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The Plot She Sickens (or Ein's super awesome scratchpad of Plots)


Oct 29, 2020
Plots, or well a lose collection of plots.

PLEASE NOTE!!! The ones in bold are the main ones I am interested in working with.

*Like Flowers in the Attic but Sexy: YC and mc are orphans sent to live with their crazy aunt. She is hates the children and soon locks them in the attic where they are to this very day. What will happen when you shove two hormone grief addled teens in a small ass attic. Tune in and find out!

*Bleed it Out: mc is a horribly sexually repressed nerd of a girl, who has a secret crush on her older brother (YC) one morning she is late for school and when YC goes to check on her he finds her in an interesting predicament...she had just gotten her first period.

*Babes in the Woods: After our mother’s untimely death our father remarries to a cold woman, who sends us away to live in the woods by ourselves in hopes that our father will learn to love her children more. Can we survive? And what on earth will we do to cure the boredom?

*Home Coming: Growing up as twins YC and mc where close...and one evening after some shenanigans we became even closer, for a time. That ended awhile ago and now YC is home for the holidays and you have a surprise, a fiancé, but will being around the person who you have shared the most intimate times with fuck all that up?

*Fragile Are these Walls: Yc and mc have been together since they were born, literally born holding onto on another we are a special set of twins, conceived when a single egg was split and fertilized by two sperm. We have never been a part, and as we grow up it becomes increasingly apparent we may never want to be.

*Do It for Daddy: In a cyberpunk world father turns daughter into a stripper to pay debts to a mob boss.

*The Dancing Doesn’t Lie: YC loves his little sister mc, but here lately he has noticed that she is starting to grow up in ways that make it hard for him to ignore, mc has long since had an adoration of YC but here lately is has turned into something more. What will happen on a hot summer day when we are both alone, and mc asks yours to teach her how to dance.

*Desolate Measures: It is the distant future within the past 30 years the government has been relying more and more on robots to do the jobs cheaper and more efficiently that human, unemployment rates are at an all time high. YC and mc were taken away from our parents and sent to government schooling to help us gather the knowledge and skills to make us employable, graduation day comes and we find out we have been turned out into the streets giving an area we can live in and credits to survive on, what will we do, and how will we handle the attraction growing between us.

*Funny Uncle : YC has never thought of his niece (mc) as more than just a kid, all than changes when you catch her getting off to your porno stash.

*The Patriarch: Who says grandfathers sit around and drool? YC is a strong and handsome male that has a lineage that loves him and looks to him for anything and everything. However he shows favoritism to one grandchild over them all, mc. Now why could that be?

*Summertime Blues: mc has been taken to the beach by her grandparents, but what does she do when she finds her handsome grandfather (YC) jerking pictures of her?

*After School Special: mc has been going over to her grandparents place after school as long as she can remember and getting help from her handsome grandfather (YC) for as long as she can remember. Whaat happens one rainy afternoon when she brings her biology notes to review.

*Cry Little Sister: After our father dies YC moves back in to help with bills and take care of his beloved little sis (mc)

*The Whole Shebang: A fun and hillarious romp through several different pairings (Daddy/Daughter, Brother/Sister, Cousins, Niece/Uncle, Granddaughter/Grandfather) the catch? It's all the same girl.

*Come at me Old Man: What happens in a super religious family when the daughter (mc) is of age, the mother's dying, dad's (YC) looking for someone to warm his bed, and a brother (YC) with a dark past shows back up to pay his final respects? Shenanigans, the answer is shenanigans.

*I'll Let You Put it Anywhere: What happens when rich bored step siblings (mc & YC) make a wager to deflower the newly arrived virgin (mc) at their prep school? Come with me and let us spin a tale of lies, deceit, manipulation, and maybe even murder.

*Her Way or the Highway: Growing up a young girl (mc) and her father (YC) are hella close, too close you might say. Mom is hella jealous, but dad and the daughter ignore her. That is until one day when the mom turns up missing, and then dead. Who did it? And why does the creepy neighbor dude (possibly YC if you want him, if not he can be a NPC) keep staring at my character?

Double your Pleasure Double You Fun: Twins, I got two sets of them, let's see what we can work out.

Three for the Price of One: Triplets, can you character handle them?

*Such a Sweet Surprise: A lonely man (YC) finds a advertisement where ever advertising a room for rent. Upon answering the ad the man meets a lonely widow and her daughter (mc). The room is nice, the house spacious enough for him to have solitude if he wishes it, and the company is riveting. The only thing better...the sweet cherry pie.

