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Fx Any The New Girl at the Munch F x Any Dominant


Mar 15, 2015
So, my request is pretty cliche' I suppose, but it's what I'm most interested in writing right now.

I'd like to have a fairly grounded story about a woman who's curious in BDSM and is just getting started in the scene. She has consumed a lot of related... 'media', however hasn't ever had an experience kinkier than spanking, and that didn't go so well as the romantic partner felt very awkward in a dominant role. She'll be a fully realized character with a life of her own, not just a sex doll stand in. What I want to explore is the developing relationship between a new submissive and more experienced dom, and how the relationship changes them both.

Now, I want it grounded in reality, but that doesn't mean I won't accept fantastic elements. Supernatural characters, witches, weird science, forgotten gods... all so long as it's anchored in reality. Think more Neil Gaiman and less Hellsing.

I'm comfortable writing with male, female, or nonbinary writers, and those characters. I do want to write a female role for this. Left to my own devices, I typically write three paragraphs, more as the moment demands, although I tend to match my writing partner. I'd like to keep the writing on the forum or in PMs. For whatever reason, writing on Discord is hard for me to click with.

I would like to explore my character's limits, but I'm not interested in Dub or NonCon for this. I'd like this story to reflect safe, sane, and consensual BDSM. Kink-wise, I'm open to pretty much anything you might find at a BDSM event. If it's too extreme for there, it's probably too extreme for this story.

Surprise Twist!

Now, I know I said I wanted to keep this grounded in reality, but I do love superhero stories. I'd be willing to put a superheroic spin on the above idea for extra fun drama/silliness. Basically, the two characters are supers in their secret identities, one hero and one villian. For the villian, think thief or mastermind instead of mass murderer. It's still about exploring the relationship/character development, but in addition to smutty good times, there's the looming bomb of 'what happens when they find out who each other are.'

If the above interests you, please drop me a PM.

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