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Fx Male Cliches are Like Soup


Oct 30, 2020
Virginia, USA
Cliches are like soup... simple, but very easy to get wrong. Done right, though, they can be an amazing thing.

Was that pretentious? I feel like it was pretentious. Anyway, I have somewhat straight-forward tastes I think. I don't really understand furries or hentai or animes. I've looked into getting into that stuff but it all just seemed so.. overwhelming! Like, where to even start?

So I'm more into the cliche stuff I think. Blackmail. Kidnapping. Role Reversal.. that kind of thing. I'll list a few scenarios below that I'm interested in and work on fleshing it out over time. If you check my profile you'll also find my F-List which might help you figure out what I'm interested in and what I'm not.

I prefer a couple of paragraphs posting at a time, giving enough to work with. I try to respond at least a couple of times a day, and I don't really care if we play in a forum or in private messages. E-mails are negotiable but I really don't like doing IMs. I'm not great at real time as my job keeps me very busy. You don't have to be Shakespeare (please don't be Shakespeare) but fluency is good. And no, I don't know Chinese. (I know, I'm a terrible daughter. My parents have already told me.)

Either way, always feel free to drop me a message. I do enjoy meeting people!!!

1. Just a Little Off the Top

Kristine landed her dream job just a year ago, working as a secretary for a large company and a powerful man! She was making good money, but her parents were poor and needed help. She really had no choice, you know? She just had to find a way to get more money to her parents.. she owed them that! She figured if she just took a little off the top of the accounts no one would notice. What was a few thousand here or there? Nothing to the company, but everything to her parents! Surely her boss would never find out.. and if he did he'd understand, wouldn't he? What are the odds that he's sadistic? Or barbaric? Or worse?? And even if he made a demand of her, he wouldn't take it any further than that, locking her into a spiral of blackmail, would he?

2. The Wrong Club

Sometimes you just want to have a night on the town. That's all Aiko wanted! She thought she had the name of the club right and was certain she was in the right place. Sure, she had to bribe the bouncer just to get inside and for some reason there was absolutely no one there that she knew. It would figure if she had gone to the wrong place. Her entire day had been crap, and just seemed to be getting worse. When she spills a drink on a large, tattooed man in the bar and then picks a fight with him, though, things might go from bad to horrible and beyond. Who is the tattooed beast and what does he do? I dunno - you tell me!

3. A Three Hour Tour
Cho just wanted to see the world. Her big sister had told her stories about traveling Europe and Asia, seeing their homeland, and exploring new cultures. It sounded amazing and she wanted in! She couldn't afford airfare, but she had heard about some tramp steamers down at the docks that would often take on crew for work in exchange for passage. She figured it couldn't be all that hard, right? The captain seemed a bit seedy, and the crew all stared at her like she was meat, but maybe it was just her imagination. What were the odds that this would be a modern slaver ship? Surely she wouldn't end up in rags and at the mercy of the captain and crew as soon as they hit international waters, would she?

4. The Interrogated Interrogator

Kuniko was an accomplished spy, having completed over a dozen missions in several counties without trouble. Now, she was on her most dangerous mission yet. A snatch and grab deep in the Arabian desert, requiring her to infiltrate the elaborate compound with almost no weapons and absolutely no support, then arrange for transportation and delivery of her target. If she found herself unable to relocate him, she would have to interrogate him and discover information on his international slavery ring that she could take back to her base alone. It would take all her skills to pull this one off and avoid becoming another one of the bastard's victims!

5. Falling Out
Sena spent most of her time at work as a nurse in the California Cryogenics Institute, and she enjoyed her work immensely. She had a lot of friends in the facility, got to learn new things every day, and she really felt like she was making a difference in helping the elderly and critically ill have a chance in the future that they didn't have in the present. What she hadn't counted on was the nuclear war that launched without warning between the United States and the rest of the world. She hadn't counted on her colleague forcing her into a CryoPod, thinking it was her only chance of escape. She hadn't counted on her CryoPod being the only one to maintain power for 200 years, leaving her the only survivor in CCI.

Now, her automated Pod thawed her out and released her into the ruins of the Institute with nothing but the clothes on her back and her own wits. What is the world she finds herself in? Can she survive alone or will she have to rely on others? And what cost that protection? Work with me to figure out the details and what Sena's ultimate fate will be!
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Added Falling Out. I've received a lot of responses for "Just a Little Off the Top" (THANK YOU!!) so if you're interested in one of the others please let me know! (Four and Five are particularly interesting to me right now)
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