* Spicing Things Up: YC and your wife, have hit a slump in your marriage. Enter mc the babysitter, and drinks one night your wife confides in you that she would love to have a 3some with my character you agree. Now the only trick is getting mc to agree.

*Vacation Memories: YC and family goes on vacation and decides to bring the babysitter along mc, what will happen in exotic locations and sandy beaches.

*Practically Perfect: YC is an over worked single parent coping with the loss of his wife and needs a live in nanny mc is running from her past and needs a place to heal. Will these two lost souls be able to help one another out?

*Absence Doesn't Make the Heart Grow Fonder: YC's wife has gone missing. It was a fact the marriage was an unhappy one. Rumors abound in the small town that she was cheating on YC. mc is the family babysitter, who has been with the family since the first of your three small children were born. Now suddenly your two seem more friendly than friendly, don't worry nothing is going on. She is underage after all.

*Just Keep Swimming: YC is a swimming instuctor at the local pool, and mc is suddenly signed up for swim lessons.

*Office Hours: YC is one of the toughest college professors around, mc considers them tough but fair. When there is a need for an extension mc goes to your office late one afternoon and catches you jerking off to porn, specifically DD/lg porn. It’s revealed that you area a total Daddy and a proposition is made I can go an never speak of what I saw and get. My extension or I can stay and work for high marks.

*Blame It on the A-a-a-alcohol: One night at a local dive bar YC an mc get into a friendly game of pool, the result is drinking and shenanigans. The catch YC is mc’s professor. What will the morning after be like?

*Marks: YC is a hard ass professor, and mc is a student in his class, after looking at her midterm grades mc realizes she is in danger of failing YC’s class and losing her scholarship. What lengths will she go to get good marks.

Soaring: YC is a world class equestrian coach and mc is has what it takes to be a champion, the only problem she pushes herself way too hard. After discovering a damaging secret can YC help mc while battling their attraction towards her?

Hot for Teacher: Kinda a combo platter here! YC, a teacher, is drug to a strip club and along the way meets a stripper, mc, they hit it off really well, the next day YC comes to class only to see, mc character his student! Whatever shall happen.

Young, Scrappy, and Hungry: YC is fresh out of college and ready to teach. Mc is a troubled student with a dark past. Will YC be able to help? What will he do about his burgeoning attraction to her?

*Cat and Mouse: mc is the new girl in town staying with her super conservative grandmother. YC is a hot teacher who mc takes an interest in. The catch? YC is engaged.

*I Can Be Your Hero, Baby: YC observes mc getting assaulted on the street and saves her. Fun times ensue

*Rush: YC is a frat boy who is observing pledges one night during a party. While making sure they are not doing dumb shit to get you all put on super secrete probation, he stumbles onto three of his fat bros fixing to take advantage of a woozy freshman (mc) you kick them out and upon closer inspection you realize I have been drugged.

*Born to be Bred: In a dystopian future the woman of the world are kept docile and as cattle for breeding purposes and the men are told that it is there civic duty to breed the women, one day a guy comes in and sees a girl he would like to have more with.

*I Will Always Love You: YC is hired by mc’s family to be mc’s personal bodyguard.

*What Little Girls are Made of: One not so special day YC is driving down a deserted road and sees a young woman (mc) walking barefoot down the road beat to fuck. Who is she? Where is she going? Whose blood is on her? And what will YC do? Hopefully pick her up or this is gonna be a short ass plot.

*Everybody Comes but Nobody Nuts: It's the night of the high school theater's last production of "The Crucible" and the cast party is being held at Senior/lead man/and all around acting protégée Cody Schuck's (YC, aka Mr Triple Threat (cause he can dance, sing, and fuck), aka mc's best friend since the were zygotes) house. What will happen on the night of his greatest triumph? ((note: Cody has a specific face claim))

*Cue the 90s Music: YC is the high school quarter back, my character is the shy nerd , any questions?

*It must be a mixup: mc has been accepted into one of the most prestigious boarding school in the country. The catch there was a mixup and now mc has to live in the all boys dorm that includes her new roommates as well! Please note you will be playing multiple characters for this game.

*Welcome Princess: mc stumbles upon and elite all boys club designed to cater to women and ends up joining it. The only problem? YCs can’t help but find her irresistible. Please not you will be playing multiple characters for this game.

