Be excellent and party on dudes!
- Joined
- Jul 10, 2017
- Location
- the land of redwoods and weirdness
The world of Erobos sat in distant solar system that revolved around a pair of twin dancing red dwarf stars. The youngling stars were locked in a perpeutal spin. Each playing off the other's gravitational pull. They would dance until their eventual collision billions upon billions of years from today. Until then the planet, Erobos, would wait spinning on it's axis by waiting for the end times. The placement of this earth like-planet within the solar system had caused it to be a keystone in the inter-galactic Ley lines. As such Fae had congregated here in one form or another here since the planet's birth. Time had caused the continents to shift into a barely scattered mess of continents that housed a untold myriads of magically evolved species. Even the hominids had evolved in symbiosis with the overflowing magics. In times humans would make their inevitable appearance to this planet. Albeit not as a native species.
Erobos homed many breeds of life but the introduction of humanity had changed the way of thinking for the local populaces. All at once the concept of magic became finite when all there was before was endless energies. This entrepreneurial race had introduced the idea of doubt and concern to minds that had existed without it. Soon the need for order and standards and monetization with modernization spread. Governments would rise then fall and rise once again as pandemonium ruled for a several hundred years. Over time combat and conflict had increased the development of various magics, and soon to help placate the masses the mighty coliseum rose one by one across the mighty Laurasia plate. The continents although separated had not spread as far as distant as those of modern earth. Their closeness enabled inter-continental travel with the aid of magic to be an inconvenient to those without power. Making those with the strength of magic in mind and form able to ascended to the tops of the magocracies that ruled the lands.
The most densely populated and magitek advanced continent was that of Fonari most of the 'civilized' nations gathered here as the lands were the most stable and fertile lands existed. The once dominate elven species had stayed in prominence far better than the other magical races. Their affinity towards the magics second only to that of the original inhabitants. Hundreds of different Fae and different spirits had once congregated these lands. Long ago, feeling, they left to the wilds of the dark continent. The encroachment of the humans and their technologies were a pollution to the lands. Unfortunately, weapons and conveniences the humans had brought had more than persuaded enough to fight with them than against them.
With entertainment and other conveniences the a population boom had all been secured. Like all expanding societies with more people comes more rabble rouses. Intellectual minds that disagreed with those that ruled from above and would fight for their causes. So it was that the mightiest of sportsmen and champions of righteousness would fight in these arenas of blood, fire and lust. Some fought for the rewards and some fought for their ideals. Those with enough power and knowledge in magic could rise to the top from fighting pits and retire with many lifetimes worth of compensation. Other champions moved on to create new lands with their loyal fan followers on the other continents. Then there were the rest. Those that society deemed to weak or ineffective to live within their idealistic domains. Roughly 30% of the planets population fell into this category. Many of them existing solely on the Wild Lands. These lands were considers to be untameable due to their geological instability. The magic ran so wild and fierce that only those who were of the most innate understanding of world's magic could exist here.
Many billions of species that stood no chance against the coming age of magically enhanced technologies migrated to the Dark Continent of Strigan. In Strigan monster, spirits, minor deities and the races of old found coexistence in a place that modernization could not take hold. Here they attempted to live in peace and harmony and did so for a hundred years. Left unchecked greed and desire for fresh new and exciting combatants grew ever more all-consuming in Fonari. Ultimately those in power devised methods and means for temporary shelters and flight crafts that could aid in the capture and relocation of those who existed within Strigan. Their capture wasn't without casualties but profit often outweighed the lives of one or two unlucky sky-mages or the loss of an entire team of Hunters.
And so this continued for a hundred years until even rumors of her exploits reached this planet. Whispers of a woman so powerful and capable of handing herself that she had defeated the likes of gods. Overcame a red rage so powerful it had stopped her heart. Her blood had turned to acid and yet she was still able to come back from the taineted brink. They would perform the summoning magics fit for retrieving the aid of a heroine of heroes. For the rabble rousers in their greatest moment of need would summon Supergirl to finally put an end to lopsided ways the powerful contineud to stay in control. In their minds the blonde heroine would light the beacon of freedom. Holding high to banish the darkness that had swept the lands like she was on her chosen homeworld. Unknown to all parties involved. The pair of dancing suns twirling in the heavens, fell under the category of being class-M stars. The same as that which had existed over Krypton before it's destruction. Here Kara Zor-El would find a new and different fight for survival. Here on a planet full of magic that orbited red suns.
