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Fx Male [DarkMinds] Mega HISTORICAL Request Thread --- World War II, Vikings and All Things Old & Medieval


Dark and Sadistic
Sep 28, 2017
DarkMinds' Mega HISTORICAL Request Thread
World War II, Vikings and All Things Old & Medieval

Kings & Queens & Princesses, OH MY!
Knights & Peasants & Vikings, OH MY!

War & Prisoners & Nazis, OH MY!

I can go on forever, but you get the drift.

Historical Introduction
A very brief and summarizing introduction to the historical content I am craving!
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I'm looking for HISTORICAL roleplays from many vast timelines throughout history, with a specific preference for medieval times, the Viking Age and World War II. You'll be happy to see just about anywhere in between.

There isn’t an exact consensus among historians on time periods per exact dates, but there are several timelines we can use as guidance. Additionally, I am not attached to sticking strictly to history based on these timelines. I am more than happy blending time periods, time warping, or just world building in-general together!

Map of Medieval Europe - 1000 AD
Map of the Byzantine Empire - 1025 AD
Map of the Holy Roman Empire - 11th century
Major Periods in World History
Human Periods Timeline
North East England Timeline
Classical Music Timeline
Early Church History Timeline (Middle Ages)
Some Important Medieval Events (by Date)
Map of Viking Travels
Viking Age Timeline (Part 1) & (Part 2)
International Timeline by Ruling Power (Part 1) & (Part 2)
Detailed Map of Medieval Trade Routes in Europe, Asia, and Africa

There are about a million more maps and timelines I could link since history is so vast, but I’ll refrain. You get the gist!

The periods of time that most interest me currently are the following (in order of historical timeline):

The Middle Ages (Medieval Era)
The Viking Age
World War II

Without further ado, see below for all my ideas, lovely face-claims, and other information!

About Me
All the nitty-gritty about me, my writing style, expectations, F-List, and all that fun stuff!
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A Little About Me:
- I roleplay heterosexual female characters (for male characters, see my FxMale Request Thread).
- I RP solely on BlueMoon private messages or threads. No private email or instant messengers, sorry!

Things I'm Looking For:

- Heterosexual Play: Male x Female
- Literacy: Good spelling, grammar, and sentence structure is an absolute must. I am also looking for partners who write SEVERAL PARAGRAPHS (2+) on average. I can generally write anywhere from 2 to 15 paragraphs. It really depends on the story, content, and characters.
- Story Driven: I'm looking for RPs that will hold substance and story. I like equal amounts of story to my smut, and generally prefer complex characters and plots!
- Creativity: While a pairing may be cliché, I am looking for someone to breathe life in to a story and roleplay by bringing forward creative writing, plot twists, character developments, etc.
- Patience: Do not expect daily responses. While it may be possible, I cannot guarantee replies every day. Like many others, life is busy!

Regarding Images:

I enjoy working with imagery and face-claims. Your character MUST have a realistic face-claim (sorry, no anime!). I make it mandatory for my partners to also submit an image option (preferably more than one for me to choose from) for a face-claim. I'm a visual individual and I find it adds to the eroticism of the play. Additionally, I also have no preference on race and physique. Likewise, got a model/actor/other face-claim you'd like me to play? Send it my way. I have no preference on age, race, and build.

Particular Kinks:

You can take a look at my F-List to get an idea of my kinks.
However, there are a few that are particularly important:

- Age differences: Although not mandatory, I do have a preference for pairing older guys against much younger girls/women.
- Height differences: I like my women shorter than my men. It doesn't mean the woman has to be short, it just means the male character has to be taller - even if just a bit.
- Role differences: I love when the male and female characters are different. Not just in age, but in character. Bad guy vs good girl? Peasant vs Royal?
Sign me up.
- Dominant males: I tend to be a submissive female or switch. I will NOT play against submissive, weak, or frail male characters.
- Rough play: I do like a varied amount of rough play in my roleplays. And generally, I like the male character to be the aggressor/ assertive. See F-List.

- Table of Contents -

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Historical Introduction

About Me

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The Middle Ages (Medieval Era)

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The Viking Age

Fantasy & Magical Elements

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World War II

Sci-Fi & Fantasy Options
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The Middle Ages (Medieval Era)
A Quick Summary:
[Wikipedia] In the history of Europe, the Middle Ages or Medieval Period lasted from the 5th to the late 15th century. It began with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and merged into the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery.

During this period, territories and monarchies were vastly changing from year to year. Despite many wars, shifts, and changes, the Medieval era in Europe comprised of (mainly):

Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms which included:
- The Kingdom of England
- The Kingdom of Wales

Celtic Kingdoms:
- The Kingdom of Scotland
- The Kingdom of Ireland
- High Kings of Ireland (various territories in Ireland before Viking Raids)

Frankish Kingdoms (France-Germany)
- Kingdom of France
- Kingdom of Germany
Holy Roman Empire, which included:
- Kingdom of Germany (also)
- Kingdom of Italy
- Kingdom of Bohemia
- Kingdom of Burgundy

Other European powers:
- Kingdom of Hungary
- Kingdoms (states) of Poland, Lithuania, and Prussia
- Byzantine Empire

Female Characters - European Ethnicities


The Battle Queen
Name: Queen Mathilda
Name Meaning: Mighty strength in battle
Age: 18-21
Ethnicity: Anglo-Saxon OR Frankish
Religion: Christianity
Abilities: Incredible swordsmanship, battle-savvy, excellent tactical skills

BIO: Mathilda became Queen as she was the only heir to the throne after her father, King Ceneric, died of illness. Since his only son died of the same illness before him, Mathilda chose to seize the throne. Despite much distaste from many surrounding kingdoms, Queen Mathilda cast skeptics away by ruling with an iron fist; inciting fear in other Kings by her bold, brazen, and often barbaric techniques. Within the first year of her rule, Mathilda became known as "The Battle Queen" or the "Battle Dame", for her willingness to fight alongside her soldiers in any frontline battle. Not only has death escaped her upon every battle, but Mathilda proved herself a fierce warrior by taking the lives of dozens of enemies.

Plot Idea(s): Don't let her fair skin and lush blonde hair deceive you. Although Mathilda is a beauty, she is also a femme fatale. Such she uses to her advantage on the battlefield. I would love to see a pairing of enemies, either another Kingdom trying to invade through battle, or perhaps another Kingdom trying to de-throne her politically because she rules without a King. We could also incorporate her into the Viking Age, where perhaps her military faces defeat for the first time against the Norse barbarians.


The Phantom
Name: Ethelinda
Name Meaning: Noble, serpent
Age: 18-28
Ethnicity: English / Anglo-Saxon
Religion: Christianity
Abilities: Known to disappear and be undetected, fierce warrior and combatant

BIO: Ethelinda was born into nobility to a wealthy Baron and Baroness. Her family, including her parents, brother, aunt and uncle, and cousin were all killed in an estate fire. Ethel was the only one to escape the disaster, soon to realize that the fire was purposely set with the intent to kill her family and take their land. Fueled by the grudge left by her deceased family, Ethel became a mercenary, known solely as The Phantom, embarking on a vengeful mission to hold every person involved in the fire responsible for their actions. She is known to be quick, swift, and ghostly with her efforts.

Plot Idea(s): Our characters meet in the crosshairs of The Phantom's next victim. Or, your character is next victim. Or, your character knows The Phantom's next targeted victim and becomes a roadblock of some sort. Perhaps our characters just meet by fluke, or even, that your character is tasked with taking down the infamous Phantom herself.


The Archeress
Name: Elouise
Name Meaning: Famous warrior
Age: 16-21
Ethnicity: Anglo-Saxon OR Frankish
Religion: Christianity
Abilities: Exceptional marksman, proficient archer(ess)

BIO: Elouise grew up in a country family of moderate income, whom were primarily responsible for supply the palace with fresh crops. Although her family are regarded as farmers, they are often spoken highly of, similar to nobility, for their service and ties to the royal family. Growing up, Elouise struggled greatly with succumbing to the traditional role of a woman. She was expected to cook, clean, tend to the crops, farm animals, all the while preparing for courting and marriage at a young age. Despite her duties, Elouise dreamed of being a soldier in the royal army as an archer.

Plot Idea(s): Either an event of the past of a current event we can start the story on... Elouise becomes involved in a battle in the mountains, where a group of rebels (or foreigners) are storming the castle in a siege. Unable to stand by and hide in her country home, Elouise navigates to the one talent she prides herself in - her bow and arrow. From a high advantage point in the hills, Elouise single-handedly takes down invading soldiers one arrow at a time. Our characters can meet in this battle, either by fluke or intentional. Your character could be an invader (enemy) or a member of the Royal Army, or anything in-between!


The Noblewoman
Name: Edina
Name Meaning: Wealthy
Age: 16-21
Ethnicity: English / Anglo-Saxon
Religion: Christianity
Abilities: Well-read and well-educated, knowledge in multiple languages and arts

BIO: Edina is a member of nobility; the daughter of a Duke who has close ties to the royal family. She spent her entire life studying the world, including geography and linguistics. She developed a passion for the world, seeking to travel to the places she had studied. Despite her wishes to explore, she was confined to the walls of her estate, forbidden from leaving or exploring alone. Edina is also "out", meaning she is available to find a suitor and marry. Although her father seeks to marry her to another high-ranking nobleman, Edina does not wish to marry at all.

Plot Idea(s): There are so many options, from pairing her with someone within nobility, a knight, or even a peasant, farmer, etc. Two plots that could potentially work here can be a kidnapping for ransom plot, or even a runaway story where Edina seeks to flee her estate in order to experience the world. To her naivety, the world is a much darker and dangerous place than she could have ever anticipated.


The Dark Knight
Name: Serilda
Name Meaning: Armed warrior woman
Age: 25-35
Ethnicity: English / Anglo-Saxon
Religion: Christianity
Abilities: Exceptional combatant, excellent swordsmanship and marksman

BIO: Serilda was born into a family of Knights, fully immersed in knighthood and all that it encompasses. At a young age, Serilda's father died in battle and her older brother, Sedgley, took over her care. He, too, became a prosperous and respect Knight like his father before him. Although female, Serilda always dreamed of following in her father's footsteps, but was unable to fulfil that dream due to the restrictions against women. Despite that fact, her brother Sedgley humored her passion and trained her throughout her childhood, teaching her to wield a sword, armor, and shield. When her brother was murdered in cold blood, Serilda embarked on a mission to avenge his death. She succeeded with ease, and quickly became a notable mercenary and warrior. Although she was not welcomed officially in any royal army or knighthood, she continued to battle alongside soldiers and supplied intel to Kingdoms as a rogue. Through years of murder and espionage, Serilda became known as The Dark Knight.

