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Mx Any đť”±he 𝔡ollhouse (a cd craving~)


Someone once said Burn My Dread, babe
Mar 5, 2019
A Corner of Memories

Hello and welcome!
to one of my various threads.

How do you do this fine day? I hope you're doing well whenever you find this thread!
As is often the case, I am currently plagued by a craving. This time around, it is after having read a great doujin by a great artist that goes by the name of Endou Okito. Specifically, it is one called Coppélia Brothel (NSFW warning). A work with great potential even if you were to take the erotic aspects away!

I'll make this thread as concise as I can while still expressing what I'm interested in, so if you're more interested in what you can expect of me/I generally look for in a partner, feel free to look into my thread right here. Most stuff in there holds true in this thread as well, but also feel free to not go there if you'd rather not!


So, enough of me rambling!
The idea behind the doujin is that there are mechanical Dolls, which were used as powerful and deadly weapons in war and conflicts and have been outlawed as a result of their effectiveness. The world it is set in is steampunk in nature, with stuff such as motorcycles and guns being commonplace.

I have a few, vague ideas for the kind of story we could pursue while borrowing certain aspects of this small glimpse of a world we got;

* A world enveloped in constant war, with these dolls still being used widely by different nations during these conflicts. MC is a military officer who's been newly assigned to a unit, complete with a doll in his possession.

* A more fantasy-like take to the world, with dolls taking a role similar to homunculi. MC is a demon/monster hunter that's either been assigned a doll as his partner or finds an inactive doll, which he inadvertently activates somehow.

And that's pretty much it, at least for the time being!
I may take the time to flesh these ideas out in the future, as well as come up with more, but for now, these are what I've come up with. Feel free to come anytime to check in and see if there's other ideas that pique your interest, if the ones I have at the moment are not to your taste!

With that, I bid you adieu and wish you a great day/evening/morning!

~ Vi.
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