friendly OOC; I love to chat about RP's, plots, characters, and what dirty things our OC's want to do to each other.
My Characters are ALWAYS a little chubby with a soft belly!

❦ Personal Preferences ❦

3rd Person/Past Tense Only - I feel like this is usually a standard in RP but sometimes I see folks RP'ing in 1st person or present tense & I really don't care for that style.

RP via PM - I have a strong preference for PM's. I do have Discord but given the length of my posts, PM's make more sense usually. No threads, please.

Fetishes - If I like you, I'll titillate you with my full f-list, but here's a taste:​
I am a complete switch & can play whichever role you are craving. I prefer my partners be switches as well because I love flexibility & the ability to be spontaneous with our characters!

Sensual bondage, over-the-clothes action/pushing up clothing, unlikely pairings/opposites, scent/musk, submissive training, femdom, edging, teasing, monsters/beasts, whispering intimate details in public/embarrassing in public, voyeurism, magical strap-ons/cocks, pegging, androgyny/genderqueerness, genderbending potions/magic, orcs, muscular women, thick women, passionate lovemaking, poly relationships, outside sex, bathing/cleaning each other, soft warm scenes full of affection, Mentor/apprentice types of relationships, cute domestic scenes where their hearts go uwu for each other, building up to honest love in their character development, etc.

Realistic body types, pubic hair, dirt on the skin, sweat, chronic sickness/injuries, scars, disabilities, anything that makes characters more interesting as ~real people~, I am interested in. No prepubescent-looking hairless crotches please.

I am also a bit of a furry & love the following species of humanoid anthro:
Demons, werewolves, dragons (!!!!), naga/lamia, unicorns, pan/satyrs, mermaids, inhuman cocks, knotted cocks, & any humanoid with animal ears/tail/antlers/horns to be honest.

Talk to me about your faves, I'm pretty open except for the really nasty stuff like bathroom play. ♡​

Struggle for Dominance - My characters are almost always naturally commandeering, so it'd be interesting to see someone put them in their place (or try to). I am a switch & happily play both sides.

60/40 ~ 50/50 Plot to Smut Avg Ratio - Smut is amazing & all, but I prefer there be some sort of emotional bond or attraction established with characters before we go down that road. Slowburn, build-up, flirting, teasing, intimate moments are my priority -- I will write you novels of erotica if you give me lots of sexual tension to work with. *___*
However, sometimes I do crave more simpler, smuttier RP's, & I will make it very clear when that is the case.

OOC Chat - I'm very social & love to chat with my partners! I have been doing this for a long time, so I enjoy communicating outside of the story, so if you don't want to, that's fine but know I probably will not be interested in RP'ing with you for long if you aren't trying to be friendly -- I don't really want to just toss smutty replies to someone I never talk to, it feels a bit impersonal & weird to me.​

Please feel free to PM me with your Request Thread (if you have one) & a Sample Post of your writing style so I can see if we would be a good match!
I look forward to meeting you! ♡

❦ Sample Posts ❦
These are a variety of lengths to demonstrate my writing style & tone - I average around 3-5 paragraphs, but openers can always be a bit of a novel. Please do not feel intimidated by length, as quality is what matters.

Sample #1 (NSFW):
Ikarah was eager to study the boy-prince, enjoying the myriad of emotions that played across his bewildered face as he attempted to maintain some grasp of reality about the entire situation before him. Her lips curled upwards as he moved to grab at her bountiful flesh in a pathetic attempt to assert his dominance, though she was quick to sneer once he delivered a firm tug to the chain connected to her pierced nipple.

A jolt of pain ran through her body and induced the once sultry disposition of the succubus to turn dark; the glittering light in her eyes turned to a smoldering green flame.

Growling lowly to herself as she snatched his wrist, squeezing at the tendons roughly to surprise him enough so he would release her delicate chain that dangled from her breast while the red crystal about the pompous prince's neck began to glow bright. The web of black crackling started to slither forth, inky tendrils emerging from the pendant, "I warned you; I did! But do you listen?"

Twisting as they grew longer, the black snakes which came from her pendant would move to wrap about Wallace's wrists and yank them forcibly down to his waist, squeezing him tightly as he was firmly kept in place. A few of the tendrils slithered down to his legs to push against the backs of his knees, forcing him to the floor almost gently as her shadows began to pose the boy as she saw fit; hands firmly on his hips and kneeling in front of her.