Plot Idea(s): Serilda is a mighty warrior, and an asset to any kingdom or army that uses her services. Because The Dark Knight has a vast reputation, Serilda would find herself with no shortage of enemies and allies; both those who want her dead and others who seek her services. Your character can be any number of roles. Perhaps another Knight, or an enemy Viking, or even one of Royal blood. Maybe she meets another mercenary, her competition, or perhaps her hunter? Much to discuss!


The Farmer's Daughter
Name: Helena
Name Meaning: Shining light
Age: 15-18
Ethnicity: Undetermined
Religion: Christianity
Abilities: Farmer, excellent cook and caretaker, beautiful singer

BIO: Helena is the daughter of a farmer and farming family, who have been farmers for generations. She has lived a simple country-side life, caring for her family, animals, and crops alongside her parents and siblings. Although many would consider Helena to be a peasant, her family never struggled financial and owned land. This was facilitated by local trade, and good relations with nearby villages and townspeople. Helena is sweet-natured, wholesome, and extremely caring. She has a love for animals, even advocating to save offspring that may otherwise be considered tainted or inadequate. Because of this, she has many pets, such as a blind chicken, a deaf goat, and a three-legged cat.

Optional: I would be open to making Helena BLIND herself, or perhaps deaf or partially disabled in some way. Again, completely optional.

Plot Idea(s): As Helena would be unlucky to ever really leave her farm, your character could come across her by fluke or seek out her family for some sort of resource. Perhaps it is an enemy invader stalking the land, as as her farm is isolated, they take siege of her land to set up camp. Or, perhaps a member of nobility looking to purchase the farm, the land, or crops. Maybe Helena innocently sings a beautiful harmony, accidentally attracting an enemy.


The Robin Hood (Copycat)
Name: Maid Marian
Name Meaning: Star of the sea; grace
Age: 18-25
Ethnicity: English / Anglo-Saxon
Religion: Christianity
Abilities: Excellent thief, good markman (bow and arrow)

BIO: Marian is a poor village maiden who was inspired by the recent legend of Robin Hood, the legendary heroic thief and his band of outlaws. An outlaw from Nottinghamshire, Robin Hood is said to rob from the rich to give to the poor. These tales inspired Marian, who otherwise was just the daughter of a peasant. She manages to secure a job as a live-in maid in the estate of a rich noble family. Through that job, and access to many members of nobility, she began stealing in honor of Robin Hood in order to give to the less fortunate in her village. Startling small at first, stealing coin here and there, Maid Marian eventually began to rob nobles not only from their pockets, but in their homes and from their chariots, Slick, swift, and talented, Marian has never been seen, nor caught.

Plot Idea(s): Because Maid Marian is coming in direct contact with many nobles, it would be easy to have their cross paths. Another option is to have Maid Marian meet the real Robin Hood face-to-face; perhaps he is travelling through or hears stories of a copycat and seeks to find this individual. We could also explore a scenario where Maid Marian gets caught, or kidnapped somehow for her crimes.


The Armorist
Name: Gertrude (nick name: Trudy)
Name Meaning: Strong spear
Age: 18-25
Ethnicity: English / Anglo-Saxon
Religion: Christianity
Abilities: Excellent armorist, extensive skills in heraldry

BIO: Godric was an esteemed armorist, who died in his sleep in the comfort and secrecy of his home. He had no wife, no children and no living siblings, except for the company of an orphan; whom he cared for on a day to day basis. Gertrude "Trudy" was this orphan, who otherwise stayed in an orphanage for not Godric's kindness. He raised her as a help in his shop, teaching her his many ways and talents with molding metal into armor. He became known as the leading armorist for the royal kingdom and the knighthood, and utitlized the help of Trudy to fulfil large orders. When he died, Trudy feared his shop would go to ruins, and continued to fulfil outstanding demands by making armor. Because she was well-known as Godric's aid, it was not unusual for her to speak directly with nobles and knights to take orders. Because of this, Trudy kept Godric's death a secret, and continued to run his shop for months after his passing.

Plot Idea(s): I would like some sort of catalyst to occur, forcing Trudy out of the shop and into either travels or war. Perhaps a war has broken out and she decides to suit up and fight alongside soldiers and knights, or perhaps she gets ratted and the shop is taken from her (since Godric has no rightful heir). There are a lot of ways we can start this and a lot of people we could pair her against.

The Princess Switch
Name: Adeline
Name Meaning: Noble
Age: 15-21
Ethnicity: Undetermined
Religion: Undetermined
Abilities: Linguist of many languages, well-educated and studious

BIO: Adeline is a bastard child; born to maid mother and noble King. Because her mother lived in the castle as a primary caretaker, she became entangled in an affair with the King. As his mistress, she became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter. Despite taking many concubine's, the King was in love with his maid, and did not have the heart to rid of the child. Instead, he allowed the maid to continue in her practices at the castle, allowing the child to grow up with some of the privilege's of his own kin. Although confined to the same headquarters as the other servants, Adeline was well-educated, becoming fluent in several languages and many scriptures.

When the King's only Princess, betrothed to a royal in an enemy territory, dies of a sudden illness, the King is unsure of what to do, or what to tell the other King. The death of his royal daughter would surely cause war among the kingdoms, as the agreed alliance would not be forged through marriage. Adeline's mother proposes a new option; the fraud of a century... Keep the princess' death a secret, and switch her with his bastard child, Adeline. Adeline, not only educated like a noble, was well-spoken, cultured, and familiar in the ways of royalty despite living among servants. Her and the Princess shared some resemblances, and masked with the drapes of royalty, would surely go unnoticed.

Plot Idea(s): Depending on timeline, there can be a lot of ways to go about this story. Your character could be the royal or Prince the Princess was originally promised to. Your character could be a kidnapper or mercenary who takes Adeline captive, thinking she is the Princess. We can also explore the option of an enemy invasion, perhaps by a different territory altogether. They think Adeline is the Princess and take her. I'm open to other ideas as well!


The Winter Wanderer
Name: Undetermined
Name Meaning: Undetermined
Age: 18-25
Ethnicity: Undetermined
Religion: Undetermined
Abilities: Undetermined

BIO: The winter wanderer is a young woman who becomes lost in the woods after she is knocked unconscious. She awakes with absolutely no memories of her identity; who she is, where she came from, or how she got to where she awoken. Although she retains all of her skills, such as motor function, language, and another other talents she may have... all of her memories are gone; and she cannot even remember her name. The only clues to her identity lie lost within her unconscious; and within the embroidered intricacy of her expensive clothing.

Plot Idea(s): This can go literally in any direction! Your character can be anyone, likely to find her wandering the woods in the dead of winter. Without any idea as to who she is, the two will have to embark on an adventure to discover just where she came from.


The Nun
Name: Josephine
Name Meaning: God will increase
Age: 18-28
Ethnicity: Frankish or Byzantine (Roman)
Religion: Catholicism
Abilities: Proficient in the bible and other religions, literate and a gifted linguist

BIO: Josephine is a Nun as part of the Catholic Church. She turned to the faith after being brutally raped at a very young age, and made a promise never to be in the company of a man again. She devoted herself to God and the missions of Catholicism, and became a nun. Growing up primarily in a nunnery, Josephine was taught many languages and became proficient in the scriptures of not only the Catholic Bible, but also other religions such as Islam, Judaism, and other Christian sects. She travelled often for missionary work, and was immersed in many cultures and languages.

Plot Idea(s): Because of missionary work, Josephine can be placed in any country in the medieval world as she would come across many people in her travels. We can have her end up estranged by event, such as perhaps a sudden attack/war/siege, splitting her from the Church and her convent other Nuns. As a suddenly lone dame, she would surely need protection, and that could be an option. Another option would be that she is seized as a captor or slave by the invading parties. Send me your ideas!


The Provincial Peasant
Name: Faustina
Name Meaning: Fortunate one
Age: 16-22
Ethnicity: Byzantine (Roman)
Religion: Catholicism
Abilities: Proficient with a bow and arrow, spirited fighter, swordsman

BIO: Faustina was born into poverty. Her mother was a peasant, and her mother before her, etc.. Her family has only ever known the provincial peasant life, and has become accustomed and comfortable with it. Faustian, however, was born spirited and energetic, unsatisfied with the basic life of a poor woman, likely to marry and have children born into poverty herself. Instead, she continues to deny men who ask for her hand in marriage, and instead, is an avid learner. Beautiful despite being a commoner, Faustina used her looks and charm to sway men into teaching her a wide variety of skills, such as sword yielding and fighting, archery, and even some dabbles in metal work.

Plot Idea(s): No specific ideas in mind; as a commoner she will surely come across many characters, and if we add a sprinkle of impending war or full blown siege, things can get interesting. I'm thinking as a woman of many man-geared skills for that era, her fighting abilities may become useless in a war-ridden or fight-themed setting. Perhaps it could be as simple as stopping a thief, or as complex as fighting in an ambush against invading enemies. Many possibilities!


The Byzantine Princess
Name: Princess Viviana
Name Meaning: Animated and lively
Age: 17-23
Ethnicity: Byzantine (Roman)
Religion: Catholicism
Abilities: Well-educated, knowledgeable in many scriptures, politics, and geography

BIO: Viviana is one of many princesses in the expansive Roman Byzantine Empire. As a young girl, Viviana was known for her defiance, spirit, and cunning wit. As an adult, little of her character has changed. Despite having a close relationship with her father, the Emperor, she is still often mischievous; refusing to bend unless it was her own decision and at her own will. Because of her status and beauty, many possible suitors have expressed interest in her hand in marriage, even though she is not the successor to the throne. Of her many siblings, she was the child most interested in politics, geography, and the intricacies of diplomacy, negotiation, and war. Because of this, her father included her in many of his ruling duties, giving Viviana a first-hand experience into the world of foreign affairs, and the responsibilities of a King.

Plot Idea(s): I would love to see Princess Viviana paired with someone just as saucy as she is; someone who is perhaps as stubborn and proud but does not express interest in her hand. Perhaps her experience with men have been largely superficial and shallow; mostly exposed to members of nobility who see her as a paycheck instead of a partner. Your character would be someone who, perhaps would not have anything to gain by marrying her. An outsider; foreigner, or perhaps a soldier. Got a better idea, let me know!


