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Mx F or NB Come One Come All! Many Adventures To Be Had!


Nov 2, 2020
Hello dear reader! Wherever you are I hope you are staying safe and happy during these crazy times.

You can call me Auxilia or any kind of combo of that really I don’t mind! I am new here and so I am gonna try my luck with a request thread. Just a warning, I doubt this request thread will be perfect and also just keep in mind it’ll be far from complete and I’ll be adding to it a lot. This is more just to get my feet in the water and look for partners while I am getting in my feet here!

So a bit about me, I am a college student right now. I have been role playing for about 5 or so years, and am always looking for new partners to create beautiful worlds with! My post length is usually around 3-4 paragraphs though I tend to match my partners efforts. Give me a paragraph and you won’t get much more than that in return, give me your best and that’s what you’ll get from me!

With that being said let’s get onto all the fun stuff!

Scenario Ideas
Okay! So to start I’d just like to say I would love something based in a fantasy world! It can be full of magic, monsters and the like or it could be more realistic I don’t really mind I just have a huge itch for the like! Something like the hobbit or lord of the rings where our characters go on a grand adventure in order to save the kingdom or even the world would be really cool! If that’s not you’re thing we could always keep it small and inside a town or kingdom as well.

Now I know fantasy might now be everyone’s cup of tea so I’ll definitely be open to other genres as well! Sci-fi is also another personal favorite of mine, and maybe even some slice of life is great too if the plot is right. Oh and if you are open to playing a cannon character against my OC I would love you forever! I am into way too many fandoms to list though so if you are open to it just let me know and I can list them for you! Adding fandoms to this thread is just another one of those renovations I’ll have to make in the future.

Kinks and Such
Alright now onto the naughty stuff! Kink wise there is a ton that I’m into, though some of my favorites are creampies, literally ANY breast play!!, risky/public play, impreg/risk of impreg, deepthroat, titfucking, and squirting though those are definitely no where near them all so don’t be shy!

The only things I’m not into are BDSM, blood play, any kind of violence in smut scenes, bathroom play, and rape. Other than that I’m open to just about everything!

Alright! I’m gonna apologize for this thread being so barebones but I’m just looking to talk to potential partners! If you are interested in a specific genre let me know and we can discuss ideas and all that! I have tons and you of course are free to suggest your own!

I hope to hear from you!
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