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A Long Way From Home (Kara Zor-El Kent x doppleganger69)


Be excellent and party on dudes!
Jul 10, 2017
the land of redwoods and weirdness
The world of Erobos sat in distant solar system that revolved around a pair of twin dancing red dwarf stars. The youngling stars were locked in a perpeutal spin. Each playing off the other's gravitational pull. They would dance until their eventual collision billions upon billions of years from today. Until then the planet, Erobos, would wait spinning on it's axis by waiting for the end times. The placement of this earth like-planet within the solar system had caused it to be a keystone in the inter-galactic Ley lines. As such Fae had congregated here in one form or another here since the planet's birth. Time had caused the continents to shift into a barely scattered mess of continents that housed a untold myriads of magically evolved species. Even the hominids had evolved in symbiosis with the overflowing magics. In times humans would make their inevitable appearance to this planet. Albeit not as a native species.

Erobos homed many breeds of life but the introduction of humanity had changed the way of thinking for the local populaces. All at once the concept of magic became finite when all there was before was endless energies. This entrepreneurial race had introduced the idea of doubt and concern to minds that had existed without it. Soon the need for order and standards and monetization with modernization spread. Governments would rise then fall and rise once again as pandemonium ruled for a several hundred years. Over time combat and conflict had increased the development of various magics, and soon to help placate the masses the mighty coliseum rose one by one across the mighty Laurasia plate. The continents although separated had not spread as far as distant as those of modern earth. Their closeness enabled inter-continental travel with the aid of magic to be an inconvenient to those without power. Making those with the strength of magic in mind and form able to ascended to the tops of the magocracies that ruled the lands.

The most densely populated and magitek advanced continent was that of Fonari most of the 'civilized' nations gathered here as the lands were the most stable and fertile lands existed. The once dominate elven species had stayed in prominence far better than the other magical races. Their affinity towards the magics second only to that of the original inhabitants. Hundreds of different Fae and different spirits had once congregated these lands. Long ago, feeling, they left to the wilds of the dark continent. The encroachment of the humans and their technologies were a pollution to the lands. Unfortunately, weapons and conveniences the humans had brought had more than persuaded enough to fight with them than against them.

With entertainment and other conveniences the a population boom had all been secured. Like all expanding societies with more people comes more rabble rouses. Intellectual minds that disagreed with those that ruled from above and would fight for their causes. So it was that the mightiest of sportsmen and champions of righteousness would fight in these arenas of blood, fire and lust. Some fought for the rewards and some fought for their ideals. Those with enough power and knowledge in magic could rise to the top from fighting pits and retire with many lifetimes worth of compensation. Other champions moved on to create new lands with their loyal fan followers on the other continents. Then there were the rest. Those that society deemed to weak or ineffective to live within their idealistic domains. Roughly 30% of the planets population fell into this category. Many of them existing solely on the Wild Lands. These lands were considers to be untameable due to their geological instability. The magic ran so wild and fierce that only those who were of the most innate understanding of world's magic could exist here.

Many billions of species that stood no chance against the coming age of magically enhanced technologies migrated to the Dark Continent of Strigan. In Strigan monster, spirits, minor deities and the races of old found coexistence in a place that modernization could not take hold. Here they attempted to live in peace and harmony and did so for a hundred years. Left unchecked greed and desire for fresh new and exciting combatants grew ever more all-consuming in Fonari. Ultimately those in power devised methods and means for temporary shelters and flight crafts that could aid in the capture and relocation of those who existed within Strigan. Their capture wasn't without casualties but profit often outweighed the lives of one or two unlucky sky-mages or the loss of an entire team of Hunters.

And so this continued for a hundred years until even rumors of her exploits reached this planet. Whispers of a woman so powerful and capable of handing herself that she had defeated the likes of gods. Overcame a red rage so powerful it had stopped her heart. Her blood had turned to acid and yet she was still able to come back from the taineted brink. They would perform the summoning magics fit for retrieving the aid of a heroine of heroes. For the rabble rousers in their greatest moment of need would summon Supergirl to finally put an end to lopsided ways the powerful contineud to stay in control. In their minds the blonde heroine would light the beacon of freedom. Holding high to banish the darkness that had swept the lands like she was on her chosen homeworld. Unknown to all parties involved. The pair of dancing suns twirling in the heavens, fell under the category of being class-M stars. The same as that which had existed over Krypton before it's destruction. Here Kara Zor-El would find a new and different fight for survival. Here on a planet full of magic that orbited red suns.
Kara Zor-El was flying through Metropolis with a wide smile on her face. She had finally been able to relax for a bit. She did not tire easily but the past few days had been a trial on the young heroine. From the Earth almost being destroyed by invaders to muggers and rapists. The Kryptonian could not get a breather until now.

