

Oct 18, 2020



Updated: October 19th, 2020.
New Threads: Accepting
Active Threads: 0
F-List: My F-List

Vira's Request Thread



Welcome to my request thread!

Thanks for popping by! My name is Vira, and this will be where I keep all my plots, possible cravings, any new ideas, open or abandoned stories, and my interests. First off- here's some quick things to get out of the way immediately.

  • I use face claims, and I'm not a fan of using drawn images for characters unless it's needed. (Fantasy or things that aren't in real life.)
  • Not into furry related things.
  • I prefer story over sex- I'm not interested in pure sex based plots. But if you give me like, a 50/50, or at least a story with an overarching plot, we're golden.
  • That said, I do love me some taboo subjects after some development.
  • I love world building, lots of visual references for locations and items, as well as in depth plotting.
  • I got to college for Interactive Media Design and Creative Writing, but I try to get on daily.
  • I don't care how active my partners are. Please just tell me if you're no longer feeling the RP. I wont get mad, I promise!
  • I consider a thread dead after a month, and I will open the plot up for new players.
  • I love group roleplays, especially over Discord. Hit me up. I do 1 x 1's too. I won't do them via PM, though. Let's start a thread!
  • I prefer detailed responses. I tend to reply multi-para. Quality over quantity, though.
  • I will match the length of my partner. I can do 2-15+ Paragraphs. I'm flexible. I can also play multiple characters.
  • If I reply with like, 8 paragraphs, and you reply with half a paragraph, I'm going to assume you're not interested in the roleplay and drop it.
  • Mostly because if I'm replying with 8 paragraphs, there's lots happening in the scene, or it's a scene transition. And if you're like 'he was shocked lmao' then you're checked out. :'D
  • I play female AND male characters. If I'm playing Mx F and I'm the male, I tend to be the dominant character.
  • If I'm playing M x M, I always play top. I can't play sub, I'm shit at it. Sorry. :'D

If that sounds like your cup of tea, keep reading!

  • Fandoms

    Here's a list of fandoms I'm willing to roleplay in, or take inspiration from for a plot!

    • Final Fantasy XV
    • Avatar the Last Airbender
    • Marvel Comics- up to the early 2000's. None of this new age garbage they're coming out with. (I prefer playing James Buchanan Barnes.)

      ... Apparently, it's a short list. I dunno, if you've a fandom in mind, ask me about it!
  • Genres

    Some Genres I love to Roleplay are as follows:
    • ♥♥♥ Sci-Fi or Futuristic
    • ♥♥♥ Fantasy
    • ♥♥♥ Dark Themes
    • ♥♥♥ Super Hero or Fantastical Humans
    • ♥♥♥ Greek Mythology
    • ♥♥ Historical or Period Pieces
    • ♥♥ War
    • ♥♥ Political Fantasy (Not related of directly influence by real life politics of any kind)
    • ♥♥ Modern
    • ♥♥ Supernatural
    • ♥♥ Magic
    • ♥Fairy Tales
  • Pairings

    Some pairing prompts that can be turned into plots, with no particular favorite. Remember, all plots and pairings involve both M x F and M x M. I play males and females. So:

    • Enemy x Enemy
    • Cop x Gang Leader
    • Supernatural Predator x Prey
    • Politician/ Group Leader x Opposition Member or Leader
    • Gang Leader x Rival Gang Leader
    • Captor x Captive
    • Rival x Rival
    • Enemy Humanoid Race x Enemy Humanoid Race
    • Rebel x Leader or Person in Absolute Power
    • Monarch x Guard
    • Monarch x Enemy Foreign Diplomat
    • Monarch x Poor Individual
    • Soldier x Enemy Soldier
    • Scientist x Human Subject
    • God x Enemy God
    • Injured character x Doctor/ Healer (Not like, with a medical kink or anything. Highly situational and plot dependent.)
    • Alpha x Omega (****NOTE: I'm REALLY iffy about this. I'm not into pregnancy. And I'm not into stories only about sex. But I don't mind the social dynamics of ABO- it can provide interesting social settings. Also no m-preg.)
    • Open slot! Do you have a pairing or a suggestion from your own list? Pitch it my way!
  • Open Plots

    Here's a list of open plots I have! I currently have a Group Roleplay idea, too. I have a Discord up for it. But, if you would like to do a 1 x 1 with that plot, of if I see some interest in bringing it here, I will do so! Here's the link to the google doc with the full, in-depth plot line! If you're interested, we can discuss more about it. Shoot me a PM! Also, these plots are listed in no particular order. I'm also open for you to pitch me a plot, or for us to make a new one together!