The Betrothed
Name: Undetermined
Name Meaning: Undetermined
Age: 16-21
Ethnicity: Undetermined
Religion: Undetermined
Abilities: Undetermined

BIO: I'm leaving this character as a completely blank slate, because she is quite ambiguous both in ethnicity, clothing, and jewelry. As a fictional character, we can mold her to virtually any role of a woman who is betrothed to someone of grave importance. I see her being from one Kingdom and marrying into a completely different world.

Plot Idea(s): Perhaps she is born into royalty or rather married into it; perhaps she is betrothed to a man in an entirely different country and kingdom and has no knowledge of this foreign empire she is about to become a part of. There are many different scenarios we can explore!

The Killer Queen
Name: Queen Maeve
Name Meaning: Entrancing or intoxicating
Age: 20-25
Ethnicity: Scottish/ Celtic
Religion: Christianity
Abilities: Conniving, manipulation, intelligence, seduction

BIO: Maeve is a Queen Consort to a much older man, the King of Scotland. The King was suspected to have been murdered by his wife, Maeve, in an effort to gain the throne. Maeve was married into the family at a very young age, and was the King's fourth wife. She was expected to bear him more children, as his last two wives were unable and thus, removed (or possibly killed). As the Queen, but married in to royalty as a consort, Maeve cannot rule the throne. Rulership must go to the next in line; the rightful heir. The only problem is that there is no proper heir. The King's only child, Prince of Scotland, was lost in his travels, having been gone for several years. His other son, a newborn, died in his crib just a couple months earlier. The death of the boy was also suspicious, leading many to suspect the Killer Queen was a murderer.

Plot Idea(s): The Queen must either marry, or the lost son must return. We can have your character fill either shoes, or we could also pair Maeve with an entirely different person. Perhaps a knight, or another nobleman who is sent to investigate or spy on the Kingdom as the anticipation of rule thickens.


The Celtic Hellfire
Name: Fiadh (Fee-ah)
Name Meaning:
Ethnicity: Celtic
Religion: Christianity
Abilities: Battle warrior, incredible swordsmanship, excellent tactical skills

BIO: Fiadh is a battle warrior, known for her ferocious and fearless approaches on the battlefield which dubbed her the nickname "Hellfire". Despite being a woman, Fiadh unified several clans together in a time of great need and foreign invasion. She provided soldiers and leaders with counsel and defenses, conjuring the plan that would ultimately save the life and castle of a powerful King. With a reputation more fierce and brutish than some of the strongest men, Fiadh, known as Hellfire, continued to serve as a warrior, only strengthening her notoriety as a mad woman; one to be feared and cautioned; as beautiful as she was insane.

Plot Idea(s): This will depend on whether we set the story before or after Viking raids and if we set it in medieval Ireland or Scotland. If we set the roleplay during the Viking Age, I would love to pair Fiadh against another fierce warrior, such as a Viking. If we set is post-Viking era, during the period after where both countries become Christian and build alliances with Anglo-Saxon nations (England). Either way, I would like for our characters to meet in the heat of battle.
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The Middle Ages (CONT'D)
A Quick Summary (CONT'D):
International trade shaped the world as we know it, growing in size, operation and importance primarily in the Middle Ages. Goods traded between the Arab world and Europe included slaves, spices, perfumes, gold, jewels, leather goods, animal skins, and luxury textiles, especially silk. Italian cities specialized in the exports of cloths like linen, unspun cotton, and salt. England was known for trading wool. Asian countries traded tea, silk, and war horses. Northern regions engaged in trading amber across the North, Baltic, and Mediterranean Sea. West and North African were rich in gold and traded nuts and slaves. Where nations had no treaties or were at war, Jewish and Syrian merchants transported goods, acting as neutral traders.

International trade routes that shaped the world:
- The Silk Road
- The Amber Road
- The Spice Routes
- The Salt Route
- The Incense Route
- The Trans-Saharan Trade Route

Detailed Map of International Trade Routes

Female Characters - International Ethnicities


The Radhanite Merchant
Name: Tzipporah
Name Meaning: Bird, beauty
Age: 18-25
Ethnicity: Radhanite
Religion: Judaism
Abilities: Selling and trade techniques, speaks many languages, knowledge of international markets and merchants

History of the Radhanites: During the Early Middle Ages, Muslim polities of the Middle East and North Africa and Christian kingdoms of Europe often banned each other's merchants from entering their ports. Privateers of both sides raided the shipping of their adversaries at will. The Radhanites functioned as neutral go-betweens, keeping open the lines of communication and trade between the lands of the old Roman Empire and the Far East. As a result of the revenue they brought, Jewish merchants enjoyed significant privileges under the early Carolingian dynasty in France and throughout the Muslim world, a fact that sometimes vexed local Church authorities.

BIO: Tzipporah is the daughter of an established, well-respected and wealthy Radhanite merchant named Zephyr. After Tzipporah's mother died giving birth to their last child (which sadly, also passed), Zephyr chose to embark his daughter on his travels throughout Europe, North Africa and the Middle East and teach her the way of the trade. With that honor came a lot of learning, including sociability, cunningness, wit, and oral knowledge of many languages. She spent her whole life exploring the world, and being exposed to many different people, religions, and politics.

Plot Idea(s): Because Radhanites did business with much of the medieval world, Tzipporah can be paired with virtually any male character. It will depend on what country or border we would like them to meet, the context, and he drama surrounding their encounter.


The Gypsy
Name: Charani
Name meaning: Phoenix (in Romani)
Ethnicity: Romani, descendent of Indian ancestry
Age: 16-20
Religion: Undetermined
Religious History: Although their ancestors from India were Hindu, the Romani migrating communities were documented as adopting the religion of the countries they settled in.
Abilities: Fortune-telling, palm-reading, manipulation, dancing, singing

History of the Roma: The Romani, also known as Roma, are an Indo-Aryan people, traditionally nomadic itinerants living mostly in Europe, and diaspora populations in the Americas. Linguistic and genetic evidence suggest that the Romani as a people originated from the northern Indian subcontinent. They are dispersed, but their most concentrated populations are located in Europe, especially Central, Eastern and Southern Europe (including Turkey, Spain and Southern France). The Romani arrived in Mid-West Asia and Europe around 1007.

BIO: Charani is believed to be a reincarnation of a powerful Dayan; an ancestor of her lineage in Indian and known witch. Although witchcraft is outlawed and viewed as malevolent in Indian cultures, as such in most European culture, the Romani community that surrounded Charani believed her to be gifted because of her bright green eyes. Despite these beliefs, Charani is not, in fact, a witch. She is, however, a skillful magician, someone who is capable of tricking her audience with the use of smoke, fire, and manipulation.

Plot Idea(s): Charani is always on the run. As word spreads of her enchanting ways, she finds herself at face with more and more enemies. Our characters could meet on the road, or deliberately, such as if someone is hunting her, or seeking the use of her powers (even if they don't exist).


The Alchemist
Name: Ruqayyah (Roo-KIE-ah)
Name Meaning: Rise, ascent or spell, charm, incantation
Age: 18-25
Ethnicity: Arabian
Religion: Islam
Abilities: Medieval pharmacology, practicing alchemy, mixing and experimenting with medicine

BIO: Ruqayyah is an avid, migrating traveler who originated from the Middle East. An incredibly intelligent young woman, Ruqayyah was betrothed to a man she despised at just 13 years old. Seeking refuge from that fate, she runaway from home, taking only her the item that meant most to her - her wooden box. Over the years, this box evolved to more than just a little girl<s treasure chest and instead, became a collection of herbs, oils, and medicines. Upon her travels, Ruqayyah began to experiment with alchemy, seeking to create potions and products that would help heal those who are injured, or sick. Over the years, she gained a favorable reputation as an alchemist, many seeking her services to help them.

Plot Idea(s): Because Ruqayyah is a traveler, she can be crossed with virtually any male character in virtually any country or timeline. Despite being a successful medicinal woman, I can imagine she would face her fair-share of accusations and discrimination, especially those who claim she is a Witch, or those who wish to exile her for her Muslim faith. These can be things we potentially incorporate in to the plot.


The Khan Clan
Name: Oyuna
Name Meaning: Wisdom, of the mind
Age: 18-28
Ethnicity: Mongolian
Religion: Shamanism or Tengrism
Abilities: Intel on Khan empires, multi-lingual, well-educated in geography and methods of war

History of Genghis Khans: [Wikipedia] Genghis Khan was the founder and first Great Khan and Emperor of the Mongol Empire, which became the largest contiguous empire in history after his death. He came to power by uniting many of the nomadic tribes of Northeast Asia. After founding the Empire and being proclaimed Genghis Khan (meaning "Universal, oceanic, and firm/strong ruler and lord"), he launched the Mongol invasions that conquered most of Eurasia, reaching as far west as Poland and the Levant in the Middle East.

BIO: Depending on the timeline we choose, Oyuna will be a member of the Khan family; a descendant of Genghis Khan. This can be anywhere from a daughter, niece, great-niece, grand-daughter, second or third cousin, etc. Either way, she is related by blood to Genghis, and is a member of royalty or high nobility. She is be the right-hand woman who a ruler of one of Khan's many expanding clans and kingdoms, and has extensive knowledge of the ins and outs of this expansive Mongolian power.

Plot Idea(s): As the Mongol Empire became one of the strongest and long-standing empires in medieval history, it welcome many international and foreign parties, as Genghis himself was a curious man. Since he allowed religious freedom in his Empire as well and supported trade and merchants, multitude of people with varying ways of life came through Mongol territories. This means we can pair Oyuna with virtually anyone from any part of the world.


The Mongol Mistress
Name: Zolzaya
Name Meaning: Luck, fate, destiny
Age: 16-22
Ethnicity: Mongolian
Religion: Tengrism, Shamanism or Buddhism
Abilities: Multi-lingual, excellent cook and caretaker, seamstress, and well-educated

History of Genghis Khans: [Wikipedia] Genghis Khan was the founder and first Great Khan and Emperor of the Mongol Empire, which became the largest contiguous empire in history after his death. He came to power by uniting many of the nomadic tribes of Northeast Asia. After founding the Empire and being proclaimed Genghis Khan (meaning "Universal, oceanic, and firm/strong ruler and lord"), he launched the Mongol invasions that conquered most of Eurasia, reaching as far west as Poland and the Levant in the Middle East.