Erobos homed many breeds of life but the introduction of humanity had changed the way of thinking for the local populaces. All at once the concept of magic became finite when all there was before was endless energies. This entrepreneurial race had introduced the idea of doubt and concern to minds that had existed without it. Soon the need for order and standards and monetization with modernization spread. Governments would rise then fall and rise once again as pandemonium ruled for a several hundred years. Over time combat and conflict had increased the development of various magics, and soon to help placate the masses the mighty coliseum rose one by one across the mighty Laurasia plate. The continents although separated had not spread as far as distant as those of modern earth. Their closeness enabled inter-continental travel with the aid of magic to be an inconvenient to those without power. Making those with the strength of magic in mind and form able to ascended to the tops of the magocracies that ruled the lands.
The most densely populated and magitek advanced continent was that of Fonari most of the 'civilized' nations gathered here as the lands were the most stable and fertile lands existed. The once dominate elven species had stayed in prominence far better than the other magical races. Their affinity towards the magics second only to that of the original inhabitants. Hundreds of different Fae and different spirits had once congregated these lands. Long ago, feeling, they left to the wilds of the dark continent. The encroachment of the humans and their technologies were a pollution to the lands. Unfortunately, weapons and conveniences the humans had brought had more than persuaded enough to fight with them than against them.
With entertainment and other conveniences the a population boom had all been secured. Like all expanding societies with more people comes more rabble rouses. Intellectual minds that disagreed with those that ruled from above and would fight for their causes. So it was that the mightiest of sportsmen and champions of righteousness would fight in these arenas of blood, fire and lust. Some fought for the rewards and some fought for their ideals. Those with enough power and knowledge in magic could rise to the top from fighting pits and retire with many lifetimes worth of compensation. Other champions moved on to create new lands with their loyal fan followers on the other continents. Then there were the rest. Those that society deemed to weak or ineffective to live within their idealistic domains. Roughly 30% of the planets population fell into this category. Many of them existing solely on the Wild Lands. These lands were considers to be untameable due to their geological instability. The magic ran so wild and fierce that only those who were of the most innate understanding of world's magic could exist here.
Many billions of species that stood no chance against the coming age of magically enhanced technologies migrated to the Dark Continent of Strigan. In Strigan monster, spirits, minor deities and the races of old found coexistence in a place that modernization could not take hold. Here they attempted to live in peace and harmony and did so for a hundred years. Left unchecked greed and desire for fresh new and exciting combatants grew ever more all-consuming in Fonari. Ultimately those in power devised methods and means for temporary shelters and flight crafts that could aid in the capture and relocation of those who existed within Strigan. Their capture wasn't without casualties but profit often outweighed the lives of one or two unlucky sky-mages or the loss of an entire team of Hunters.
And so this continued for a hundred years until even rumors of her exploits reached this planet. Whispers of a woman so powerful and capable of handing herself that she had defeated the likes of gods. Overcame a red rage so powerful it had stopped her heart. Her blood had turned to acid and yet she was still able to come back from the taineted brink. They would perform the summoning magics fit for retrieving the aid of a heroine of heroes. For the rabble rousers in their greatest moment of need would summon Supergirl to finally put an end to lopsided ways the powerful contineud to stay in control. In their minds the blonde heroine would light the beacon of freedom. Holding high to banish the darkness that had swept the lands like she was on her chosen homeworld. Unknown to all parties involved. The pair of dancing suns twirling in the heavens, fell under the category of being class-M stars. The same as that which had existed over Krypton before it's destruction. Here Kara Zor-El would find a new and different fight for survival. Here on a planet full of magic that orbited red suns.