*An Offer She Can’t Refuse: YC is a mafia boss who is need of a companion. One day he runs into mc a student who works two jobs. His proposal is simple. He will pay for her schooling as long as she is his arm candy. What could go wrong?

*Sweet Sucess: YC is a loaded workoholic who has no time to date, so a friend suggests this dating app “Sweet Success” Which pairs wealthy men up with attractive women who are in need of financial support. There you run across mc, a virgin who thought this was just a general dating app. What will happen?

*Distraction: YC is a wealthy 1% old money tycoon who has grown bored with life. mc is a new waitress at one of his favorite restaurants. One day he strikes a deal with her, he will pay her an exhorbant amount of money if she can live with him for a year.

*Place Ya Bets: YC and one of his asshole friends makes a bored rich man’s bet, to seduce and sleep with the next girl you see. Mc is a hard working girl with absolutely no experience when in comes to relationships, and she is the next woman YC sees.

A list of celebrities I would be interested in playing opposite of...

*Adam Driver

*Daveed Diggs
*Lin Manuel Miranda
*Bill Hader
*Bill Skarsgard

*Alexander Skarsgard
*Pete Davidson
*Ewan McGregor
*Christian Bale
*Tom Hiddleston
*Kate McKinnon
*Lana Parrilla
*Kristen Stewart

These are the OTPs I am loving...

Star wars

*Kylo (Ben)/Rey

Once Upon a Time

*Regina Mills (YC)x Emma Swan (mc)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer




Harry Potter

*Fred & GeorgexHermione

Fruits Basket

*TohruxThe Sohma Clan (What ladies can have harems too!)

Ouran Highschool Host Club

*HaruhixHost Club (again reverse harem FTW!)

*Whoopsies: YC works for one of the top escort services around ”Red Town Escorts” in Las Vegas, mc is a shy virgin. When mc’s friends decide to help out in that area they call up “Red Town” and request their top guy (YC). The problem YC doesn’t doesn’t do virgins, and no one told him mc was a virgin who had barely been kissed, and no one told mc they hired an escort to assist me with my problem. What’ll happen?

*Like Pretty Woman, but Better: YC is a well off business man, after being in a funk for awhile and feeling isolated from the world due to their rat race job, YC goes out one night in search of companionship. enter mc a sex worker on her first night of the job ever. What will happen when these two run across each other.

*You Talkin’ to Me: YC is out one night and at a stop light mc jumps in his car in a panic, come to find out she is being chased by her pimp boyfriend. She offers you an evening of her services for free and afterwards YC makes a startling discovery, she is not as old as she said she was.

*On the Bridge: YC is a former MMA fighter who after a bad injury finds themselves stripping for a living, mc is a repressed florist who’s friend drag her out for her birthday. After a mortifying lap dance, mc becomes intrigued with YC and goes back again to find out more.

*Take Em to the Private Room: YC is just a random guy who comes in for a lap dance, mc is a first time stripper with a secret trying to make it in the city.

*Runaway: YC is a customer who becomes obsessed with mc, a stripper at a club that sometimes offers more if the price is right. Note: At some point mc will reveal she is not the age she says she is.

*On with the Show: Spectacular is one of the hottest strip clubs on the Vegas Strip, once a year they auction off a night with one of their dancers to the highest bidder this year it’s mc’s turn and YC is the winner.

*Turn the Page: mc is a stripper with dreams to make it into show biz, the only problem is stripping don’t pay the bills and it’s not just herself she has to worry about so sometimes she has to work the corner as well. Enter YC, they see her stripping and later a chance encounter on the street could change both their lives.

*Mafia Madness: YC is one of the most notorious crime bosses in the underworld MC is a stripper running from something, what happens when these two meet?

These games are epic multiple characters and multiple settings. The possibilities are endless. Note that if you are just interested in only playing one character that is cool too!

*Summertime Sadness: It’s the first day of summer camp at Camp Four Winds, what awaits the campers? The counselors? Will they find love? A quick hook up? And is there any truth to the creepy old ghost story told around the fire?

*Ride of You Life: Black Oaks Riding Academy is one of the most prestigious riding schools in the country, YCs and mcs attend there!

*We Don’t Need No Education: Archer Academy is on of the best and most exclusive boarding schools in the country with obsenely rich students from affluent families, day students and full time boarders, rumor has it that graduating from here secures you a life of unlimited power and wealth, and every year the school awards scholarships to 6 lucky students from the “ordinary” world.