BIO: Zolzaya is a mistress of one of the Khan leader (and his sons); a powerful man who had many children and many concubines. Zolzaya does not know who her real parents are, but she was born into the life of a maid and taken as a mistress at a young age because of her beauty. Hating the life of a promiscuous woman, she dreams of escaping but fears a life of poverty and worse, the wrath of the ones she will betray.

Plot Idea(s): Perhaps Zolzaya finally gets her chance to escape the life of a mistress when battle or war erupts in the Mongol Empire. Another option we can explore introducing a character that is from an entirely different land, culture and religion as Zolzaya. Because Genghis Khan ruled an Empire that allowed religious freedom, international trade and the welcoming of merchants, there are endless possibilities.


The African Monarch
Name: Adaeze (Ah-day-zay)
Name Meaning: King's daughter
Age: 20-25
Ethnicity: West African (Mali Empire)
Religion: Traditional African Traditions mixed with Islam

History of the Mali Empire:
The Mali Empire was an empire in West Africa from 1235 to 1670. The empire was founded by Sundiata Keita (c. 1214 – c. 1255) and became renowned for the wealth of its rulers, especially Musa Keita. The Manding languages were spoken in the empire. The rulers of the Mali Empire were called mansa - a Mandinka word meaning "sultan" (king) or "emperor". The Mali Empire was the largest empire in West Africa and profoundly influenced the culture of West Africa through the spread of its language, laws and customs. The Mali Empire was known to be extremely rich in gold and was one of the major exporters of the metal.

BIO: Adaeze is the daughter of one of the Mali Mansas (Kings). She is his eldest daughter, but one of many siblings and a large family. She is betrothed to a Mali Maghan (Prince) and has a hefty dowry. Like many royalties in West Africa, the Mali Empire is rich in gold and also exported cotton, live animals and slaves. Adaeza's dowry had no shortage of those resources, including a full staff of maids, cooks, and caretakers.

Plot Idea(s): Although I have nothing specific in mind, if we were to pair Adaeze with a character of a different race, it would most likely be someone of Arabian, North African, or Middle Eastern heritage, based on the Trans-Saharan trade route. If we want to be creative, we could also stretch a storyline of another traveller, merchant, or soldier of some kind ending up in Mali or on that same trade route.


The Inuk Skræling
Name: Amaruq
Name Meaning: Grey wolf
Age: 16-22
Ethnicity: Inuk (Inuit)
Religion: Animisn and Shamanism (Inuk traditions and practices)
Abilities: Great hunter, seamstress, and knowledge of the lands, knowledge of Old Norse

History of the Inuk People:
[Wikipedia] Inuit (Inuk) are a group of culturally similar indigenous peoples inhabiting the Arctic regions of Greenland, Canada and Alaska (United States). The Inuit languages are part of the Inuit-Yupik-Unangan family. Inuit are the descendants of what anthropologists call the Thule people, who emerged from western Alaska around 1000 CE. They had split from the related Aleut group about 4000 years ago and from northeastern Siberian migrants. They spread eastwards across the Arctic. They displaced the related Dorset culture, called the Tuniit in Inuktitut, which was the last major Paleo-Eskimo culture. Skræling is the name the Norse Greenlanders used for the peoples they encountered in North America and Greenland. In surviving sources, it is first applied to the Thule people, the proto-Inuit group with whom the Norse coexisted in Greenland after about the 13th century.

[The Canadian Encyclopedia] As early as the 11th century the Norse exerted an undetermined influence on the Inuit. The subsequent arrival of explorers, whalers, traders, missionaries, scientists and others began irreversible cultural changes. The Inuit themselves participated actively in these developments as guides, traders and models of survival.

BIO: Amaruq is an Indigenous Inuk woman part of a tribe inhabiting Greenland (or Northern regions of Canada, depending on the story). Her tribe assisted Norsemen invaders instead of fighting them, offering them food, clothing, and resources to survive the wicked winters. As a child, Amaruq was exposed to Vikings and visited their colonies frequently. From these experiences, she learned Old Norse and in turn, acted as a translator between the nations.

Plot Idea(s): We can easily pair Amaruq with a Viking or a descendant of a Norsemen since she would be able to communicate. Additionally, we can explore a scenario where Amaruq is enslaved, captured or kidnapped and taken away from Greenland (by the Norse or perhaps other foreign entities). The biggest challenge with Amaruq as a character will be spoken languages. We will have to get creative.


The Enslaved Foreigner
Name: Kalyani
Name Meaning: Beautiful, lovely, auspicious
Age: 18-28
Ethnicity: Indian
Religion: Hindu
Abilities: Caretaker, cook, seamstress, clothing-maker

BIO: Kalyani is a traded slave and peasant from India. Fallen from royalty, she was once a member of high nobility to a Sultan family. After the fall of their rule, the family was broken apart and they fled to escape. Kalyani attempted to flee in the same fashion, but was enslaved by the new ruling power. She was taken as a house maid and forced into labor. However, the new Sultan was cruel and unforgiving, and when Kalyani refused to be his concubine, he sold her to the human slave trade.

Plot Idea(s): This can go many ways, considering the slave trade was so vast in medieval times. We can keep her in the South Asian region or even ship her to virtually any country or territories. I am thinking she is either purchased by your character or your character comes across her slave dealer, her master, or perhaps runs into her as she is trying to escape.


The Sultana
Name: Sunita
Name Meaning: Well-conducted, wise
Age: 18-25
Religion: Hinduism or Islam (depending on which Sultan she marries)
Abilities: Multi-lingual, well-educated, knowledgeable in many scriptures

BIO: Extremely beautiful, many Sultans and Princes fought for Sunita's hand in marriage, but only one succeeded. The man Princess Sunita saw as the most powerful man in the region. To Sunita, the Sultan with the most power equated to the husband with the most wealth; the most security. Although Sunita was not power-hungry like many men of the medieval world, she enjoyed the luxuries of fame, wealth, and nobility. However, Sunita was young when she chose a husband, and she was too naïve to understand that a power often equated to cruelty. The Sultan was cold, manipulative and abusive. Even though she sat on the throne by his side, as his wife and Sultana, Sunita sought secretly to escape his wrath.

Plot Idea(s): Sunita is a variant of a damsel in distress. Although she presents like a proud Sultana; a woman who holds her head high with beauty and grace, she is stubborn, and likely to refuse help or admit the need for help. Despite this, I imagine a pairing with her and a foreigner. Perhaps someone who is visiting the country for business, politics, or even curiosity. The two would become acquainted before business turns to pleasure.


The Slavic Peasant
Name: Veroshka (Nick name: Vera)
Name Meaning: Faith, truth
Age: 17-23
Ethnicity: Slav
Religion: Slavic Paganism or Christianity
Abilities: Farmer, Caretaker, cook, seamstress, clothing-maker

History of the Slavs: [Wikipedia] When Slav migrations ended, their first state organizations appeared, each headed by a prince with a treasury and a military force. In the 7th century, the Frankish merchant Samo supported the Slavs against their Avar rulers and became the ruler of the first known Slav state in Central Europe, Samo's Empire. Beginning in the 9th century, the Slavs gradually converted to Christianity (both Byzantine Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism). By the 12th century, they were the core population of a number of medieval Christian states: East Slavs in the Kievan Rus', South Slavs in the Bulgarian Empire, the Kingdom of Croatia, Banate of Bosnia and the Grand Principality of Serbia, and West Slavs in the Great Moravia, the Kingdom of Poland, Duchy of Bohemia and Principality of Nitra. In the history the oldest known Slavic principality was Carantania, established in the 7th century by the Eastern Alpine Slavs, the ancestors of the present-day Slovenes.

BIO: Veroshka is the youngest of several siblings who help her parents run a local farm. Although all others have married, Vera is the only remaining child, who has refused many seekers of her hand. Instead, she willingly stays with her parents, whom are aging and elderly, in order to help them work the farm. Despite being busy with most of the work, Vera has become known as an incredible seamstress and clothing-maker, garnering the attention of many locals seeking her bright-colored and traditional Slavic clothing.

Plot Idea(s): For this story, I'm thinking of an invasion of some kind. Perhaps foreigners or looming enemies make ground near her estate, and need shelter. Perhaps your character could be injured, starving, or needing new clothes. There are many ways to approach this!


The Flower of Kiev
Name: Bozhena
Name Meaning: Divine
Age: 17-24
Ethnicity: East Slavic (Slav)
Religion: Slavic Paganism or Christianity
Abilities: Crop farmer and florist

History of Kiev: [Wikipedia] Kievan or Kyivan Rus' was a loose federation of East Slavic and Finno-Ugric peoples in Europe from the late 9th to the mid-13th century, under the reign of the Varangian Rurik dynasty. The state began to decline during the late 11th century and the 12th century, disintegrating into various rival regional powers. It was further weakened by economic factors, such as the collapse of Rus' commercial ties to the Byzantine Empire due to the decline of Constantinople and the accompanying diminution of trade routes through its territory. The state finally fell to the Mongol invasion of the 1240s.

BIO: Bozhena grew up with a simple life on a simple farm in a simple village. Her life as a child was otherwise boring, until she inherited the farm and began to cultivate its flora. For not her talent and crops of flowers, Bozhena would perhaps be just another village peasant. But with some of the most beautiful flowers in Kiev, Bozhena is often tasked with supplying flowers and crafts to members of nobility and royalty. This small fame has brought her a small fortune, elevating the wealth of her village and drawing attention from many members of nobility from across the lands.

Plot Idea(s): There are many options for pairings, since a lot of different kinds of people would be drawn to her business. Additionally, we could also have her deliver flowers, which would place her on the road where she can meet virtually any character.


The Rus' Runaway
Name: Zorica (nick name: Zora)
Name Meaning: Dawn, aurora
Age: 18-25
Ethnicity: Russian or Serbian
Religion: Christianity
Abilities: Undetermined

History of Russia: [Wikipedia] Scandinavian Norsemen known as Varangians in the East, began to venture along the waterways from the eastern Baltic to the Black and Caspian Seas in the mid-9th century. According to the earliest Russian chronicle, a Varangian named Rurik was elected ruler, which had been previously dominated by the Khazars, and formed Kievan Rus' (until the 13th century). Oleg, Rurik's son Igor and Igor's son Sviatoslav subsequently subdued all local East Slavic tribes to Kievan rule, destroyed the Khazar khaganate and launched several military expeditions to Byzantium and Persia.

