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Historical Roleplays - Detailed Doms Wanted!


Nov 27, 2019
Hi everyone! It's Mahi here, looking for a few RP partners to pass the time now that it seems lockdown isn't going anywhere. I'm looking for detailed, dominant male partners who want to create a historical RP with me! I love creating big worlds and detailed cultures and characters, so while I won't ever insist on anything being 100% historically accurate (who wants to do that much research) I'd love a partner that's ready to build something we can really sink our teeth into.

This is going to be kind of a barebones post for now, so lets just jump into it!

About the RP:

  1. I am a female who prefers to play females as my main characters, although I will play an infinite number of men as various side and background characters. I hope you'll play a man as your main, but with the same ability to write other genders to flesh out the world if need be.
  2. I'll get bored if it's not a slow burn and I'm sure you will too. I want to spend a little time building our characters personalities and histories together. It makes the sex sexier. So if you're not into including a good deal of plot (it'll outweigh the sex by a lot) I'm probably not the partner for you.
  3. I play sexually submissive characters, but never a character with a passive personality. In fact, I love RPs where our characters are engaged in a constant cat-and-mouse game to win. That also means I don't want your character to be a one-dimensional dom either.
  4. I write multiple paragraphs! I understand that some posts will be shorter than others, but I really do want someone who can do multiple paragraphs on most (if not all) occasions. I'll wait forever for a well-written post.
  5. I LOVE historical eras, primarily all the 'ancient' ones. Give me Vikings, Romans, Persians, Egyptians, you name it. The pairings can really shift between settings so that'll be up for discussion, but I love building a little detail into those worlds. We could also create our own versions of those in a type of fantasy-setting! Sky's the limit.
  6. There's two pairings I'm really craving now. I'll be open to other suggestions as well and will likely add more in the future, but these are the two I've REALLY been wanting:
    1. Arranged Marriage:
      1. Our characters begin from two different worlds, maybe two separate kingdoms/cultures or two clans within the same kingdom. These groups have a tense history, but my kingdom is slowly being consumed by the other, whether through war or sheer political power. In a last-ditch effort to keep from being erased from history, a marriage is arranged between the respective royal heirs of the kingdoms. This will start a long struggle for power between our two characters, with my character being instructed to ensure that yours remains pleased, forever satisfied enough to ensure that you won't suddenly decide our little kingdom is worth attacking. Your character however, will return from war to find himself suddenly consumed in the palace intrigues with no way to navigate them, suddenly finding that his ability to ascend to power is being questioned because of his marriage to a foreigner, and slowly questioning whether re-instigating that war might be the only way to forever assert his legitimacy.
      2. I imagine this as a long, tense political game between our characters, mine having come from a background that's more used to this political intrigue, with yours being more of a warrior-type with no real head for this kind of stuff. Our characters will have a long way to go before they even start to like each other, but yours will get continually more and more sexually demanding as the pressures of his new position begin to ramp up.
    2. Royal X Concubine:
      1. There's a few ways I imagined this going, but I would love a plot with a sort of cat-and-mouse game between these two roles. Perhaps your character is a second or third prince who's realized that his father's favorite concubine has been whispering ideas into his ear, and seeks to use her or blackmail her out of power? Perhaps yours is a Viking who took a recent 'prize' back from a raid, until he realizes that this new status symbol might be more trouble than she's worth. There's a lot of ways to go with this one, so I am open to any and all ideas as well!

A few things about me:
  1. I'm a female, in my mid-20s, living in the US.
  2. I won't be able to reply more than once or twice a week at my best. It might be a few days in between posts, as besides having a busy work/life schedule, I enjoy putting some thought into my posts and I don't really care to rush them. That being said, that also means I'll be very patient with your replies! I'll wait forever for a post if I'm excited to read it.
  3. Communicate any limits/kinks/story ideas/plot points to me! This is a barebones post and so the stuff I've listed here is by no means exclusive. I also enjoy RP partners I can build a story and world with, it keeps things fresh. If you feel like we'd be good writing partners but these ideas aren't peaking your interest I won't chase you away unless you're asking me to compromise a limit.
  4. With that, LIMITS!
    1. Anything illegal. Ageplay, incest, beastiality (even if your character is a half-human or something) is a no-no for me. I'm not judging if that's what you're into but I'm not going to cross that boundary.
    2. Raceplay. I like historical RPs and I do enjoy characters with culture clashes when it's well-written, but I won't play out anything that still impacts people today. No civil war stuff, sorry.
    3. Scat/Gore/Vore, etc. I have a weak stomach.
    4. Non-human characters. See above.
  5. And FINALLY, kinks!
    1. I love anything bdsm related. I won't list them all out here, because it's quite a lot, but I'm more than happy to discuss in detail as we figure out a plot.
    2. I love degradation and humiliation in any form (verbal, public, whatever), adore bondage, and I love being hurt (with consent ofc). I adore strong, dominant characters with sexually voracious appetites that like putting me in my place before they'll even consider the good stuff.
    3. I like a little reluctance. I don't like nonconsent, but power struggles between the characters, with yours almost always somehow coming out on top, is beyond sexy to me.
    4. I love collaring, some petplay, edging, cum control, being forced to beg, really anything that shows absolute ownership. Get creative.

If this peaked your interest, message me! I am beyond ready to get writing.
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