    Link to the Greek Mythology Plot: City of the Dead

    Through the Looking Glass
    Personas of the old Fairy Tales are brought into a modern setting. However, it's not a nice setting. Very Once Upon a Time-Esque, but if it were darker, grittier, bloodier, and had more sex/drugs. These characters- Mad Hatter, Tinker Bell, Alice, etc- have all been thrown into absolutely awful, miserable lives. The only catch is that they always die a miserable death, only to be re-incarnated into the same city again to experience a new version of their own living hell on a loop. The curious part? Villains are experiencing this as well. So it can't be a collective villain plot against the protagonist characters of lore. After so many deaths, whatever it is that has them trapped is beginning to fray at the edges. They're becoming self away, gaining some memories of their previous life. It's only a matter of time before one, two, or even a few of them get together in an effort to stop the bloody cycle.

    Can be done as a 1 x 1 or a possible Group RP if interest is shown.

    The Keepers
    They call it 'aether'. It's a kind of energy people are born with that allows them to manipulate an element. The Americas were home to Earth and Metal, the Northern places home to Water and Ice, Southern hemispheres were home to Fire and Lava, the Eastern regions home to the variations of Air. For a while, society flourished as it has today- the only difference is that scientists eventually attributed 'aether' to a specific type of deposit and energy from an ancient super-novae cloud the Earth had been travelling through for the past half a million years or so. Once they figured out what it was, and it's source, they began tampering with it. Trying to enhance it. To make a new kind of aether. And, in some cases, figure out how to take it away for war purposes. As it always goes when humans attempt to defy the laws of nature, it went horribly wrong.

    They created something monstrous with their new kind of energy. It took over the mind and body both, mutating them into awful beasts. It spread like a plague, destroying civilizations, one after another. Two hundred years into the future, and humanity is on the brink of extinction. The few that are left use their aether to survive. There's an old military compound that's been repurposed- an ancient fortress with huge walls. Ones made of stone and reinforced metal that can be controlled by their caretakers. Even the Crawlers can't make it up them before being blown off.

    The characters live in this compound- recently, there's been unrest between the Water and the Metal factions. The Lava bandits have been pushing in to raid their territory more often. There's rumblings of something going on- something big. And, from the sounds of it, it may have nothing to do with a horde at all. It may be human related. But maybe not?

    Inspired by Maze Runner and Avatar the Last Airbender. Can be 1 x 1 or group.

    Underground Operation
    Set in a futuristic setting, Character A is a highly knowledgeable scientist and Doctor, working for a renowned corporation that sells anything and everything a person could want. But robotics and genetics are their specialty. They can make your child have any desired trait- blue eyes, brown hair? Tall? Short? Male? Female? Right or left handed? Curly or straight hair? Internet-ordered genetics at your fingertips. However, recently there have been some unexpected developments. Individuals all over are being found with unusual capabilities, and the corporate elites are panicking as half those discovered with these abilities have all died unexpectedly at a young adult age. The lawsuits would be the death of them. Character B is one such modified individual; a Deviant as they're called. They've been taken unwillingly from their home, and they're subjected to cruel experimentation in order to find a way to either suppress or cure this defect and keep it quiet. Character A works as a scientist on this project, and Character B is their subject.

    Hunter becomes the Hunted
    For years and years, generations, millennia, there has always been a certain order to the food chain. Supernatural creates have dominated at the top of that chain since the dawn of their existence, with humans coming at a close second. That's the way things have always been- until recently, that is. When both humans and supernaturals have begun being picked off in droves. No one is safe. Humans who are aware of Supernatural existence are blaming them, while Supernaturals are blaming the humans. However, there's far more to this than meets the eye. Character A could be from a rival or enemy species to Character B, and they're forced to work together and fight for their own survival after a close encounter with whatever it is that's killing everyone off. After a horrible experience and a sudden revelation along with mounting war cries from both sides, it's up to them to keep their species from being wiped out by either this mysterious threat or the fires of war.

    . . . That's it for now! I can add more or update this later. You can also come to me with plots you'd like to do, if none of these float your boat! Thanks for taking the time to read through my request thread! Feel free to PM me if you're interested at all! :D
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