Mx Female I miss the days I never lived. [M/F, historical]


May 7, 2010
Could you use some mindless escapism? Hey, me too!

Your real-life gender isn't important to me (this isn't how I find girlfriends, and I don't roleplay to compensate for real or imaginary deficiencies in my love life). You can refer to me as "him" or as "her", or think of me as male or female, and you won't be wrong. Also: I'm open to OOC socializing, but no opprobrium will attach to you if you just want to use me for what I can give you.

I can be a PM Troglodyte or a Discord Troglodyte; I'm also willing to countenance being a Google Docs Troglodyte. I don't want contextless randos and I'm an adult who works full-time and has other responsibilities (I assume you are also an adult who has other responsibilities), so I'm not on 24/7, and it helps if you PM me first so I know to expect you. If it helps you lay your plans, I live in the Midwestern US and am on CST. (With regard to this place, I'm always logged in so I can look at the boards on my phone, but I'm not always necessarily on.)

Pretty sure this place is 18+, but on the off chance some kids sneaked in, you must be able to vote in the US in order to ride.

Speaking of other responsibilities, I'm pretty ditch-friendly. Life happens, and sometimes you just don't click with someone as well as you'd hoped.

I've been writing for a hot minute. I am frankly not great, but I do know how grammar works and I have a working understanding of the mechanics of the English language. You should, too. Everybody fucks up here and there, and that's no big deal, but when I need to set my decoder ring to M-15 to figure out what you're trying to say, there's a problem. Also, I don't fuck my thesaurus, and I'd rather you didn't either.

Generally, I will tailor my post length to my partner's, but I find one-liners difficult to work with. By "difficult" I of course mean "impossible". Script format is physically painful to read. Also, I write in third person; I am not my characters, and you are not yours, and it's best not to blur those lines.

I don't use faceclaims; I come from a background where they aren't really a thing, and I don't find them at all appealing. (My characters look like themselves, not a celebrity, and if I do my job as a writer, you can probably get a good idea of what they look like.)

I like worldbuilding and a bit of plot hashing-out before we get down to brass tacks.

I write male roles, and I like to write tough, masculine, competent men, protectors and providers, not without humor, occasionally capable of great tenderness with loved ones. Sometimes they lose their way and need to come back to themselves.

In terms of tropes, I love warrior societies. I like cultural interactions and exchanges, and the ways in which these work or don't. I like expectations vs. reality. I like long journeys, and eventually reaching home and finding it even more dear than when you left, because you have changed out in the world. Shared worlds are one of my favorite things.

As far as pairing/relationship stuff goes, I'm looking for m/f; not much bandwidth for anything else right now. Obviously, I'm open to smut when it arises naturally in the story, and we can discuss the particulars. I am definitely open to a story that isn't necessarily pairing- or relationship-centric as well!

The below are the primary itches I'm looking to get scratched, but we can certainly discuss other ideas or tinker with these. I'm game. I am looking for relative historical accuracy but don't expect you to have a Ph.D., and can lead with the history. Just make an effort to know what Google and Wikipedia do. Historical fantasy is entirely welcome, too!

1.) I miss the swords I never drew.
Sengoku Japan, when the country is constantly torn up by assorted factions, beset by warlords trying to consolidate their power and full of ambition and recklessness. There's still contact with the outside world, which sometimes serves only to throw gasoline on the fire. He's a samurai in the best part of his career; perhaps she's a merchant's daughter from foreign parts. How did she get here? What will become of them? There's only one way to find out!

Alternatively, I can pull samurai out of my brain all day, so if you want to write samurai but aren't into this specific story, I am amenable to tinkering.

2.) I miss the steppes I never rode.
Late antiquity: Rome in the 4th or 5th century AD. Your character is a high-ranking lady, perhaps in a loveless marriage. My character comes from a nomadic empire, of the kind that so often plagued the Eternal City. From the moment they meet, they have immediate and tremendous chemistry, and for a time, nothing else matters...until he is summoned back to his own people.

Will she follow? Will he come back to her? Where are they going, where have they been? There's only one way to find out!

I can also pull nomadic empires (real or otherwise) out of my brain all day.

3.) More poorly developed ideas and gobbets.
- Currently grooving on Tudor England.

- Forever grooving on ancient Rome, a place I can pull out of my brain all day. (Gonna warn you now, though: I trained as a classicist, specifically as a Romanist, and there are a lot of misconceptions galloping around out there.)

- Piracy has endless potential.

- I kind of want to poke at Byzantium, but the problem with this is that I would have to actually know something about Byzantium that isn't the Byzantine-Mongol alliance. (This was a real thing that actually happened and lasted longer than about two seconds, though it did eventually tank. It seems incongruous, though it probably wasn't a half-bad idea at the time. -- Actually, screw it. Let's play Byzantines and Mongols. I call Mongols.)

- I have a character I developed for a Western setting and have never gotten to really use to his potential, so if that interests you, you know what to do.

Get at me, if you'd like.
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Bumping for the hell of it, because why not. (Obviously, I'm running out of "clever" alterations of song lyrics.)
Bumping for no apparent reason. I've been dragging my ass lately, but trying to get back into everything.
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