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Fx Male Gritty Fantasy, Story, Complicated romance - Mercenary wanted


Wily Switch Vixen
Nov 19, 2017
Before you read this - ⭐ I exclusively play Monster Girls/Non humans (Humanoid) ⭐
If you're not into this, then i've saved you 10 minutes.


>F-list by request
>While alot of smut is okay for short-term, lots of story will get my attention long term. I prefer dark and gritty fantasy over slice of life
>At least 1-2 paragraph post length. (Around 8-10 sentences each. Though if you give detailed posts with plenty of reactions, emotions and thought this shouldn't be difficult.)
> 3rd Person only
>Prefer to play against Humans and Non human (Humanoid) characters. Other animal-kin, demons, shapeshifters, Lycan/werewolves, elves, made up races even, would even accept human characters with some sort of enhancement/curse? Not limited to this list, just something that makes the dynamic more interesting and complicated without being too edgy. No Anthro.
>Prefer to play with RL Males.
>Realism! Even in fantasy settings, I like a sense of realism. That doesn't mean that everything has to be super realistic, but have things explainable in a way that makes sense and its not a thing just because. (Like, if a character can use magic, then there is a downside ect ect). Prefer Semi-realism so there is some bending but nothing over the top.
> OOC! (A must! Discuss ideas, banter about our characters. I think I'm easy to get along with. I will post when I am free. You will post when you are free. Nothing more. Regular posting is nice but it cant always be achieved - and this is okay. (Do not confuse IC with OOC)

Quick note before PMing me - If all you're going to ask is 'if I want to rp', I probably wont reply.
If you're going to message me without any ideas of what you want to do, just dont bother at all. Ive already got several plots here and if you arent interested in those and have NO IDEAS of your own, why message me and not reply when I ask what ideas you have. Save your time and mine. I cannot come up with all the ideas.

Quick note - I AM SCATTER BRAINED. This is nothing to do with you. I just lose track of messages at times. This is on me and I apologize.
Do message again if we lost touch.


My Character / Things I'd like to include (Please tell me yours/ones you don't like)
Foxkin/Wolfkin/ Or something Demon like (Pictures not face claims - Just a reference)
No kitsune. No succbus. No anthro.

>She's a True Switch. She gels best with other Switches. Failing that -
Dom partners - Is happy for her to take control every so often for alittle power struggle here and there
Sub partners - No doormats. Will not accept if being submissive is their entire personality, based on how shy and soft they are.
Believe it or not, personality is separate from sexual preferences.

>Complex Relationship dynamics (From love hate relationships to subtle power struggles - Even if they may fall in love, their relationship isn't always straight forward or usual, like the Size different for example)
>Sizeplay/Size Differences
> Humour! (I welcome the jokes, quips and humour. The world is gritty, but humour lifts the spirits. Also some light hearted situations to fill the time)
> Shes Outgoing - Confident - Brash/Straight talking -Laid back - Fiery - Independent - Cunning - Witty.
> (Wolf/Fox girl rule) She also goes into Heat twice a year for a week during Summer and Winter.
I play this out as I like to call 'The Horny Flu'. Because of the whirlwind of hormones, Yes her sex drive goes into overdrive but it also comes with other symptoms such as aches, hot flushes, slight mood swings, and fatigue. The longer without release, the more intense these symptoms become however it is the ONLY time she is fertile. Can easily ignore this by making their races noncompatible.

Plots and Ideas -
I have a very basic dice system that helps fights be more organic, which can be changed to suit the way we want to play out our story. But this is optional.

Sky Pirates -
I have no formal ideas for this, but I like the idea of having an airship crew and playing out a complicated romance between the Captain (yc) and an Engineer (Mc).
Playing out smuggling jobs and running away/fighting 'the law'.
An idea to be built upon for anyone who wants to push alittle more into more Steampunk fantasy themes.

The Mercenary Hunter -
Medieval and/or Steampunk elements or slightly more tech advanced or Modern Fantasy setting

Theres always work for those with dubious morals, have sword skills to sell, or have a general love of coin - but the local authority doesn't take kindly to work that takes order out of their hands, making finding this kind of work hard.
Ironically, this work litters her desk. Bounty posters, job requests and those needing a sword fills her work space. These jobs are often collected from black market rumours, and even corrupt local authorities where their own guard have failed, or those that know of her.
There just isn't enough names in her 'Black Book' to give them to, acting as a 'broker' or 'agency' to sell swords as a person to go to for guaranteed work. But her services are not well known, or whispered among those in a similar line of work. The names in the book are of those she trusts to get the job done, representing themselves and her 'business' - but there are many names crossed out - either being untrustworthy or simply never returning from a job.

Can be played episodically if wanted.
Will include hunts for bounties for demons and people, while battling the sexual tension between the two.

Plot ideas for this-
1-Since she is always on the look out, she frequents the cities many bars and taverns, even traveling outside of the city, to scope out and look for men that look like they are good at intimidating, or killing a fella. She's spotted YC at a bar and has casually slid up for a friendly chat. She offers cash to entertain her for the night, ending in her giving him details on how he can make more.

2-YC is already in her Black Book, visiting her when he is in the area or strapped for cash.
She has another job for him, but for this one, she is insisting to go with him.

Open to ideas
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