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Fx Male A Malkavian Romance? (Whatever the Fuck That Means)


Apr 28, 2018
Orianthe Alba/Flay​
FC: Christina Ricci

Driven half mad by religious fanatics, Orianthe grew up in a cult lead by one charismatic leader who unfortunately favored her. No one knew his full name, he just went by Caleb and he was sick.

Caleb had convinced Morningside Church back in 1995 that he was one of Gods anointed, called to usher in a new higher race that would never grow old and perish, but would be fruitful and multiply like the stars in heaven throughout the universe yet contrary to belief his first task was to rid the church of all but twelve chosen ‘Adams’ which he would anoint as his apostles. He would then separate his ‘Eve’s’ from their natural born children for easier control over them.

Under Calebs guidance the church became obedient, with night sermons and mandatory confessionals for the congregants where blood would be spilled in payment for sins. Collected in a basin every Sunday Caleb would add a single drop of his own blood from the tip of his pinky finger to show how just by one drop from the Holy One their blood and thus their sins could be purified. This mixture would then be laced with LSD and ingested by the entire congregation.

From the time she could walk Orianthe mostly knew nothing of normalcy outside of what the church taught her which included depraved punishments for wrong-doings which included starvation, forced LSD trips, witness to forced nudity, psychological torture, and rape. One day after noticing Orianthe for the first time Caleb set her on his knee and whispered a secret to her that would result in serious future mental ramifications. He told her that they were different from the others, that they were Gods in human disguise. He told her that one day when she was older he would take her as his wife, that their consummation would bring an end to this world and birth a new one for the others to live in.

It was Caleb who had given her the name Flay after watching her torture and kill a family of rabbits with a butter knife at the age of ten. There was no telling how with the dull instrument she was able to disembowel and skin them near expertly, but it was impressive and inspired by her he used the moment to confess another secret, that being a God did not mean that you had to be benevolent, that deep inside they were both good and evil, innocent and filthy, Jesus and Satan.

When Flay was 16 the state moved in, alerted to the isolated commune by concerned individuals who had happened upon ‘Eden’ and by force removed the children from the home - all 26 of them. All Flay can remember from that day besides the words he whispered in her ear is Caleb holding her close to him and the pain the blade caused her when he stabbed her in the chest before dropping her from the upper floor of the church as he committed suicide by cop. All went black for Flay after that as the fall had knocked her into a coma that lasted for two years.

After she woke up, years later, after her body and brain had had ample time to heal from her injuries and lying in a bed for so long and of course from all the psychedelics she had been given throughout the years with the help of mind numbing medications prescribed by annoyingly optimistic therapists (she was diagnosed with HPPD, PTSD, delusions and manic depression) Orianthe (the name she had reverted back to) began to lead a semi-normal life. Morbidly obsessed with death, blood and bodies she became a mortician and just so she would have an excuse to kill something every once and a while she took up the hobby of hunting and taxidermy. Eventually though she became discontent with the constant feeling of numbness because of the various medications she was on. Her inability to express herself fully was too tragic an existence to keep living through so she ultimately decided to stop taking her meds and that’s around the time she met your character.

She was in the midst of a manic high, dancing beneath the strobing neon lights of the aptly named Club NUMB when her eyes locked onto YC. You were a beautiful lure, a magnetic force that drew her into your orbit and into your world. Things thereafter may have made more sense than before but the trade off was heavy as multiple personality was added to her list of diagnoses and Flay was born again.

(Please PM if at all interested in my girl(s) as I am very open to ideas...)
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