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Fx Any Nocturnal Magical Musings [In an FxF/FxFu mood!]

Nov 8, 2020
Hello, reader person! This is, as you probably guessed, my Roleplay Request and Idea Sharing Thread.

First off, some basic info that is probably good to know beforehand.
- I can make no guarantees regarding when I'm online and when I'm not online. Some days I'll be online a lot and able to make several posts per day, wheras at other times there might be more time between my posts. If I haven't posted at all in... three days, feel free to shoot me a PM.
- I prefer to play Female characters, but can play Herm/Futa characters if my partner's character is a Female Sub
- My characters' ages range from 15 to their late twenties. Exceptions to this are characters that are much older due to magical reasons, but even then I won't go below 15 for how old they look.
- I prefer playing a submissive character, though I can also play a switch. I only play a dom if my partner's character is female - I will not play dom when my partner plays a male or herm character.
- I really like fantasy settings, and am also interested in steampunk/roman/victorian settings. Modern and Sci-Fi stuff aren't things I'm particularly interested in (though if I had to choose, Sci-Fi > Modern).

For more detail about the stuff that I'm into, I made an F-list.
- Clothed Sex, Light Bondage, Consensual and Non-con are loved, as are hypnotism/mind control stuff.
- Not interested in anything bathroom related

Moving on, to plot ideas. It's rather bare right now, but I'll add stuff as I come up with it.

If a plot mentions a gender pairing (like FxM) in the spoiler title, it means I'm only looking to play that setup with a specific gender pairing. In which case, the gender on the left is the gender I'd like to play, with the one on the right I'd like my partner to play.

MC is a mage, either a powerful one, or a young and inexperienced one. YC is her captor (or one of several captors). The reason why they captured her? Mages are rare and valuable, and rich nobles will pay large sums of money to have one as a slave or pet. YC could either be a slaver intending to train her and sell her off, or a noble intending to break her and keep her as essentially something to brag about to his friends.

MC is a princess of a kingdom. Or at least, she was one before her kingdom fell (either to a neighbouring kingdom or some other force). Now, she's a prisoner, perhaps even the last of her family left alive, captured by those responsible for bringing down her nation. What will they do to her?

MC is a mage, but not just a normal one. She's inherited an ancient power, as she's a descendant of an ancient mage. Maybe she knows this, or maybe she doesn't, but her power makes her valuable for those who wish to become powerful rulers. After all, if they have someone like her on their side, things would be a lot easier for them. For this RP I'm looking for my partner to play an evil overlord kind of character. Perhaps a demon king/queen, or a vampire, or something similar. They take notice of MC's heritage, and have them brought before them, hoping to get them to join them either willingly or by force.

A bit of a different idea compared to my other ones. MC is a young student mage at a magic academy, and YC is a powerful mage unaffiliated with said academy. In fact, they're hostile to said academy, and often clashes with it's students and teachers. YC and MC encounter eachother and fight (since they're enemies), and YC finds that MC has a lot of potential and power locked away deep inside of her. As a result, YC becomes interested in MC, wanting to know more about her and get her on her side - whether MC wants to or not.

There's several different routes/options I've got in mind for this.
It can either be taken slow or fast. If the former, I'd imagine they'd have multiple encounters in which they fight and YC tries to either capture MC or convince her to join her. If fast, she'd accomplish either of those two in the first meeting.
It can be either non-con or consensual stuff. If the latter, YC will convince MC to join her and they fall in love. If the latter, YC will capture MC, and either break her so she joins, or hypnotizes/mind controls her to make her her loyal servant.

Since this idea is more of a long-term thing with a focus on story, potentially with one of us GM'ing, I want to make sure that our kinks/preferences are compatible, and that both of us can get what we want from this. As such, I might be picky when it comes to deciding whether or not to play this idea!

(The 3 images linked in the prompt are not necessarily what MC will look like, just some possibilities. If you want a different appearance, just ask)

There's a few ways this can start. Either YC is already in power (a king/queen, emperor/empress, evil overlord, etc) or they've got aspirations to become such a person. Things are, however, not going particularly well for them (They might be losing a waragainst people wishing to see them, for example). One night, though, they have a visitor, one that managed to somehow get past any guards YC may or may not have. MC is a young girl, and they've come to offer YC their allegiance if YC would be willing to assist her with accomplishing certain goals of her own.

Either YC is desperate enough for help to accept any assistance they can get, or they can tell that there's more to this girl than meets the eye - they seem to hold some strange magic abilities - but they accept her offer. From there on, the RP will be about the two of them working to accomplish YC's goal, while also accomplishing MC's in the process. It will also be about their relationship and how it develops. Do they fall in love? Become allies-with-benefits? Or does YC begin demanding MC sleep with them if their alliance is to continue existing?
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Well, I'm back now, after life got in the way. Bumping with a new idea. If I was setting up anything with anyone, feel free to send me a PM if you're still interested so we can get back to it.
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