*Within these Walls: It’s just a town. Never mind you don’t know how you got here or why you were drawn here. Never mind that it’s empty save for a few faint whispers. Never mind the abandoned manor on the hill that looms like a shadow. Never mind because this month heralds Leap Year and this time it’s on a full moon, and soon things will start to liven up around here.

*Into Your Eyes: What happened? What are you in for? It doesn’t matter because here at Briarwood Institute it’s not about what made you get here, it’s how to survive with your sanity intact.

*The Bachelor: YC has been nominated for the hit TV show “The Bachelor” which on of mcs will he choose from?

*Kaboom: YC knew it was coming, and saw the signs. He built a kickass bunker and invited mcs to it, and now that the world has ended here they are, alone.

*Sometimes You Can’t Make It on Your Own: Rosswood is a home for runaways, somehow YCs and mcs find their way here.

*A Game of Grooming: This is dark. YC is a predator that starts an online relationship with mc. Only when the two meet finally he is not the age he said he was but instead so much older and with another twist. Thus begins the dark journey into him turning her into his object/toy so brainwashed that by the time she is supposedly old enough to make her own choices, she completely isolated herself with him. This can go so many different ways, and I am stupid excited to see what we can do with this.

*Who Do you Love the Most: What could be more perfect? Two perfect families becoming as close as close can be. YC is a charismatic and influential business man with a wife and three sweet boys. mc is the oldest daughter of your new best friend, and the girl he is in love with...or is he? How will YC insert himself into her life and become her one and only?

*I'm Your Biggest Fan: mc is a massive fan of YC who is a big time celebrity. The problem is that YC is a massive creep that likes to groom girls for his various sexual appetites.

Here are some cannon characters I would like to pair one of my OCs up with...

*Morpheus/Dream (The Sandman Series)
*Dr Stephen Strange (MCU)
*Tony Stark (MCU)
*Loki (MCU)
*Goliath (Gargoyles)
*Steve Rodgers (MCU)
*Severus Snape (Harry Potter)
*Lucius Malfoy (Harry Potter)
*Harly Quinn (Batman TAS)
*Poison Ivy (Batman TAS)
*Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop)
*Deadpool/Wade Wilson (MCU)
*Constantine (Hellblazer)
*The Comedian (The Watchmen (Graphic Novel))
*Buckey Barns (MCU)
*Regina Mills (OUAT)
*Jax Teller (Sons of Anarchy)
*Sherlock (Babadook Cabbagepatch verson)
*Ichabod Crane (Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow)
*The Boys from Fuits Basket (reverse Harem Style)
*Akito (Boy version from Fruits Basket)
*The Boys from Ouran Highschool Host Club (again Reverse Harem style)
*Kyoya Ootari (Highschool Host Club)
*Jareth (Labyrinth)
*Sirius Black (Harry Potter)

And those are the main ones I can think of, lol.

* The Greatest Show Unearthed: As the leaves die and the first hint of October flits through the air, they come on the wind, riding in a train that shows up in the dead of the night. The old ones, the autumn folk, those that go from town to town revealing the darkest desires and deepest regrets of the people that dwell there. What will happen when they arrive in YC and mc's town?

* Can I Get a Witness: Our parents are Christian ghost hunters and saviors from Satan, imagine our surprise when we find out that our full of shit parents were actually right, there are ghostiest and ghoulies and they are pissed!

* Toil and Trouble: After a series of mysterious murders YC stumbles onto a coven of witches who may have the answers.

* What is Dead May Die: YC is a detective who is investigating a series of strange events and mc seems to have all the answers and more.

* As Long as Someone Will Bleed: It is the most prestigious club in the whole school, and now YC has been invited into it, but all prestige comes with a price and YC is about to learn what it is.

* A Devilish Dilemma: YC somehow finds themself in a town where everything seems to be absolutely perfect, but at what cost.

* The Sound of Silence: YC is a serial killer with a past and an obsession, mc is young scrappy and hungry an wants to prove herself (note if you feel up to it you can play her partner as well).

* Let the Wild Rumpus Start: The town of Helena Falls has it's secrets and YC is about to discover them.

* Wild Wild Wench: YC somehow stumbles upon mc in the woods, what secrets is she hiding and why does she seem to have a dark presence about her.

* So Help You God: What happens when you take a group of girls, a highschool sorority, a long dead classmate that just won't stay dead, and a ten year class reunion? This game, you get this game.