By the end of the 10th century, the minority Norse military aristocracy had merged with the native Slavic population, which also absorbed Greek Christian influences. The state adopted Christianity from the Byzantine Empire in 988, beginning the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic cultures that defined Orthodox Slavic culture for the next millennium. Kievan Rus' ultimately disintegrated as a state due to the Mongol invasions in 1237–1240 along with the resulting deaths of significant number of population. After the 13th century, Moscow became a political and cultural center. Moscow has become a center for the unification of Russian lands. By the end of the 15th century, Moscow united the northeastern and northwestern Russian principalities, in 1480 finally overthrew the Mongol yoke. The territories of the Grand Duchy of Moscow became the Tsardom of Russia in 1547.

BIO: Zorica is a young woman of nobility (or royalty) was betrothed to a powerful, but wicked ruler. Taking her hand by threatening her family, Zorica was forced to accept and marry him. Despite submitting to him, her husband's abuse and cruelty only grew with every passing day. One by one, all of her family was killed under suspicious circumstances, and soon, Zorica found herself alone, without support, and at the mercy of an evil man. One fateful day, Zorica sees an opportunity to runaway... and takes it.

Plot Idea(s): I left the husband/ruler vague, as it will change depending on when we set the story. Regardless of who he is, I would like Zorica to escape/runaway, to which a completely manhunt to retrieve her would ensue. I'm thinking her husband is extremely possessive and obsessed with Zorica, so we wants her returned to him alive.


The Bosnian Beauty
Name: Ludmila
Name Meaning: Favour of the people
Age: 17-24
Ethnicity: Bosnian
Religion: Catholicism
Abilities: Excellent cook, caretaker, and farmer

History of Bosnia: [Wikipedia] The Kingdom of Bosnia was a medieval kingdom that lasted from 1377 to 1463 and evolved out of the Banate of Bosnia (1154–1377). Although Hungarian kings viewed Bosnia as under their sovereignty during this time, Bosnian rulers mostly acted independently in conducting diplomacy, governing the judicial system, granting towns and estates, minting coins, exploiting natural resources, and making trading agreements with other countries and independent cities.

BIO: Ludmila is one of 11 children from a large but mostly poor family. Despite their apparent poverty, Ludmila and her family got by with relative ease due to the trading nature of their village. As local farmers, Ludmila's and her extended family lived mostly close-by, and traded amongst each other and other local families for goods, such as food, clothing, and spices. Although kings claimed sovereignty to Bosnian lands time and time again, Ludmila's village remained largely unscathed or bothered by such political interactions.

Plot Idea(s): Ludmila is a simple character living a simply life, until... *insert drama here*. Send me your ideas!
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The Viking Age
A Quick Summary:
[Wikipedia] The Viking Age (793–1066 AD) was the period during the Middle Ages when Norsemen known as Vikings undertook large-scale raiding, colonizing, conquest and trading throughout Europe, and reached North America. It followed the Migration Period and the Germanic Iron Age. The Viking Age applies not only to their homeland of Scandinavia, but to any place significantly settled by Scandinavians during the period. The Scandinavians of the Viking Age are often referred to as Vikings as well as Norsemen.

Voyaging by sea from their homelands in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, the Norse people settled in the British Isles, Ireland, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland, Normandy, the Baltic coast, and along the Dnieper and Volga trade routes in eastern Europe (where they were known as Varangians). They also briefly settled in Newfoundland, becoming the first Europeans to reach North America.

The Vikings founded several kingdoms and earldoms in Europe: the kingdom of the Isles (Suðreyjar), Orkney (Norðreyjar), York (Jórvík) and the Danelaw (Danalǫg), Dublin (Dyflin), Normandy, and Kievan Rus' (Garðaríki). The Norse homelands were also unified into larger kingdoms during the Viking Age, and the short-lived North Sea Empire included large swathes of Scandinavia and Britain.

Female Characters - Scandinavian Ethnicities
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The Queen of the North
Name: Ylva
Name Meaning: She-wolf
Age: 25-35
Ethnicity: Scandinavian/ Norse
Religion: Norse Paganism
Abilities: Fierce warrior in battle, proficient in weaponry and tactical skills

BIO: Ylva, dubbed the Queen of the North, is one of few female rulers among Norse earldoms. Despite being a woman, Ylva earned the truth of her people by proving her skills on the battlefield. Originally a fierce shieldmaiden, Ylva took counsel after the last Earl died in a siege. Although the Earldom was conquered by the invaders, Ylva lead a hostile take-over movement that dethroned the enemy power. Proving herself worthy of the honor of Earl, Ylva, alongside her many shieldmaidens and warriors, took the throne. For many years, she has ruled with an iron fist; bringing her not only land and resources, but also the faith of her growing kingdom.

Plot Idea(s): Your character could be another invader/enemy, like another Norsemen or even a member of another Kingdom, likely European, seeking Ylva's land. Your character could also come in peace, such as perhaps approaching with some sort of offering. There are many options here!


The Shieldmaiden
Name: Valkyrie
Name Meaning: Chooser of the slain
Age: 19-24
Ethnicity: Scandinavian/ Norse
Religion: Norse Paganism
Abilities: Fierce warrior in battle, proficient in weaponry and tactical skills

BIO: Valkyrie is an incredible shieldmaiden who has survived more battles than most Viking men. Raped at just 11 years old and forced to marry her rapist, Valkyrie continued to be abused and fell pregnant. After giving birth at 12 years old, her husband slayed the baby in cold blood. In a rage, Valkyrie split his head open with an axe. She further slaughtered him by mutilating his genitals, chopping off his penis and head, and displaying them at the town's center for all to see. Wanting to make an example of him, she further dishonored his remains by carving the words 'child rapist' and 'baby killer' on his chest. The spectacle garnered the attention of the entire town, leaving the Earl and his Seer stunned. Instead of sentencing her to death for killing her husband, instead, the Earl encouraged Valkyrie to honor her name, and channel her anger into becoming a shieldmaiden. To the Seer's prediction, Valkyrie became one of the fiercest and notorious shieldmaiden's the Earldom had even seen.

Plot Idea(s): Would really love to see a pairing where both our character battle one another. Of course, I am up for other ideas as well!


The Scandinavian Soldier
Name: Revna
Name Meaning: Raven
Age: 20-25
Ethnicity: Half-Norse, Half-Anglo-Saxon
Religion: Norse Paganism & Christianity
Abilities: Fierce warrior in battle, proficient in weaponry and tactical skills, multi-lingual

BIO: Revna was born to an unholy union in a Norse settlement to a Norse mother and Anglo-Saxon father. Her father was a Christian missionary who came to the settlement to try and convert it. Although originally only intending to stay for a few months, Revna's father succumbed to his sexual desires and fornicated with Revna's mother, resulting in a child. When Revna was a child, her father finally convinced her mother to leave the settlement and start a new life with him in England. Unfortunately, as a result of this decision, Revna's father was murdered by another Norsemen who wished to keep Revna and her mother in the community. Revna's mother eventually married the murdered, fearing him and he safety of her daughter. When her mother was also killed, Revna fled the settled at just 11 years old. She bounced around from place to place, eventually becoming fluent in English and Frankish. In her teen years, Revna returned to a Norse settlement, where she was taught to be a shieldmaiden.

Plot Idea(s): I'm thinking Revna becomes well-known as a great soldier, not only for her fierce spirit but also for her skills as a shieldmaiden. However, I'm thinking she is more of a drifter, and does not actually stay at the Norse settlement. She ends up hitting the road again, where she becomes a rogue. Because she is multi-lingual, we can pair her with many different types of characters.


The Settlement Survivor
Name: Ingrid
Name Meaning: Beautiful
Age: 16-20
Ethnicity: Scandinavian / Norse
Religion: Norse Paganism & Christianity
Abilities: Some weaponry training, great cook and farmer, bilingual

BIO: Ingird is a young Norse woman who is living on a settlement fortified by a union between an Earl and an Anglo-Saxon King. The settlement was created on duly-owned fertile land, with hopes of creating an alliance between two people. The settlement was intended to provide education in Christianity and English from missionaries to the Norse community, while Norse settlers maintained the land with crops and provided food. It was an opportunity to bring two vastly different communities together in an effort to maintain peace. However, peace was soon lost just a couple years in, when a grave betrayal lead to a massacre that killed nearly everyone on the settlement. Ingrid, just a teenager at the time, was one of few to flee and escape.

Plot Idea(s): Lots of places we can take this, depending on if we want to start the story off during or right after the massacre, or if we want to start it some time after. I'm thinking Ingrid will have escaped, but perhaps had to seek shelter with Anglo-Saxon peasants to survive. She would have no where to go and be completely alone.


The Earl's Daughter
Name: Eydis
Name Meaning: Good fortune, goddess
Age: 15-21
Ethnicity: Half-Norse, Half-Other
Religion: Norse Paganism & Other
Abilities: Excellent archeress, some weaponry knowledge, seamstress, bilingual

BIO: Eydis is an Earl's daughter; born of a Norse father and non-Norse mother (her background is TBD). Eydis' father, Earl Rune, met Eydis' mother while travelling (pillaging). He was severely injured during battle and separated from other Vikings. He stumbled onto a farm where he met Eydis' mother. Despite their differences, Eydis' mother cared for Rune and nursed him back to help despite him being an enemy. The two fells in love, and Eydis' mother ranaway with Rune. The two returned to Scandinavia where Rune eventually became Earl. The two married under Norse customs and had a daughter, Eydis. Although Eydis grew up immersed in Norse and pagan culture, her mother taught her how to read and write in her mother tongue as well as speak Norse.

Plot Idea(s): I purposely left Eydis' mother's ethnicity as TBD - to be determined. This way, depending on what language your character will speak, I can have the two communicate in a tongue other than Norse. I'm thinking the fact that she is bilingual will play an important role in the story, as she will be able to translate, making her character more versatile.