She was floating in the sky almost asleep when she heard thd message. Her eyes instantly popped open. Someone far away was in need of her help. She sat up and looked around before messaging the League she would be gone for a bit.

She figured they could hold off without her. Once she saw it had sent. She flew off as fast as she could to the planet that was demanding her attention. It took her a week to get to it.

She was so tired and hungry that she could barely fly much more. That is when she hit their atmosphere. Her body stopped feeling the radiation from the yellow sun and went down. Crashing into the ground. Once the dust from her fall settled. It revealed her to the citizens. She still looked as beautiful as ever. But the signs of starvation were prominent in her features. Her cheekbones stuck out and so did her ribs. She was breathing shakily as she laid on the ground.
The sound of a sonic boom erupted over the Capital as Supergirl came crashing down. Thin glass windows, monuments, and relics that had survived the test of time all shattered. The deafening sound in the sky followed by the ground exploding caused all within earshot to run screaming from the impact zone. A chosen few knew she was coming. Local garrison of combat ready mages arrived flew on invisible winds towards the danger. Her impact was almost similar to a tactical orbital bombardment as nearby infrastructures took a major hit from the shock-wave of her landing.

They surrounded the crater, fear welling within mortal their mortal hearts. Had a daemon been summoned? Had the people of Strigan finally gathered their warriors and attacked? What was this new catastrophe? The screams filled the air echoing along the streets. As one a city population fled for cover.

The collective sigh left the medical teams and militant services. A beautiful young blonde woman that rested at the center of the 30ft deep crater.

Confused murmurs pass between those present not quite believing their eyes. She wasn't dresses in any attire they had ever seen on this planet before. In fact she looked utterly foreign to their eyes. It wasn't until the calming presence of a senior mage arrived on scene that people began to slow their sprinting. His whispered words of power created a spell radiated from his form. The people whose will had broken felt the fear in their hearts wash away. A simple spell that bolstered moral but cast upon a large area..

The old man glared down at the earth based heroine. He recognized her by descriptions and the icon that adorned her chest. The rebels that had sent the request for aid had been betrayed. The members and their families had been arrested and either executed or sent to the arena's to fight for their freedom and their lives.

The discussion between the man and the city guards passed by quickly. They were to take her down into the pits Healers in the Dark. If she was indeed a legendary heroine then nothing they could do would stop her. If not then this woman will have a lot of explaining to do. The orders were carried out swiftly. In her weakened state the guardsmen would drag her towards the nearest arena. The mages that passed as healers for the gladiator would be tasked with her health and imprisonment.
As they looked down at her she began to open her eyes a bit before they fluttered closed as a small groan of pain left her lips. She was too weak to speak and her body was battered all over. It was a surorise she was still alive.

Once they picked her up it was easier to tell the extent of her wounds. Her leg bent at an angle and there was scrapes all over her back causing it to bleed a lot. The red not showing as much on her cape. She let out a cry as her body was moved.

Once they began to heal her she looked more relaxed. Her features looking even more beautiful by the second. The flawlessness in her skin showed more prominentlu as the wounds disappeared. Her hair was regaining its shine too. Her body was still skinnier than it should be though. The signs of starvation easy to make out.

She began to open her eyes as they healed her. She looked around curiously. "W-where am I?" She said gently. Her voice was soft and showed a bitN of innocence in it.
A steady drip of water splashed again and again. It's constant sound faded into the dark as the drip was an echo from a distant corridor. The smell of blood, fear, and shame was potent as people of all races as well as monsters were gathered. Supergirl been brought to the bottom if the arena with all the dregs. The scum at the bottom of the roster. Few that started in this bracket live long enough to make it out. The low rankers could be put in any sort of hopeless fight the odds stacked against them.

Unclean hands hovered above the unconscious body of Kara casting ephemeral light upon her. Nearby candle flames flickered sending dancing shadows along the cold stone walls. The hardened stone had been magically reinforced to support of the layered rings of the coliseum above. In the warm glow of the suns above the stonework produced a soft aura for the eyes when looked upon from a distance.

The walls above and below ground were lined with arches that helped support the weight of each layer of combat zones. Built like a 4 layered cake, the top field of combat held the prized fights with the progressively less important fights happening on the lower floors. The bottom-most holding fighters that would often perish without ever seeing the light of day. Along the exterior walls held engravings of the exploits of gladiators. Most with their names lost to time as new generations and new heroes replaced the old.