"No, you do not listen - you are not used to listening," she said in a guttural tone, reaching a single hand in front of her so she may rake carelessly through his hair, lightly scratching at his scalp as she did so before securely grabbing a handful of his locks and tugging back, positioning his rebellious eyes up at her, she continued gliding forward as she spat at him, "and so I must teach you how to hear me."

Enjoying the sight of the prince on his knees before her, with his heavily clouded gaze that seemed to fight between spite and lust, she smiled cruelly while she held his head firmly in place. Rolling her hips forward, Ikarah pressed her tender, moist flesh against his mouth as she would grind into his jaw; slow and forceful.

Keeping his mouth positioned close to her excited, throbbing crest, she glanced down to him coldly and gave her orders, "You will eat me before I even consider entertaining your needs."

Sample #2:
Erinae was deliciously comfortable in the bubbling depths of the pool, allowing the heated waters to ease away all her weariness and troubles. The sight of the petite half-breed only made things more comfortable though, enjoying watching the smaller woman slowly undress herself as she raised a brow.

Her hazel gaze locked on the moistened chest of the other woman, enjoying how she was seemingly coated in equal amounts sticky sweat and drying beer, both products of dealing with the drunken Urathi, Erinae concluded. What a shame, her pretty clothes getting all dirty like that.

It was a lovely sight, her head tilting to the side as she shamelessly stared at the soft release of her bound chest. Though the sight of her heavy underboob was rather delightful, Erinae's mouth hung slightly open upon the sight of the weight of Ubriele's breasts, following them as every movement caused them to sway dramatically -- of course, the mercenary's eyes refused to miss a single moment of it as she cooed, "Of course, I don' mind at all, b'sides, ya' doing so much to help lil' ol' me," she said, swimming closer to Ubriele as she sat on a stool to fuss about her boots, "it'd be m'pleasure."

Wet fingers crept from the steamy waters, briefly rubbing them courteously on a small stack of dry towels that lay neatly folded near the pool in order to not drip all over the elf's lovely footwear. Surprisingly dexterous, given the fact they were a bit stubby, Erinae's fingers worked at the intricate knots that held the laces taut so she may deliver a firm tug in order to release the big bows.

Plucking the laces from the top and making her way down the length of the boot, Erinae propped herself at the edge of the pool in a manner that forced her large mounds to spill over the edge, a small puddle of water forming below her heavy tits as droplets beaded down both of them. Bouncing gently, she began to pull the left boot from the half-Malithar's leg, the fabric beginning to slide down her calf and off of her delicate feet.

Setting it aside, the mercenary began working on the right shoe with deft digits, pulling the laces loose with ease as she raised a brow, "Safe ta' say, I like it when things ar' nice n' tight," she purred, yanking the other boot off and placing it next to its partner. Taking Ubriele's exquisite foot in her calloused hands, the mercenary began to knead expertly at the tender bridge between ball and heel, lightly pinching her foot from the side as she would squeeze and rub at the sore areas on the inner slope of her arch. Hoping the elf would melt into her hands, Erinae attempted to ease her irritation with Urathi with a luscious, impromptu foot massage, her thumb rolling along the ball and under the knuckles of every toe, playfully cracking each one as she went, yet teasing her all the while, "ya' need ta releas' some o' that stress, ya' feet ar' so tense."

Sample #3:
Scorn filled the lamia's viperous eyes as that soulless chorus of voices rose from this human's throat, looking to the oddly enigmatic intruder that had dared enter her sacred grotto with fury emanating from those thin irises as he would state his purpose. Slitted nostrils would flare wide as her obsidian tongue flicked from her lips, her animalistic mind seeking out his musk within the humid air in order to properly calculate how to deal with this bizarre new threat -- something was odd about this one.

Tilting her horned head to the side, the beast would further raise her splendid body high into the air and tower over this oddly magical man who was brazen enough to remove his hood and expose the enchanted workings scrawled about his flesh. The lamia was only growing more curious at the sight of him, and moreover, how he showed little mortal fear in spite of her looming, cautionary stature.