* Is There Anybody Out There? YC has no clue how he came to be wondering through this endless maze of dingy yellow carpet and dingy walls, all they know is that the persistent peripheral presence demands they keep moving, no matter what. So what happens when he sees mc stumbling around trying to survive?

*Getting Scoop: As a top reporter with a nasty reputation mc gets a scoop that there is a club where some sketch shit is going down. Deciding she is gonna be able to get a great story she secures and invitation to the club. There is sketch shit alright, in the way of an auction for a night of pleasure with whoever is on the block. Wanting the whole truth mc puts herself up for auction. Enter YC who decides to buy her and see where the story goes.

*And No They Don't Sparkle: Vampire(YC) meets girl(mc), girl is frightened, vampire goes to bang girl, girl is virgin.

*With Big Pointy Teeth: A girl(mc) and her friends are exploring a mansion the only catch? It belongs to a vampire. When the vampire catches them in his manor he agrees to let them go, his stipulation one must stay. Guess who gets the shortest straw?

*Sex and Candy: mc is a freshmen in college, after a horrible break up her friends drag her to a beach house for Spring Break. Next door is YC a brooding writer who is staying at his parents estate trying to get his first book finished so he can quit his shitty job he hates. Will a chance meeting spark something? Yes yes it will that's the whole damn reason we are all on this site.

*Good Boy: Fetch is an app that matches pet owners with pet sitters. YC is a reclusive New York business type who gets a dog to help with his mental health. Mc is a young girl who loves dogs and is looking for a job. What will happen when Fetch matches mc with the terror that is YC's dog? (note: only bigger dogs here, and no this won't become a threesome with the dog)

*Way Down Under the Ground: YC is a god who becomes infatuated with mc a mortal with a secret of her own.

*Four for Fun: Two married couples who have been best friends for ages go to a secluded cabin one weekend, drunk and horny a random joking game of truth or dare turns x-rated really quick. Will they continue their tryst or will they attempt to go back to normal?

*Rules are Meant to be Shattered: A slightly different take on the above plot. Two best friends (mcs) haven't seen each other in ages, they make a plan to meet up with their spouses for a nice, chill weekend. The catch? One girl has a super hot and sexy fiancé (YC), and the other has an sweet and safe husband who is not all that great in the bed but is a good man damnit (this could be YC as well, if not we can make him a NPC). Again drunk and horny the game of truth or dare takes on a naughty tone, and the good guy agrees to allow his wife to spend one night with sexy fiancé. The catch, after the one night, no one can ever speak of it again, it is only for one night, and he gets to watch. What happens when the girls' decide they want it for longer?

*YC is the handsome older father of mc's new best friend. mc, whom has a mysterious past, just moved into town and is shy. What happens when you combine the two and add in a terminally sick wife?

*Plots from a Prompt: I have a collection of prompts if you are interested we can discuss building a story around one or more of them.

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Just some pairings for original plots. The ones in bold are of particular interest.

Teacher x Student
Babysitter x Charge
Babysitter x Parent

Prostitute x Client
Stripper x Client
Bodyguard x Client

Boss x Employ
Owner(YC) x slave (mc)
Ghost x person

Celebrity(YC) x self inset ((hey hey no judgey!))
Football player x student
Stablehand x nobility
Nobility x Servant
Scientist x Experiments

OTP in fandom
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So this is just a run down of what I am into, some themes I generally like.

Age play
Black Mail
Friends to Lovers
Long lost loves
Enemies to lovers
Virginity (mc)
Supernatural (the theme not the tv show)
Bad Boy Redeemed (i.e. I CAN CHANGE HIM DADDY I SWEAR!)

Please note this isn’t all of them, so if you don’t see one on here just ask!

Teacher x Student
Babysitter x Charge
Babbysitter x Parent
Prostitute x Client
Stripper x Client
Boss x Employ
Owner(YC) x slave (mc) ((Not really into this right now))
Ghost x person ((Not really into this right now))
Celebrity(YC) x self inset ((hey hey no judgey!))
Football player x student
Stablehand x nobility ((Not really into this right now))
Nobility x Servant ((Not really into this right now))
Scientist x Experiments ((Unless there is a plot for it on my thread not really interested in this one))
Camp Counselor(YC) x Camper(mc)
OTP in fandom

Summer Camp
Domestic Slice of Life
Victorian London
Western Expansion Era
Post Appocalypic
Distopian Future
Boarding School
Island Paradise
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