Chapped yet soft hands held inches over the prone heroine shined white healing energy upon her, rapidly increase the rate of her body repaired itself. In a matter of moments, her crippling leg injuries were no more than a passing thought. She would be in the fit fighting shape of a kryptonian that absorbed the full force of the red suns. Supergirl's other wounds and abrasions knitted themselves together far more quickly than the legs.

The group of four men in tattered mangy robes took a deep sigh of relief as the blonde bombshell's eyes opened and she started asking questions. Had they failed their heads would have surely been on the chopping block. Quizzical expressions passed over their faces as Kara spoke. The language that fled her lips was familiar but sounded like an archaic version of their own.

The central figure of the group stepped forward to answer her questions. His face was plain if not for the pox marks and the pale pastiness of his skin the man would have blended into a crowd without a passing though going his way. "You are in the pits woman. You caused lots of damage above. You owe us. You pay. We save your legs. You walk again." He spoke to her as though she were slow to understand his words. The man's face twisted into a cruel calculating smile as he figured she didn't know that his services rendered were for free.

"Who are you? Where you come from?" He was eager to hear her answering having been tasked with getting the truth from her, by force if necessary.

The cold damp air clung at Supergirl body. The bone-chilling cold of the pits often caused people to become ill with types of pneumonia rather easily. Warmth down here was either for the winners that enjoyed the spoils of their victories. For a woman stripped to her birthday suit, the cold air would chill to the bone.
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She looked around shivering as she felt the cold air on her body. She looked around and looked at him. "W-where are my c-clothes?" She said softly as her teeth chattered and she held her body tightly trying to warm herself up as best as she could.

She then looked at the old man. "I can h-hear fine. Why did you bring me d-down here? W-why did you t-take my clothes?" She asked looking at everyone shivering harsly.

She then heard his questions. "I am S-Supergirl of K-krypton. My planet is long dead and I am the o-only one alive." She said shaking uncontrollably. "Can I have a b-blanket p-please?"
The group turned their heads towards one another each with an expression of disbelief. "If that is true then why you get here hurt. Did you get into a big fight on your way here? Are we all in grave danger?" There had been rumors spreading over the week passed around that there had been upheaval with the inner circle of the magocratic master. If that information was the truth, was up to anyone's guess in these low levels.

"Your clothes were damaged on your arrival here. We give no blankets for free. You fight, you earn money and then you get a blanket. Come here and huddle and we will keep you warm and safe." The first man that spoke up before all other was a brown haired man with jet black eyes and a jagged scar from a dull weapon running from temple to cheek. Normally hearing a person lying would have been easy back on earth. Her ears could normally pick up a liars tongue with ease but there were no signs of his voice. It was possible that her ears were still somewhat scrambled by the sonic boom of atmosphere reentry. The visible light in the room took oddly long to adjust to and nothing smelled like it was supposed to everything. The vibrant nature of the world seemed to have been dialed down from a ten to a two. "We've healed you. We'll keep you warm. It's safer in here with us than out there." He spoke with a foreboding tone as if very loosely warning her that sleeping with them might be her better option. The four didn't seem to be doing anything to prevent Kara from leaving on her own accord.

The plain man that had been talking initially sheepish shook his head. "To fix your legs the outfit needed to come off. It was cut off." He motioned towards a southerly wall in the cavern-like bottom area of the coliseum. It was then that the light of the cave revealed itself to be a mold growing on select corners of the walls. The mold radiated a ghostly pale off blue light that made getting around within the environment doable. This was the particular room that the healers were housed away from the fighters. Their jobs gave them special privacies as well as protection from the fighters as they slept behind the multiple locked doors.
On the stone slap if Kara looked straight ahead and could see to her north a way out of this specific section of the cavern. The solid iron security gate held two lockable doors and was flanked on either side of the door by the light-mold. An inner door and outer door to keep gladiators in that needed to stay in or out that needed to stay out. On the other side looked to be a much bigger room. The growls, shouts, and chatter ebbed and flowed as the fighters, trained, ate, milled about, or rested. The sight of the other room was slightly blocked by the half left open security doors.
To her east was a wall not but several feet away from her in the squashed oval-shaped room.
To her south at the head of the table, she laid on was more iridescent mold giving her a backdrop of spooky blue light. Kara's thoroughly cut red and blue outfit had been aggressively sliced off her body. The only wearable part of her former costume was the bright red cape.
To the west, a mild glow illuminated a small oval branch off the side. This section of room one was only slightly narrow than healer's main second and just as long, five-bed rolls that rested on thick matting of hay. The fabric looked like a burlap of the blankets there. The hay that the different piles rested on looked to haven't been changed in a could weeks meaning these few pretty much slept on the hard ground with minimal comfort. Very little was spent on these men to do their jobs it appeared.
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