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NBx Any Tonight's Cravings (Advertising Tonight Only)

Mar 15, 2019
Maple Grove
I'm going to make this short and sweet. I have other request threads up and I don't really feel like I want to re-edit them or make a hugely complicated new one.

Feeling a craving for one of two roleplays. If you want to discuss details message me. I am more than up for changing details and listening to your ideas. Anyway if you see a craving you like please message me, I am hoping to get something started tonight which is they main desire I have right now, getting a roleplay up and going.

1. Futanari Apartment Complex + Fantasy or Odd situation. (Futanari - me x Any - you)
Info: More or less I want to combine a slice of life kind of setting with some fantasy or sci-fi element, or perhaps just some kind of big plot that sorta takes over and colors the lives of the various apartment tenants of the building. (I would play the world and have several characters while you would play a single character, either a tenant, a land lord, or perhaps a worker there.

2. A.I. Love. (Futanari or Female me x Any Partner)
Info: In this I would play as an A.I. in a transformable body. Either transforming once, or it can adjust during the roleplay to meet desires and needs. The hard part is finding a plot to go with this. Her becoming more human is a possiblity, but you programming her to have a set personality could happen as well. This would need to be paired up with a solid plot in which the A.I. is important. Such things could her being one of a kind, her needing to protect you (or them protecting each other) Perhaps she is the first of her kind and perhaps can make more of her kind. Perhaps she has some information that would be best left secret and there are people coming for her? It could also be slice of life IF there is a good plot to go along with that slice of life that keeps the story moving.

(Of course if you have an idea you want to throw out by all means do so, I'll take a listen regardless)
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