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Anj's Journal(8/18 update)


Jan 19, 2009
February 24th, 2008
Desolate. I feel desolate.
Empty, and alone.
And so very tired.
Like I could sleep forever and be just fine with that.
As the day of my birth grows nearer, I am more filled with dread than excitement.
Growing another year older just reminds me that I'm growing out of my time of youth and innocence.

I just want to go back to when I didn't understand the meaning of rejection, and of pain.
To when I could find the silverlining in everything, no matter how horrible it seemed.

I'm just tired.
Re: A Place To Think(Anjeru's Journal)

Well now. I have those days too, they are not very fun at all Anj.

Then I get all bummed cause back then in those carefree days everything was almost always good.
Re: A Place To Think(Anjeru's Journal)

Yes, yes it was.
'Tis just a down day. Lol.
Re: A Place To Think(Anjeru's Journal)

I hate those quite a lot.

but hey thats what watching rediculous vids on Youtube and stuff is for.
Re: A Place To Think(Anjeru's Journal)

D: I want Ice Cream

Also Music helps...unless its Disturbed and you have been listening to it for like...6 hours...straight with no pauses.
Re: A Place To Think(Anjeru's Journal)

February 26th, 2009
I'm awake early for once, after falling asleep early for once. Needed to catch up on my sleep, I suppose.
It's just weird because no one is really awake.
It's a big day for me, today.
I'm really nervous; why?
My father is flying in tonight, who I haven't seen in 12 years, and is staying with us for 2 weeks(my mom, my sister, my brother, and I).
I am not sure what I'm going to say or do and whatnot. I mean, we talk on the phone all the time but its been 12 years since I've actually seen him.

I'll still be on for the next two weeks, but if I seem distracted or I go poof unannounced, you know why now.
Though, I'm still very much in the writing mood, so I doubt my RP's will suffer much, if at all.

Re: A Place To Think(Anjeru's Journal)

February 26th, 2009 #2
You would think that today of all days, my mom could stifle her urge to make my life a living hell. But no, of course not.
I swear the woman lives to make me suffer and when I don't take her crap, she goes after my little sister because she's not 18, so mom figures she can get away with it. Like I'd seriously stand by and let her do that.
*shakes her head*
Not only that, she decided spraying bug killer next to my face was a GOOD idea.
Today better start improving or I am going to go crazy.
Re: A Place To Think(Anjeru's Journal)

I don't wanna spend money, so...we shall need to wait for Teleportation to go public.
Re: A Place To Think(Anjeru's Journal)

But... you're a Pylon! And the Protoss can teleport stuff in SC2! (like beyond just using the stationary portals used to summon troops). Use your superior technology to get to Bremerton!
Re: A Place To Think(Anjeru's Journal)

Nah *Pets Anj* She needs a boost in happyness *Throws kittens around into pillows*
Re: A Place To Think(Anjeru's Journal)RP update

March 3rd, 2009
I'm in a severely pissed off state of mind.
Everything is only serving to irritate me further.
Fair warning;
I might not respond to RP's until I'm not so pissed off.
Just in case someone asks.
Re: A Place To Think(Anjeru's Journal)RP update

March 4th, 2009
I have feelings for someone, that I probably shouldn't have feelings for.
Having a boyfriend who ignores my existence does not help this.
I fear hurting people I love.
And I'm just so damned exhausted.
I'm drained, emotionally and physically.
I smile though, and try to keep a positive outlook.
Whatever is meant to happen, will happen.
Having someone who cares for me so much, even as a friend, helps.
And I thank him for that, I really do.

Still not up to RP.
Might reply soon.
Re: A Place To Think(Anjeru's Journal)RP update

Well, if you just want to vent and hurt someone verbally, you can always PM or IM me... I'm good at receiving that type of shit and won't take it personally or out of context. Just let me know you want to vent or rant.

Sometimes just having someone you can voice your problems to can help immensely.
Re: A Place To Think(Anjeru's Journal)RP update

*hugs* I'm always here for you, Anjeru, if you need someone to talk to. We're good friends, right?
Re: A Place To Think(Anjeru's Journal)RP update

Thanks, both of you.
It's appreciated.
Re: A Place To Think(Anjeru's Journal)RP update

March 5th, 2009
After 9 o'clock last night, my day went south very quickly.
Not in a good way.
Safe to say, I came home and cried myself to sleep.
Don't know how active I'll be, but I'm alive.
Re: A Place To Think(Anjeru's Journal)RP update

*hugs tight* Anji, get some sleep. I'm sure you need it. Then get a tub of ice cream. Get a funny movie and shut off all communication, enjoy some time to yourself to unwind. I'm sure you need it.
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