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Fx Male Ersa's Indulgences


Charmed, I'm sure.
Nov 15, 2020
Somewhere behind the gossamer veil
☾ Introductions

Thank you for stopping by here. I do hope you stay. Shall we indulge in a bit of banter and divulge in our desires? I prefer original characters to canon, and face claims are appreciated but not required.

› Length: 5-7 sentences minimum and/or 300+ words.
› Grammar: Basic grammar would be appreciated.
› Perspectives: Third is preferred but first is fine. The present tense is also always welcomed but not always necessary.

› Average reply length: 5-7 Sentences and/or 300+ words
› Average reply time: Hawaii (GMT-10) That depends on the progression of the RP, and my work schedule.
› Perspectives: I use third primarily,
› I work seven days a week full time so replies are done based now my spurts of free time. I'd rather give a well thought out post to a half-hearted attempt.

› Slice of life
› Romance
› Fantasy
› Historical
› Tasteful, maturely-written 18+

Plots & Pairings

(I'm on the right)
› Male x Female
› Older Male (35-50) X Younger Woman (age 25+)
› CEO X Secretary
› Bodyguard X Heiress
› Veteran X Therapist
› Vampire X Hunter
› Mortal X Mythical Being (Faerie, elf, nymph etc)
› Royal X Mythical Royal
› Knight X Royal


The list of "Plots" are more or less musings and ideas, as they are opened to interpretations and left vague for characters and players.

She was like a breath of fresh air your lungs desperately crave. The oxygen your cells needed to pump blood into that cold desolate heart. She was a drug you graciously took, time and time again. With her, your mind is on aeroplane mode, societal moments are gone. There is nothing more important to you than her. She is an internal world. With her, you can't reach out or engage with anyone her. Her love was like ketamine. The moment you take it you're elated, painless, and unshackled. So what happens when she leaves?
She was an ideal girlfriend. How could she not be? Smart, beautiful, driven, and your folks loved her. You loved her. She loved you... Right?
Why is she standing there?
Why does your chest hurt?
Why are you wet?
You're lightheaded.
She smiles.
Watch her. That was your mission.
Follow her. That was your mission.
Never let her see you. That was your mission.
Never speak to her. That was your mission.

"Hello," She smiled at you gently from across space in the bookshelf.

"Here taste this," She held a spoon with a bit of liquid to your lips.

"I love it here," She walked with a skip in her step. Her hand fitting into yours as if it was moulded to your grip.

"I love you," she whispered, her hair splayed across your chest, the warmth of her body on yours. The scent of her skin imprinted into your memory.

Don't fall in love with her. That was your mission.
Kill her. That is your mission.
An aspiring painter meets a man whom she could not forget. His facade plagued her mind. She paints him every day and night without an understanding of where she saw him or why he means so much to her.
The year is 2XXX, in the age of technology and wonder, scientists have played God, again. This was a time of prosperity and wealth. Unemployment was at all a time low, poverty was almost non-existent, and people's lives flourished. The latest break, in science, was the conception of Human Pets. Men and Women genetically altered, originally for the creation of super soldiers. They ended up with a splice of human and animals. Most humans splices are military. Some lived as pets and others lived freely as member of society.
YC, an advocate for the end of such abominations to nature, finds himself the owner of a Catgirl, due to a sick and twisted joke.
When you enter the forest, don't look for them. Don't peek through the leaves. They won't stand around idly as you would want them so. No, those creatures with sway and beg. Beg for you to come through the veil. Have you caught her eye? The eye of the fae. Come and put your hand into theirs. The feast awaits. They await your arrival.
"Mmm..." A groan and petite limbs stretching out from under the duvet, sheets, and pillows. After a moment, her head slowly emerged from the cover. Though alone, she woke up in pure bliss. She was in her lover's bed. His scent pervaded her senses. Her body throb, but the pain was only mild and made her giggle to herself. Her physique sinking into the bed once more, recollecting the scene from last night in her mind. Each kiss, each touch, every thrust, all syncing in perfect harmony. Now...where was her Lover?


Kinks & Limits

I'm a biological female. I'm rubbish as masquerading as other genders. I like depraved scenes when it's necessary. Not every RP needs BDSM. But I do enjoy a 50/50 and 60/40 plot to smut ratio.

› Bondage
› Masochism
› Aftercare
› Choking
› Spanking
› Domination and Submission
› Exhibitionism

› Toilet Play
› Extreme Violence
› Age Play
› Non-Consensual
› Blood

That all being said I do prefer RPs with good character development and kind of a slow burn type. The build-up to sexual tension is always a fan favourite. I love the world-building, character-building, and a big fan of descriptions so if you are also a fan of those things please let me know. PM me, if you made it this far.
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