|| Steel & Silk || A Traveler's Guide for the Divine


Oct 5, 2020
[Side note: A place to keep track of things =)]

The Country of Aronia: Key Locations


Arundel is a majestic city located along Aronia's coastline that serves as the country's capitol and is home to King Dunkirk Blackburn. Ships from all over the world find harbor here at the bustling nexus of trading. The Market sector is the largest in the land with merchants offering everything from: the usual crops and cattle to rare silks and spices. Others offer more shady wares like a vial of elf's blood (rumored to bestow strength and stamina) and lucky fae feet.

Harth Harbor

Harth Harbor is a quiet, unassuming village north of Arundel and is home to Ash and Alger Lister. Considered the "Needle of the Country", most residents are involved in the production and processing of the luxury clothing worn by the Aronian nobility: sheep herders, silkworm gatherers, tailors, seamstresses, dexters, and the like.
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Main Players

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Asherle "Ash" Lister (17) is a girl born into the well renown Lister family of Dexters and who shares a striking resemblance to her twin brother Alger. Ash always yearned for an exciting life that involved more than scrounging the earth for marigolds and madder root for dyes. When Alger decides one day to run off to join a nomadic band of thespians called the "Handylings", she seizes the opportunity to become a squire to Sir Isaak Angevin.

Alger Lister (17) is the twin brother of Asherle "Ash" Lister. He has always dreamed of a life in theater where his days began with curtains that rose with the sun and every night ended with bows to applause. Unfortunately, his father Lord Grant Lister would never allow him to pursue a life of a thespian, deeming them a reckless band of dishonorable wastrels. The night before Alger is to begin his training as a squire, he decides to switch places with his twin sister Ash and runs off with a traveling group of actors called the "Handylings".

Other Key Players


King Dunkirk Blackburn, housed in Arundel, is the king of the country.

The capital is a huge coastal city where ships from all over the world are docked. King Dunkirk is a youngish king, about 38 years old, and took the throne twelve years ago when his brothers and father fell at the Battle of Greyrock, the last battle between humans and orcs that they believe destroyed the only known pass between the lands of the orcs and humans, thus sealing away the only way that orcs could possibly threaten humans. It was at this battle where Sir Wilfred fled.

Duke Ripley Hrothmann is the Duke of Rochester (28 years). His father took Isaak in as his squire after the Battle of Greyrock, when Isaak's knight fell in battle. When Duke Ripley took over the realm four years ago, he kept Sir Isaak, and later the Angevin Knights, in his realm, in service to King Dunkirk.

Rumors abound that there is something unbecoming in the duke's relationship with the knight, though none can argue that both men seem completely loyal to the king. When something distasteful needs to be done in the name of the crown, it is the men of Rochester who are called to carry out the deed in the king's name.

Hern Doctor Burke is the aged physician for Duke Ripley. He is quiet; a man of peace and soft-spoken words, who seems words apart from the knight who rules the guards and other knights with an iron will.

Lord Grant Lister (45) is a well renowned Dexter to King Dunkirk and the Aronian elite. A strict man who accepts only a traditional view of what a man should be, he believes the path to knighthood is a boy's only path to becoming an honorable man. As such, he looks down on the creative arts and is not above beating a predilection for theater out of his son.

He is the older brother of Sir Wilbert Lister who was left to die of his wounds following his cowardly desertion at the Battle of Greyrock against the orcs. Lord Grant believes foul play was involved in Sir Wilbert's death and that Sir Isaak Angevin, a knight that Sir Wilbert highly admired, knows the truth of what occurred that day. Unfortunately, all of Lord Grant's attempts to obtain the truth from Sir Isaak have been rebuked or met with silence.
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