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Fx Male Quick Get Naked- Ive Got A Plan

Nov 7, 2020
Dab City
Actually i got a couple plans and more importantly.. i got your attention!

i joined Blue Moon and 2days later was in a car accident and my phone got TOTALED!
But ive got a new phone& a doctors note for no work for another month. Looks like im going to have some free time.yay- lets get naughty and have fun.

Here are some starters i came up with while i was stuck in the hospital. i apologize for any glaring typos (im blaming the morphine drip). I obviously have the craving to be dominated and/or taken hard ... dont judge- im blaming the morphine again... also im using as my character reference
Redirect Notice

° New Neighbor
"Don't fucking move" a deep male voice growled. Spencer closed her eyes and raised her hands in the air." Whats in your hand?" He snapped right behind her. She hadnt heard him move. He was quick." Its a smoke detector- i work for First Alert" she lied quickly. "Lifetime warranty- im here to replace your faulty detector" she finished. The man snatched the smoke alarm out of her hands; causing her to jump at his closeness. "Replacing my detector at 2 in the morning? I don't think so-nice try sweet cheeks" he laughed. She chewed her bottom lip nervously and looked up at the detector she had replaced.

"Put your hands on your head" he ordered. Spencer slowly moved her hands to the back of her head. "Turn around" he growled. She sighed before turning, keeping her eyes on the floor. Slowly her eyes traveled up his body. He was wearing some sneakers, a pair of black pajama pants hung loosely on his hips, his body was firm, nice arms , atheletic;definitely hits the gym, she could also see he spent a lot of time outdoors just from looking at him: he had a nice even tan early 30's, dark hair, and bright eyes. As soon as their eyes locked she inhaled sharply. She hadnt been expecting the intensity of his gaze. There was something inviting yet dangerous.. It was obvious she was checkin him out and he gave her a cocky smirk.

Sloan glanced at his hands, which were empty. No gun, taser, or knife. She flashed him a killer smile and made a break for the door. He showed sportsmanship and let her make it into the hall before he overtook her. He wrapped an muscular arm around her waist and they slammed into the wall. "Why dont you tell me why you're really here" he said as he spun her around. "You werent supposed to be home, your car is gone" she muttered. He growled in annoyance before shoving her back hard against the wall. "You did enough surveilance to know i was suppposed to be gone. but not enough to know i loaned my car out to a friend... " he started. He glared at the black baseball cap on her head and yanked it off. Spencer kept her face down as her hair poured outta the hat. He slowly looked her up and down. Her black leggings and fitted tshirt clung to every curve of her body. The shirt had a low enough neck line that the man had a good veiw of her chest rising and falling. "And definitely not enough to know i didnt leave like i was supposed to.. so do you want to tell me who you REALLY are ? Or should i just call the police Miss First Alert?" He asked . She froze and didnt answer him. Smirking again he pulled out his cellphone "9-1-" he paused for effect. "Wait- dont call the cops" she blurted. "Not good enough" he answered smugly. "I'll tell you everything.." she negotiated as she panicked. He looked unimpressed. "Please im on probation- dont call the cops! I'll do anything" She begged quickly.

°The Debt
Spencer tightened her bathrobe around her waste and briskly walked to the door."who is it ?" She asked. Thunder clapped loudly outside drowning out the reply. It was 3 in the morning- probably some neighborhood kids. She sighed before she pulled her door open. "Maddox" she whispered. "Would you like to come in?" She forced herself to ask."Thanks Spence, how have you been?. why haven't you answered my calls, or texts" he asked as he walked in. "Been a little busy" she answered quickly. He closed the door behind him and locked the deadbolt.

"Want a drink?" Spencer asked politely. When he didnt answer her, she rolled her eyes and turned towards the refridgerator. She squeaked when he slammed the door shut. There was no need to turn around, she could feel him looming behind her. "Lets skip the formalities" he growled by her ear as he pushed himself against her. "Get off me" Spencer snapped as she tried to push off the refridgerator. Maddox let her struggle uselessly against him. "Keep struggling -its turning me on" he said grinding his cock against her ass. "What do you want Maddox?" She asked annoyed.

"I want to know where your brother is" Maddox asked her. Sloan immediatly stilled and didnt answer him. He laughed before grabbing her by her hair and yanking her head back causing her to gasp. "Wheres Oliver?" He growled out. She whimpered before she started crying. "I havent seen him or heard from him since your party" she cried out. She let out a startled sceam as he slammed his powerful fist next to her head;denting the refridgerator. The front of Spencers robe flung open when Maddox spun her around. His eyes glazed with lust. "Grab your phone- and don't try anything stupid" he ordered. "It's in my bedroom" Spencer answered." Right where i want you" he said in husky voice. She pulled the sleeve of her robe back onto her shoulder and padded to her room with Maddox at her heals. He scanned her room as she walked to the nightstand where her phone was. She grabbed her pbone and saw her car fob. "Here" she said thrusting her phone at him. She carefully palmed her car fob and folded her arms acrossed her chest.

Maddox punched in Olivers number and put it on speaker phone. It rang twice and on the third ring he answered. "Sis- you alright" Oliver asked sleepily. "She is .....for now" Maddox answered smirking."Mad- listen leave my sister out of this- this is our business not hers. I have most your money" Oliver started. "How much is most" Maddox interupted. They could hear Oliver shuffling around before counting to himself. "I've got $1500" he said finally. Spencer held her breath and peered up at Maddox under her long eyelashes. "You have $1500 ?" Maddox asked as he closed his eyes. "Yes " Oliver answered He held the phone away and started laughing. Spencer laughed akwardly and started to take baby steps closer to the door.

"Olly man...." Maddox still laughed. "YOU OWE ME 5GRAND" Maddox yelled loudly into the phone. "I can have the rest tomorrow - just gimme 24hrs" Oliver said. "Dont do anything you'll regret . I have your baby sister for 24hours. Dont Be Late" he threatened before throwing her phone at her bedroom door. Spencer had ducked right before it hit the door. "And where do you think youre going? Youre mine.... for 24hours of playtime... " he said as he unbuttoned his shirt sleeves and began rolling them up. "Take your clothes off and come here" he ordered. Spencer didnt move. "I dont think you understand the severity of your situation" he said . He crossed the room with just a few long strides. His hand was around her throat before she even had time to answer ."Do what i say and i MIGHT just let your brother live"

PM me if you like these or if you want to brainstorm or whatevs- im bored
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