The Mad-Maiden
Name: Valdis
Name Meaning: Goddess of the dead
Age: 18-25
Ethnicity: Scandinavian/ Norse
Religion: Norse Paganism
Religious History: In Germanic religion and Germanic mythology, a seeress is a woman said to have the ability to foretell future occurrences. After the Roman Era, mention of seers occur in records among the North Germanic people, where they form a reoccurring motif in, for example, Norse mythology.
Abilities: Fierce warrior in battle, proficient in weaponry and tactical skills, seer (one who has visions)

BIO: Valdis is a Norse woman suspected by many to be a witch and to have a connection to the dead. Although seers normally provide intel on the future, Valdis primarily speaks to the dead; claiming to be able to communicate with spirits who provide her guidance. Despite boasting about the past, Valdis does also get visions of the future, but only when she is taking a life (killing somebody). For that reason, she trained as a shieldmaiden, hoping to bring her Norse community clairvoyant messages from the future. Although many think her to be mad, something that she portrays also in her strange and often insanity-like behaviour, Valdis insists she is of sound mind and most (if not all) of her predictions have been true.

Plot Idea(s): Is she actually psychic? That will be up to you to decide! As for pairings, I am thinking Valdis will be a hot-commodity. Many Earls and/or Kings would perhaps have heard of her, not only for her crazy character but also for this gift she claims to have. There can be a lot of crossover, either on the battlefield where she kills to "see" or even off.


The Seeress
Name: Saga (Siggy)
Name meaning: The seeing one
Age: 18-30
Ethnicity: Scandinavian/ Norse
Religion: Norse Paganism
Religious History: In Germanic religion and Germanic mythology, a seeress is a woman said to have the ability to foretell future occurrences. After the Roman Era, mention of seers occur in records among the North Germanic people, where they form a reoccurring motif in, for example, Norse mythology.
Powers: Visions of the past and future, predictability, spiritual guidance and communication, interpreting the Will of the Gods

BIO: Saga, also known by her nick-name Siggy, was born at midnight during a terrible storm. Her mother died in childbirth while her father was at sea. With no other family to care for her, she was taken in by the Earl and his wife, who had been unable to bear children in the early stages of their union. As a baby and toddler, Siggy would point to things and interact with people who weren't there. An elder of their village admitted to the Earl that she believed the child could "see" past our mortal world, blurring the lines between this world, the other, and the next. As she grew older, the Elder guided Siggy to her full potential, and she developed into a powerful Seeress.

Plot Idea(s): Although Saga is inspired by Old Norse (mythology) and the Viking Age, this story doesn't necessarily have to take place or include Vikings entirely. Saga could end up anywhere in the world, including other places in Scandinavia or even Europe. However, I am thinking that Siggy is rather "lucky", as in, a literal lucky charm. In battle, she is a fierce warrior, capable of hitting her mark with every arrow she releases. Miraculous, even in the brace of every battle, she walks away completely unharmed. This could be a good starting point or plot twist.

Fantasy & Magical Elements
* Optional *

A Quick Summary:
[Wikipedia] Medieval fantasy encompasses the Middle Ages. This sub-genre is common among role-playing games and high fantasy literature. It can include various elements of medieval European culture and society, including a monarchical government, feudal social structure, medieval warfare, and mythical entities common in European folklore. Works of this genre may have plots set in biblical times or classical antiquity. They often have plots based very loosely on mythology or legends of Greek-Roman history, or the surrounding cultures of the same era.

This is, of course, COMPLETELY OPTIONAL. Fantasy and magical elements do NOT need to be included in the story, but it is also nice to have some options in the event we do want to incorporate it. Additionally, the degree of how much fantasy and magic we include is entirely open to discussion. Personally, I prefer magic to be rare rather than abundant in my storylines. I find it more interesting this way. Additionally, I prefer stories without the typical cliché of magical creatures (dragons, centaurs, elves, dwarves, etc.), however if the story is unique and the plot is strong enough, I may consider it.

Female Characters - Fantasy Options
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The Demon
Name: Lilith Morningstar
Name Meaning: Belonging to the night
Age: Unknown (Immortal)
Species: Half Demon, Half Human
Religion: Christianity
Powers: Shapeshifting, self-healing, inflicting pain, mental torment, seduction

BIO: Lucifer Morningstar, the fallen Angel of Heaven and now the ruler of Hell, sought comfort in the company of mortal women. From one of those affairs, a child was conceived - a daughter - and her mother named her Lilith. As Lilith grew older, her inhuman characteristics began to develop. Her platinum blonde hair became lighter and lighter until it was ghost white, her blue eyes faded to silver and her powers began to develop. Lilith soon discovered she was immortal, capable of healing every deathly wound short of decapitation. Although her appearance stopped aging, her powers continued to transform and strengthen over time.

Plot Idea(s):
Depending on our plot, Lilith can be any age. Because she is mostly immortal and does not age, there is the option that she could have live through several time periods. Despite timeline, another focus of the story could be the fact that she is a notorious shapeshifter, capable of changing her appearance at any given time and taking on many forms. Because of this ability, she is rather a master of disguise and seductress, and has conned many susceptible men and is capable of getting anything she wants through using her powers.


The Time Traveler
Name: Beatrix
Name meaning: Voyager, traveler, blessed, happy
Ethnicity: Undetermined
Age: 18-25
Religion: Undetermined
Powers: Ability to time travel, either naturally-born or through the use of an object

BIO: I have no definitive biography for Beatrix. Her story will vastly depend on what timeline we choose to incorporate her in, and what we decide her origin will be.

Plot Idea(s): Some questions we can consider: Is she from the future or the past? Has she traveled back and forth before, and between which eras and timelines? Does she retain her memories? How old is she? Does she have this ability naturally or does she use an supernatural object that allows this to happen?


The Sorceress
Name: Alvina
Name meaning: Magical being, friend
Ethnicity: Mixed; half-English, half-Other
Age: 18-28
Religion: Undetermined
Religious History: Undetermined
Powers: Either naturally-born magic-user or by the use of enchanted items; spell-casting, enchanting, manipulation, enacting curses, ect.

BIO: Alvina is an orphan, born to an English mother and an unknown father. Originally born blind, Alvina's mother abandoned the child on a farm and fled. The family who owned the farm found her and cared for her, initially. As she grew older, they began to suspect she was not only blind, but cursed, as many strange events lead to the family to believe she was the cause of their failing crops. They sold her to a trade dealer who had wicked intentions to turn her into a sex slave. A catalyst event lead to Alvina murdering her captor after he tried to rape her, and Alvina discovered she could see, with using magic - a phenomenon identified by the purple color of her eyes . She was discovered by another necromancer, who took her in and taught her to channel black magic and better use her powers.

Plot Idea(s): I have nothing specific in mind. Send me some ideas? : )


The Desert Mage
Name: Dahlia
Name Meaning: Gentle, slender branch, tendril
Age: 18-25
Religion: Judaism
Abilities: Spiritual magic through the use of her staff (wooden branch)

BIO: Dahlia is a travelling Jew and also a mage. She acquired her powers when she was lead to a wooden branch by the voice of God. Like Moses was lead to the burning bush, Dahlia claims the divine spirit bestowed upon her the gift of the staff, blessed by the hands of God. By using the staff, she is able to conjure many things, but cannot use it to commit sin or murder. Only using it for the powers of good, Dahlia goes largely unnoticed in her travels, with most thinking she uses the stick as decorum.

Plot Idea(s): It will really depend when and where we set the roleplay, and how we want to incorporate her abilities into the story!


The Priestess
Name: Amadi
Name meaning: Destined to die at birth
Ethnicity: West African or Haitian
Age: Undecided
Religion: West African Vodun or Haitian Vodou
Religious History: Voodoo as a religion has many variations, with roots being tied to West Africa in origin. However, there are two prominent strains of this religion that we could focus on depending on timeline. Firstly, West African Vodun (medieval era) or secondly, Haitian Vodou, which would have developed after the start of slavery on the colonies (on the island) in Haiti in the late 1400s and into the renaissance.
Powers: Healing, Medicine, Rituals, Casting of spells, curses, and voodoo

BIO: Amadi is an esteemed and powerful Priestess and descendant of African heritage. Due to the rise of slavery and the slave trade from Africa, Amadi travelled from West Africa to other countries, including Europe. Rather than face persecution for what many would describe as her evil, or witchery ways, instead she garnered the attention of an ambitious man. He used her abilities to achieve success, eventually rendering him the King. Unable to release Amadi into the world again for fear she would retaliate or perish, he appointed her with title, status, wealth, and education. She became his consultant, healer, and spiritual guide despite religious differences.

Plot Idea(s): The King could either keep her, sell her, or perhaps release her. Amadi could also become kidnapped, enslaved, or simply choose to live or even escape. Depending on these options, she could end up roaming Europe or other parts of the world. The possibilities are endless!


The Byzantine Oracle
Name: Delphina
Name meaning: Woman of/from Delphi
Ethnicity: Byzantine (Roman)
Age: Undecided
Religion: Orthodox Catholicism (Eastern Christianity)
Religious History: The Pythia was the name of the high priestess of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi who also served as its oracle, also known as the Oracle of Delphi. The Pythia was established at the latest in the 8th century BC and was widely credited for her prophecies uttered under divine possession. During this period, the Delphic Oracle was the most prestigious and authoritative oracle among the Greeks, and she was among the most powerful women of the classical world.

Delphina is believed to be a reincarnation of a Pythia from Ancient Roman times. Born to peasants for parents, her mother and father started suspecting something divine in their daughter when she was just a young child. As a toddler, Delphina would tell wild stories that at first, were attributed to the ramblings of an imaginative child. But soon, as Delphina grew older and many of these ramblings bore truth, her parents came to believe that Delphina was an oracle; capable of providing wisdom and prophetic prophecies well beyond any mortal abilities.

Plot Idea(s): I haven't a clue where I want this to go, heh! We can have her somewhat famous for her prophecies, so perhaps she would have a reputation. We could have her hunted down by powerful people who believe her to be likened to the devil, or something evil for her witch-ways. Or we could have her remain a poor woman, only running into your character by chance.. or perhaps... prophetic fate?
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World War II
A Quick Summary:
[Wikipedia] World War II (WWII or WW2), also known as the Second World War, was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. It involved the vast majority of the world's countries—including all the great powers—forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. In a state of total war, directly involving more than 100 million personnel from more than 30 countries, the major participants threw their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities behind the war effort, blurring the distinction between civilian and military resources. World War II was the deadliest conflict in human history, resulting in 70 to 85 million fatalities, with more civilians than military personnel killed. Tens of millions of people died due to genocides (including the Holocaust), premeditated death from starvation, massacres, and disease. Aircraft played a major role in the conflict, including in strategic bombing of population centres, the development of nuclear weapons, and the only two uses of such in war.

