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Mx Female Detailed, Long-term Plots Available! (Slice of Life or Fantasy!)


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Oct 23, 2020
Hello, my friend! Would you take tea? And please, help yourself to some music.


My love of history and the East is what drew me to write. When I was younger, I played video games such as Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors, Way of the Samurai, and read stories about famous heroes who reluctantly left their floating worlds to venture into parts unknown: all in the name of what was good and righteous. Their intention was to stop a great and nameless evil who threatened everything they held dear. I would later discover that this was the mono-myth, and to recreate my own version of it, again and again, was my fate. Samurai Jack is the epitome of what I love about the mono-myth, it encapsulates the theme of how a seemingly meaningless man, on a seemingly meaningless path, can change the course of destiny. It is the beauty of embracing nothing. This sentiment has forever stuck with me, and I live in perpetual romanticism, and subsequently: perpetual disappointment. Life is not what the stories of my childhood said it would be, much to my chagrin. Although, fortunately I was born in the age of the internet, and I only have to imagine a world unknown... to create one.

Today, I am in Asia, and living my dream of exploring the countries of my youth in their post-modern states. But not everything is how I expected it to be. Evil exists, and I find myself constantly at my wit's end, unable to act as one of the heroes in my fairy tales; unable to prevent the spread of corruption. So, I write: writing is my catharsis, my only escape from reality and what it has become. I long for peace. I shape myself through mastery, in the hope that one day I can write something worth loving, worth sharing, worth cherishing, and hopefully: worth preserving. I love art. I am a working class romantic, and if you are too, I would like you to join me in Edo, and together, we'll write something good and everlasting.



The Bloody Banner

Wanting to adventure around an old, ruinous world, plagued by Orcs and Warlocks, Ogres and Minotaur. My character defends your character, or hunts her. Strong ability to world-build is required for this plot, as I'd like you to be able to take the lead now and then so that I can respond to what you've written, only that way can my character defend yours and it be a surprise for me. This can either be a revenge plot, or a standard escort quest. We could also do this as a thieve's quest, or a kidnapping. Really is up to you and your own imagination. Plan with me!

Hidden (In Leaves)

Hara Masatane is the noble retainer of Takeda Shingen, an eighteenth century Japanese Daimyo. He is tasked by his feudal Lord to take three castles, all belonging to Shingen's rival: the Buddhist Warrior-Monk, Uesugi Kenshin. If he does not do this in a year, Shingen has asked that he and his wife commit seppuku (ritualistic suicide).

I need a female partner to play either a Geisha who attempts to assassinate Hara, Hara's wife, or a female samurai (who fights for the Uesugi).

This role-play will centre around beautiful, poetic imagery, long, drawn-out scenes, conversations about life and philosophy, and mastering of the arts. There will also be war, duels, and possibly archery contests. I also have an idea where we explore a short story, a kind of episodic event, wherein Hara has bad dreams that stem from his shame, and he visits a temple on Shingen's estate in search of catharsis, but finds a female demon inside the temple (known as Hannya). He burns the temple to the ground in the end, but not before the demonic woman kidnaps his infant son. He later confronts the demon after a period of reflection, and admits his shame to Heaven, which in turn grants him the strength to banish her, and rescue his child.

During the winter months, the role-play will focus upon reflection, and in the summer months: action. I ask only that you play the women in these plots faithfully, as they are not progressives, and would not act like modern day American (or English) women. Samurai women have different values, values of which they are very proud of, and you may need to spend time and effort to research these values and find significance in them.

I will, however, attempt to quickly sum up these values: duty to the emperor, the shogun, and the familial unit. If you think this is restrictive... that's your Western mentality arguing with what you think you know, and what you actually do. Keep in mind: samurai lived selfless lives, if the romantic tales of their lives were to be understood, and the men of this era were also expected to live the same way as the women: absent self-interest, or excessive self-involvement. Mastery of the self was extremely important to these people. Perfectionism was key. Even the spilling of a tea-drop during a tea ceremony was seen as bad form, and was liable to bring great shame upon the host. Therefore, I can assure you, this culture can be very rewarding to immerse yourself in, and I would be happy to share my academic resources with you, if that would interest you.

Thank you.

Tiger, Tiger:

A tiger stalks the long grass. His black stripes working as camouflage. Lips pulled back over his teeth. Eyes feral. He leaps, bounds towards a doe, his growl menacing the air. She runs, runs for her life, and he gives chase: they run through the jungle together, and he almost catches her - twice, but she manages to get away. She flees across a thin bridge; and gets her foot caught in-between the rocks and the rapids. The tiger approaches, leaps, and takes them both under. They depend on each other in the water, struggle to stay afloat, and he realises: he needs her. The tiger wraps his body about the doe's, takes the blows, and when they wash-up on shore, they're revealed not to be animals at all: it's a woman and a man, and the two, now they've found each other, realise that they're drawn to one another.

A Hostage of Virtue.

A young civilian woman is tasked with the daunting responsibility of taking care of an extremely valuable, and incredibly feared, noble warlord. He has been injured and requires routine care. To her surprise, he is extremely mindful of her home, very pleasant to be around, and teaches her fatherless son much about Japanese culture, to whom she is in debt to. The day will soon come where he will be executed, and she cannot bear to face it. Together, they plan his escape.


I am interested in light bondage, spanking, forced clothes-wearing, dirty talking, well-written descriptions, dub-con/non-con, age-play, and affection/nurturing. A post without any mention of what the female character looks like is hard for me to respond to, and the best partners for me are those whose character's beauty is important to them. If you match this description, message me.

I am not 'only' seeking these plots.

I am very happy to be approached for other dominant roles, provided that they are interesting and well-thought out. I will not do pairings such as: 'Vampire x Werewolf,' or 'Princess x Knight,' unless you have an interesting idea attached to them. Messages to my inbox that seem shallow and uninspired will be ignored, sorry.

I am not ghost-friendly.

Although I cannot stop you from ghosting me should you choose to do so, you should know it greatly saddens me to be ghosted, and unless you are someone who takes pleasure in upsetting people, then I hope this is not a trait you possess.

If you decide that our role-play is no longer 'for you,' take responsibility for your disinterest. People change their minds every day, and I can understand why you may no longer be excited by a feeling, but what I can never hope to understand is rudeness. It is rude not to say goodbye to someone you perform an art with. You would not just leave without saying goodbye after committing to painting a picture with someone. The other painter would wonder what to do with the rest of the unfinished painting, and his creative potential would go to waste without you, and he would feel unfulfilled, don't you think? This is how I feel about role-plays people start with no intention of finishing. I wish I could say that I feel positive about abandoned projects, but all I see is a waste of my time, and a dis-earnest agreement.

When I allow a partner in, I allow them to tap into the well. If your only intention is to tap - and then move on... begone, hungry ghost.

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Bumping this because I'm feeling good about today. It's Scorpio season.
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