Craning herself over him, her indigo lips tugged at the sides as she would present a wide and frightening smile for the man, her forked tongue wriggling forth and the flesh within her maw shifting and unfolding, only to reveal a wicked set of fangs that sat neatly over her plush lower lip when she finally closed her mouth; serpentine and human all at once in an uncanny presentation of mythical, dangerous grandeur, "You could have asked .. brought a meal for me even, but now you see fit to demand my nectar? Humans will never change," her tongue peeked out once more, still discerning his scent within her reptilian brain, "though you are not entirely human, are you?"

Perking a single brow up in inquisitive disbelief, the lamia's silver hair cascaded over her scaled shoulders, with gravity tugging at her heavy waves as she leaned back up, no longer casting a shadow on him before she would slither down and into a neatly curled pile of snake-flesh. The scales of her massive tail created a delicate, dancing pattern upon the heft of her body, shifting and swirling about as her appendage's muscles would coil tightly around one another, still at the pools edge as half of her length with lazily dangle and drift about the natural waters.

"Enchanted? That may not be the word you intended to use" the lamia snarled as she glared at the forthright, shameless male, with her prized fangs still kissing the curve of her chin with every movement of her humanesque lips. She would sniff at the air once more, a deep rumble rising from her chest after doing so, rolling her shoulders back and composing herself, "by the smell of it, you are more than enchanted."

Sample #4 (NSFW - CW // Non-Con):
The entire scene seemed to unfold before her in a hazy torrent of shadows and sordid flesh, and the paladin found herself within the clutches of numerous creatures with inhuman hands as claw and tendril raked along her skin, coupled with the slimy sensation of tongues playing across her caramel body which only caused the pit of hatred within her belly to solidify and ache.

Crysta screamed for help, her shrill cries echoing throughout this horrendously cursed temple as she found herself reaching for the quickly disappearing form of Vaaldemar -- a strange thing, the beast who had defiled and claimed her was now the one who she sought to be her savior in all of this.

It seemed to be a futile effort, for the cultists were quick to restrain and pin the woman down by every one of her limbs, her eyes slamming shut as she found foreign hands grabbing at her face and neck. Fingers slipped into her mouth, pumping past her lips and toying with her tongue before those filthy digits were replaced by the throbbing head of one of their oozing cocks, pre smearing on her defiant lips as she attempted to resist his forced entry. However, this mysterious figure was quick to clutch Crysta's cheeks, squeezing her roughly and causing her to yelp, which was promptly muffled with the girth of his invading manhood.

He was as merciless in his rutting as the sinuous peasant that roughly slammed at the tender mound between her legs, sending the paladin into another dissociative sea of confusion as her body fought the waves of pleasure that washed over her at they took her. She knew it was wrong, she wanted to scream through the thick flesh that continued to slam past her lips and down her throat, but she could hardly even breathe as callous hands gripped her strawberry blond hair with little care, grabbing her in rough clumps of knots as a means to keep her head in place for his brutish display of dominance.

Saliva dribbled liberally down her chin in heavy pearls, with numerous strings of messy spit beginning to form every time the cultist pulled back after hilting himself in her quivering mouth, her blue eyes smoldering with anger and disgust and she glared down to the boy who roughly bucked between her thighs, unable to do a damned thing as her nerves screamed for release.
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Seems the light at the end of the tunnel was a fire
Now I'm choking on the smoke in my lungs,
I'm so tired!
But I can't go to sleep with a mind that's so wired
You call that shit depression--
I call it inspired.
I wore my heart on my sleeve
and you stole my fucking shirt.
But go ahead and wear that shit --
happiness of the absurd.
"Love.. it's a weird thing, ain't it?"
You're fucking right it is.
Enlightened by the disquiet sight,
I kinda like this shit.
We fall in love with that which we project on each other;
then settle for reality,
or just reject one another.
I ain't shouting at you - I'm shouting to you.
Hello darkness my old friend
let's turn you into filthy lucre,
and suture wounds and tumors
with dark humor mixed with hubris
In lieu of future suitors
with a blast of nasty rumors.
I guess you broke my heart
but it kinda needed breaking
And the grating exasperating
hating's already dissipating.
I thought it was love
but I was wrong
Tortured a dove just to prove Prince wrong--
I love that song.
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