My RP characters, feel free to take a peek


Oct 13, 2020
Northwest Virginia
Since I'm still pretty confused here, and I rarely check message boards which is all on me, no one's fault here at all. But I am hopeful that I might get a few bites (not like that) or some people that might be interested in one of them or a few of them. All are available for RPs. I have to make it two more F lists for my lesser known or RPd characters, but they will be posted in the appropriate section or my signature once I get them completed.

I'm more than willing to talk and discuss plots and such with people. I know I'm stubborn and hate change (autism, yay), but if it's a civil conversation I should be okay with something that may potentially change plots I have in mind. Of course please do feel free to discuss potential plots you all may have as well.

And holy crap long post is long.


Dominic Oshie - He's my main human character, his occupation rarely changes but I might be willing to change it if asked nicely. I currently have him as an ice hockey player, varying from college level to NHL level so pretty much all over the place, I never RPd him in high school level or when he first learned to skate but it could be implemented in flashbacks and such. Age I have him anywhere from 20 to 24. Personality, he's not your stereotypical hockey player personality. He has a heart of gold, rarely gets angry unless someone does something he does not entirely agree with or does something to intentionally get him angry. On the ice he will stick up for teammates and isn't afraid to drop the gloves, even if he is somewhat on the lighter side. He loves children and wouldn't mind having some of his own one day, preferably biological. But might consider adoption if asked and if he and his partner discuss everything, it's not exactly at the very top of his list.

Appearance he has dirty blonde hair, green eyes, medium complexion. He is Caucasian. His hair is straight, but fluffy in the back. It's not too short or too long, the back ends about an inch under his earlobes in the floofiness. His bangs are short and are usually brushed to the side. He has thin eyebrows, no freckles. He has a scar across the bridge of his nose from the blade of a hockey stick and a longer scar on his abdomen from a skate blade, going from lower left rib down to the top of his left pelvic bone. For clothing if he's not going to a game it's normally casual with a t-shirt and comfy pants or jeans and almost always wears sneakers. Game days he usually wears a relatively nice suit for arriving at the arena.

Types of RPs he's in: I usually use him for mpregs, if that isn't your cup of tea I might be willing to do something else if we discuss it nicely and try to think of options that would make us both happy. So mostly slice of life types. I also usually have him in Male x Male RPs.


Chiven Ishwara - He's my secondary character, I have him as a veterinarian but that's not entirely set in stone. He was originally a sketch artist for the FBI in a Criminal Minds RP I did a few years ago that subsequently went the way of the dodo bird. So he can fit in pretty much any setting that I'm familiar with, if it's something new I can try to learn it. Age, usually around 25. Personality, he is pretty shy but he is also a sweetheart if you get to know him. The shyness mostly comes from having a heavy Hindi accent, and he is still trying to learn more English. But he also can get angry mostly due to ignorant and racist people who only judge him from his skin color and accent. He is half Indian with his mother coming from Mumbai, India and his father coming from Mombasa, Kenya, Africa.

Appearance he has straight, short black hair with gold eyes. His complexion is sort of in between African and Hindi, not as dark as some African countries and not as light comparatively as Indian. Sort of like a dark milk chocolate or hazelnut color. He has no scars. Chiven sometimes wears a Kurta if it's for a special occasion, but he does wear regular casual clothes at times that range from t-shirts with sweatshirts and jeans with sneakers. With the Kurta he has the entire traditional outfit down to the appropriate shoes and pants.

Types of RPs he's in: He was in one mpreg, and another where it was implied but I never actually had him expecting in it. This isn't totally mandatory, if kids are desired I could do adoption or surrogacy to avoid any sort of uncomfy feels. But I can do pretty much anything within reason for him. He's not as developed as Dominic, so I could build on him a little bit.

I have two other characters, but I'll leave it with this for now. It's already pretty darn long. And I'm sure you all noticed that so far my characters are in their 20s since that was preferred by former RP partners, but I can go older if desired or slightly younger like seniors in high school or something along those lines.
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