The Holocaust:
[Wikipedia] The Holocaust, also known as the Shoah, was the World War II genocide of the European Jews. Between 1941 and 1945, across German-occupied Europe, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews, around two-thirds of Europe's Jewish population. The murders were carried out in pogroms and mass shootings; by a policy of extermination through work in concentration camps; and in gas chambers and gas vans in German extermination camps, chiefly Auschwitz, Bełżec, Chełmno, Majdanek, Sobibór, and Treblinka in occupied Poland.

The Romani Genocide:
[Wikipedia] The Romani genocide or the Romani Holocaust—also known as the Porajmos, meaning "the Devouring"), the Pharrajimos ("Cutting up", "Fragmentation", "Destruction"), and the Samudaripen ("Mass killing")—was the effort by Nazi Germany and its World War II allies to commit ethnic cleansing and eventually genocide against Europe's Romani people. Historians estimate that between 220,000 and 500,000 Romani were killed by the Germans and their collaborators—25% to over 50% of the estimate of slightly fewer than 1 million Roma in Europe at the time. Later research cited by Ian Hancock estimated the death toll to be at about 1.5 million out of an estimated 2 million Roma.

Personally, I am a huge World War II history buff. It is my favorite historical time period/ event, and one of the most important in history. That being said, in terms of roleplay, I am looking to primarily focus on CONFLICT in the war and mainly to incorporate specific themes and kinks:

- Antiseminitism, Racism & Discrimination
- Fascism
- Social turmoil
- Political conflict
- Military power
- Oppression
- Enslavement
- Romance & Erotica
- Age differences between characters *optional*
- Opposites or opposing characters *optional*
- Potentially many more!

Female Roles - Introduction

I will be portraying a female character between the ages of 15 and 25 years old depending on the faceclaim, story, and plot point. I enjoy playing both submissive and switch female characters, often with some feisty flare and/or independence. I am open to playing characters who fall into the classic "damsel-in-distress" title, however also enjoy a setting where it is my character doing the rescuing. Equally open to a character carrying arms as much as she would carry diamonds. When we decide on a storyline and proper pairings for our two characters, we can choose what roles they will embrace from that point on.

Currently, I have an extensive list of faceclaims that can be used and the CHOICE IS YOURS from the following list.

* The names listed as the MODEL NAMES for the faceclaims are the real names of the model/actresses and not the names I will be using for my character.
* Beside the "MODEL NAME" will be a column titled "SUGGESTED ROLE" which provides an inspirational suggestion for the role this faceclaim may be able to portray in a WWII story.
THESE ARE SIMPLY SUGGESTIONS, and are not intended to limit any other possibilities. Feel free to pick the faceclaim of your choice and provide supplementary ideas!
  1. Adriana Lima
  2. Alicja Tubilewicz
  3. Barbara Palvin
  4. Bernadett Vidacs
  5. Chiara Scelsi
  6. Daria "Dasha" Milky
  7. Elsa Hosk
  8. Inka Williams
  9. Iskra Lawrence
  10. Paulina Schmitz
  1. Singer/ Actress/ Celebrity
  2. Slav and Escort/Slave/Prisoner
  3. Any role
  4. Resistance/ Barmaid
  5. Italian Jew/ Mixed Race
  6. Maid/ Servant/ Prisoner
  7. Celebrity/ Businesswoman/ Spy
  8. Prisoner/ Slave/ Bride
  9. Any Role
  10. Any Role
  1. Jessica Stam
  2. Jessica Strother
  3. Jessika Van
  4. Katiusha Feofanova
  5. Kim Davidson
  6. Lesha Jay Vescio
  7. Liliya Kotsur
  8. Lily Collins
  9. Liu Wen
  10. TBD
  1. Russian Spy/ Assassin/ Sniper
  2. Biracial/ Any role
  3. Ambassador/ Spy/ Translator
  4. Prisoner/ Slave/ Bride
  5. Prisoner/ Laborer/ Resistance
  6. Heiress/ Spy/ Resistance
  7. Any role
  8. Secretary/ Translator/ Other
  9. Ambassador/ Spy/ Translator
  10. TBD
  1. Mackenzie Foy
  2. Marina Nery
  3. Melina Martin
  4. Nejla Hadzic
  5. Raudha Athif
  6. Sophia Lillis
  7. Tonia Stupar
  8. Vanessa Moe
  9. Zhenya Katava
  10. TBD
  1. Prisoner/ Slave/ Bride
  2. Biracial/ Romani/ Gypsy
  3. Runaway / Prisoner
  4. Slav/ Any role
  5. Rajasthan Gypsy
  6. Prisoner/ Posing as a boy
  7. Any role
  8. Celebrity/ Heiress/ Barmaid
  9. Romani/ Gypsy/ Other
  10. TBD

Female Characters (with specific storylines):
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The Christian Jew
* Optional: Face-claim can be changed *​
Name: Verena
Name Meaning: To fear, to respect
Age: 16-18
Ethnicity: Undetermined
Religion: Judaism (pretending to be Christian)
Abilities: Well-educated, literate, multi-lingual, studying to be a Nurse

BIO: Verena is a young Jew who, alongside with her family, is pretending to be a Christian. Verena lives with her mother, father, two siblings, uncle and two cousins. The lot of them have retreated to a countryside cabin, where they are posing as Christians in order to escape execution and deportation. Having been a wealthy before the genocide of war, Verena and her family managed to obtain false documentation and papers with newfound identities, changing their names and forging entirely new identities. In order to protect their property and themselves, the family has set up numerous bear traps surrounding the perimeters and continuously patrol the area. In addition to traps, they are also fully armed with several arms and ammunition, and have removed all items related to Judaism and replaced them with Christian tokens. During winter and the holiday season, the family also decorated for Christmas.

Plot Idea(s): Enemy forces invade the wintery countryside where Verena and her family's vacation property is located. Your character, either an enemy (soldier, agent, officer, etc.) or member of a resistance, ends up caught in a bear trap on the outskirts of the estate. He is only discovered some time later, unconscious, and at the mercy of Verena's family. Although her father and uncle agree to kill him in order to protect the family. Verena vehemently refuses this heinous act, convincing them to let her care for the captor and nurse him back to health. Another option (if you don't want your character to be stuck in a bear trap, would be to have him with another sort of injury that would render him unconscious).


The Soviet Sniper
* Optional: Face-claim can be changed *​
Name: Valeriya
Name Meaning: Bravery, to be strong
Age: 25-30
Ethnicity: Russian
Religion: Judaism or Christianity
Abilities: Sharpshooter, excellent marksman, tactical and espionage skills, multi-lingual

History of Soviet Snipers: [Wikipedia] Snipers of the Soviet Union played an important role mainly on the Eastern Front of World War II, apart from other preceding and subsequent conflicts. During World War II, 428,335 individuals, including partisans, are believed to have received Red Army sniper training, and of those 9,534 obtained higher-level qualifications. Unlike the militaries of other nations, these snipers could be men or women. Between 1941–1945, a total of 2,484 Soviet female snipers were functioning in this role, of whom about 500 survived the war.

SMERSH was an umbrella organization for three independent counter-intelligence agencies in the Red Army formed in late 1942 or even earlier, but officially announced only on 14 April 1943. The main reason for its creation was to subvert the attempts by German forces to infiltrate the Red Army on the Eastern Front. The official statute of SMERSH listed the following tasks to be performed by the organization: counter-intelligence, counter-terrorism, preventing any other activity of foreign intelligence in the Red Army; fighting "anti-Soviet elements" in the Red Army; protection of the front lines against penetration by spies and "anti-Soviet elements"; investigating traitors, deserters and self-harm in the Red Army; and checking military and civil personnel returning from captivity.

BIO: Valeriya is a sniper and spy for the Soviet Union. She is proficient in several languages, including Russian, Ukrainian, German, English (and possibly Yiddish). Indoctrinated at a very young age, Valeriya joined Soviet intelligence as a teenager. She was recruited through her uncle, whom was already a member and recognized that Val was a triple thread: beautiful, cunning, and multi-lingual. She received intensive training, becoming an expert sharpshooter, combatant, and linguist. As World War II consumed European and Eastern territories, Valeriya was tasked as part of SMERSH, and also served the front lines as a sniper.

Plot Idea(s): There are a lot of ways we could play this, which will be depending on timeline. The Soviet Union's involvement in WWII changed over time as relations between Nazi Germany and the United States evolved. The pairing will also depend on what task Valeriya is working on, whether she is on the front lines or if she is working espionage in Russia or even in a different country.


The Boy Impostor
Name: Hedda (Boy name: Heiden)
Name Meaning: Battle war
Age: 15-18
Ethnicity: German and Polish
Religion: Judaism
Abilities: Well-educated, multi-lingual

BIO: Hedda is a teenage Jew born to a Polish mother and German father. She grew up wealthy, as her father was an established banker and her mother was a teacher. The youngest and only girl of four siblings, Hedda lived a relatively calm and sheltered life. Her family travelled frequently between Germany and Poland, and spoke both German, Polish, Hebrew and Yiddish. Despite their status and wealth, the entire family fell victim to the mass-round up of Jews and placed on a one-way ticket train ride to a concentration camp.

Upon realizing that the entire family was headed straight for a labor or death camp, Hedda's mother and brothers decided that Hedda had the best chance of surviving if she posed as a male. Fearing Hedda would be raped or worse as a woman in a camp, they cut off her long, amber locks and dressed her in her youngest brother's clothes, hoping to disguise her as a teenage boy.

Plot Idea(s): The ruse works, and Hedda ends up separated from her parents and placed in a labor camp with her three brothers. From there, we can discuss how your character comes across Hedda (posing as Heiden). He could be a guard or office, another prisoner, some type of employee, etc.


The Bosnian Beauty
Name: Almedina (nickname: Dina)
Name Meaning: One who is devoted to faith, civilized
Age: 16-20
Ethnicity: Bosnian-Serb
Religion: Orthodox Christian

History of Bosnia-Herzegovina: [Wikipedia] Once the kingdom of Yugoslavia was conquered by German forces in World War II, all of Bosnia was ceded to the Nazi puppet regime, the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) led by the Ustaše. The NDH leaders embarked on a campaign of extermination of Serbs, Jews, Romani as well as dissident Croats, and, later, Josip Broz Tito's Partisans by setting up a number of death camps. The regime systematically and brutally massacred Serbs in villages in the countryside, using a variety of tools. The scale of the violence meant that approximately every sixth Serb living in Bosnia-Herzegovina was the victim of a massacre and virtually every Serb had a family member that was killed in the war, mostly by the Ustaše. The experience had a profound impact in the collective memory of Serbs in Croatia and Bosnia. An estimated 209,000 Serbs or 16.9% of its Bosnia population were killed on the territory of Bosnia–Herzegovina during the war.

BIO: Almedina, or Dina, is a young village girl from Bosnia and a descendant of Serbians. In her small town, she is known to be soft-spoken, kind, and devoted to the community. Her village falls victim to one of the NDH massacres, to which her family and most of her town are brutally murdered in a sudden siege. As a Serb, Dina and her family are one of many targeted families trying to survive and/or flee the massacre.

Plot Idea(s): I am thinking most, if not all of her family is murdered. Dina will either escape and go on the run, or be captured. Ideally, your character would likely be involved in the massacre, with the NDH or Ustase, or with German forces. Another option is that a resistance fighter or militia help rescue Almedina.

Sci-Fi & Fantasy Options

I want to make clear that this is absolutely 100% optional. I am offering this element as an added/ extra feature but it does NOT have to be implemented in to the roleplay if you wish to stick exclusively to realistic and historically-accurate content.

A Quick Summary:
The theme of World War II literature and media has often delved into genre of sci-fi and/or fantasy, by incorporating factors such as:

- Scientific research & experimentation
- Biological mutations, with or without powers
- Enhancing medications or drugs
- Super-soldiers
- Ancient artifacts
- Magical properties
- Super-powers (example: X-Men)

There are several ways to explore this option, but I've narrowed it down to four primary ideas:

1) EXPERIMENTS: In this scenario, either of our characters would have been chosen for a biological experimentation where he or she is subjected to many tests and genetic modifications. It is not unknown to real history that Nazi Germany performed experiments in a hunt for a "super-soldier" to fight for their regime. Although unsuccessful in true history, for this roleplay we can have their efforts be victorious.

2) DRUGS: It is not uncommon for militaries in major wars to provide a variety of drug options to their soldiers in order to keep them energized, awake, and active. However for this idea, we can explore a more scientific advancement where a drug (or cocktail of drugs) are used to enhance either of our characters - giving he or she superhuman abilities. However, with this option, our characters may only have these abilities while under the influence of these specially-designed drugs. Once the dose wears thin, the character returns to a normal human. These abilities can be further discussed, as well.

3) MUTATION: Think X-Men, but without all the theatrics. I am fully open to exploring a world within a World War II setting that has MUTANTS - humans who through natural biological occurrence, were born with special abilities. I will also include the option of having man-made mutants who developed their abilities through experimentation (see #1). I'd like this occurrence to be especially rare, however. Not common like they are in modern X-Men comics and media. These abilities can be discussed further. Either my own character, yours, or even BOTH can be "mutants".

4) MAGICAL ARTIFACT: This is inspired by the Holy Lance (Spear of Destiny), which is legendary lance that pierced the side of Christ, believed to have caught the fascination of Adolf Hitler throughout WWII. According to occult legend, whoever holds the spear, holds the destiny of the world in their hands. Both Hitler and Himmler shared this fascination, with Hitler removing the spear from the Hofburg Museum in Vienna, and Himmler creating a replica for his private room. Although we don't have to use the Spear of Destiny in our roleplay, we can take inspiration from that occult belief and create our own artifacts that may possess spiritual and/or magical properties.

Female Characters (with specific storylines):
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The Kalbeliya Snake-Charmer
Name: Kimaya
Name Meaning: Sorcery, magic
Age: 16-21
Ethnicity: Indian (Rajasthani)
Religion: Undetermined
Abilities: Undetermined

History of the Kalbeliya Nomads: [Wikipedia] Kalbelia or Kabeliya is a dance from Rajasthan, performed by the tribe of the same name. The Kalbelias moved frequently from one place to another in ancient times. Their traditional occupation is catching snakes and trading snake venom. They are also Sapera, Jogira or yogi. They trace their ancestry from Kanlipar, the 12th disciple of Guru Gorakhnath. They live a nomadic life and belong to the scheduled tribes. Kalbelias have traditionally been a fringe group in society living in spaces outside the village where they reside in makeshift camps called deras. The Kalbelias move their deras from one place to another in a circuitous route repeated over time. Over the generations, the Kalbelias acquired a unique understanding of the local flora and fauna, and are aware of herbal remedies for various diseases which is an alternative source of income for them.

BIO: Kimaya is a Rajasthani woman of the Kalbeliya tribe in India. As a child, she was discovered by an English historian travelling North-West India for research during the English-occupation and rule over India. Interested in her tribe's gypsy lifestyle, he lived amongst them and studied the Kalbeliya people for a period of time. Offering her family money and the promise of a better life, Kimaya returned to England with the professor as a young teen, where she studied English and other topics in his care.

Plot Idea(s): I have two ideas for Kimaya.

1) The professor specifically targeted the Kalbeliya tribe because he believed that an ancient artifact from India in his possession could only be used by the blood of a Kalbeliya Rajasthani, whose ties to ancestral descendants make them eligible to harbor the artifact's magic. The artifact can be anything from a trinket to a piece of a jewelry.

2) The professor takes Kimaya to England, believing she have powers and abilities (mutant) related to her snake-charming ancestry. These special abilities can be discussed, however I believe I would like them to relate to snakes. Perhaps Kimaya can control and speak to serpents, and also possessed venomous or toxic blood, capable of killing, subduing, or possibly mind-controlling whoever consumes it. To be determined!


The Bender of Time
* Optional: Face-claim can be changed *​
Name: Izolda
Name Meaning: Ice battle
Age: 17-24
Ethnicity: Any --- German, French, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian, Czech (Bohemia and Moravia), Yugoslavian, etc.
Religion: Judaism or Christianity
Abilities: freezing time, time-bending, predicting the future, seeing flashes of the past

BIO: Izolda is a mutant who has an incredible relationship with the concept of time. She was born with heterochromia, also known as two-different colored eyes, which allow her to "see beyond the mortal constraints of time". With her powers, she is able to bend time, which was revealed when she quite literally froze time still. When Izolda stops time, she is able to move freely through in, while the rest of the world is stuck frozen; physically still, but still mentally conscious. Her mutation also allows her to predict the near-future and sometimes see visions of the past. The latter are more infrequent and rare, but do sometimes occur, especially in times of grave danger or need.

Plot Idea(s): There are a lot of options, depending on when we set the story, which country, what role your character plays, and whether we want Izolda to be the result of an experiment, or born natually with powers. I initially made her Jewish, but that can be changed (I just thought it would make things more interesting). Send me your ideas!


The All-Knowing
* Optional: Face-claim can be changed *​
Name: Zsofia
Name Meaning: Wise one, wisdom, knowledge
Age: 17-21
Ethnicity: Any --- German, French, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian, Czech (Bohemia and Moravia), Yugoslavian, etc.
Religion: Judaism or Christianity
Abilities: All-seeing eye, psychic, capable of knowing one's fears and feelings, able to see memories and dreams

BIO: Zsofia is a young woman born with a split the iris of one of her eyes, rendering half of it blue and the other half brown. A rare manifestation of heterochromia, the mutation in her eye also lead to the development of an unique ability: the power to see... into someone's mind. Zsofia is able to sense one's fears, feelings and even their aspirations through skin-to-skin contact as simple as touching the person's hand. She is also able to see past memories through this same process. The longer she spends with an individual and the more contact she has with them, the stronger her knowledge of them becomes; further connection her mind to theirs.

Plot Idea(s): I could see Zsofia using this ability to escape capture or get out of trouble. I can also see knowledge of this ability could be deemed a threat or major intel breach. We could explore an situation where Zsofia is being hunted down, or perhaps where she finds herself in the crosshairs of a bad situation, and has to "see" her way out of it. Many possibilities to consider!


The Temptress
* Optional: Face-claim can be changed *​
Name: Delilah
Name Meaning: Languishing, lovelorn, seductive
Age: 18-25
Ethnicity: Any --- German, French, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian, Czech (Bohemia and Moravia), Yugoslavian, etc.
Religion: Judaism or Christianity
Abilities: Temptation, seduction, possession, compelling someone to do something or bending their will

BIO: Delilah is a mutant (either naturally born or as a result of experiment) who possesses the power of persuasion. This ability manifests itself in many different ways, including being able to convince someone to do something, often against their will, as well tempting those she wishes to control with the allure of sex. Delilah's powers have varying degrees of strength depending on the victim. A strong-willed individual is harder to bend than someone who is a subordinate or weak of mind. There are many factors that contribute to her powers, including attraction and fear. Those who are in a state of panic or fear, as well as in a state of arousal, are easier to manipulate, giving Delilah a stronger hold over their actions.

Plot Idea(s): I left the option open for her religion. She does not have to be Jewish, though I imagine if she was a Jew, she would have escaped captor time and time again through the use of her mutation. We could also explore the idea that perhaps Delilah is hunting someone specific, or perhaps someone is hunting her down. Maybe she possesses top secret intel that she obtain through using her power, or maybe she herself is acting as a spy to extract information. I'm open!


The Time-Travelling Assassin
* Optional: Face-claim can be changed *​
Name: Anastasiya/ Anya
Name Meaning: Resurrection
Age: 25-30
Ethnicity: Russian
Religion: Judaism or Christianity
Abilities: Sharpshooter, marksman, tactical combat, espionage, master of disguise, multi-lingual

BIO: Anastasiya, also known as Anya, is an highly skilled and lethal assassin from the future. She is launched back in time, either by some sort of magical artifact or purposely through means of science, to World War II. She is one of the agencies best mercenaries, having killed over 200 targets in her short but growing career. Anya is extremely cunning and intelligent, and is also fully fluent in several languages, including Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, German, Dutch, and English (among other languages that she understands and speaks, but is not totally fluent in).

Plot Idea(s): She can either end up in WWII either purposely for a mission, or by fluke. If we place her on a mission, I'd imagine it would make the most sense for her to kill someone or individuals that would help end the war or change the outcome of the war. We could explore a Linchpin theory here, where the death of one person, or perhaps the change of one simple event, could cause a domino effect to prevent something, end it, or even start it on a new path altogether. Many options we can brainstorm!
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