Randomname98766789's Journal

Dec 22, 2014
United States

Hello. If you are reading this, please do not comment on this journal. This is just a journal I am keeping for myself to track plots, characters, and anything else I think I need to track. I should have been using this feature for a long time, but apparently, I would rather re-type the same plots and characters each time for some reason.

  1. Post 1: Intro
  2. Post 2: DC Extended Universe
  3. Post 3: Divergent
  4. Post 4: The Hunger Games
  5. Post 5: Marvel Cinematic Universe
  6. Post 6: Star Wars
  7. Post 7: The 100
  8. Post 8: Arrowverse
  9. Post 9: One Chicago (Chicago Fire/Med/PD)
  10. Post 10: Cursed
  11. Post 11: The Walking Dead Universe
  12. Post 12: Game of Thrones
  13. Post 13: The Last of Us
Pertinent Information:


Here is my F-List: F-list - Warning

Even though F-List is a wonderful tool, I feel like I need to explain a few of my favorite kinks.

  • Bondage: Bondage is my most favorite kink out of everything. I prefer the female character to be the submissive in these scenarios. I have no interest in my character ever being tied up. For the most part, the bondage will be light, such as binding ankles and wrists along with the utilization of gags. Within bondage, gags are my favorite thing. I especially love it when my partner writes out gag talk the way it would actually sound. However, I realize that it is not an easy thing to do. Therefore, no worries if you feel uncomfortable. Just write out the gag talk the way it would normally sound while denoting that it would sound muffled. If I have things my way, your character would spend more time tied up than not. I call this "extended bondage". I enjoy nonsexual bondage, too, such as the couple cuddling up while she is tied up or just doing some random chores while she is bound. So, yeah, bondage is a huge thing. Also, other things with BDSM are desired too, such as collar and leashes, too!

  • Damsel-in-Distress: I suppose this relates closely to bondage. I love it when your character gets kidnapped and needs to be rescued. It is a plot device, but also a kink for me. I never want her to be assaulted or tortured, but the threat can exist. She can even be partially or fully undressed, too! However, the good guy swoops in and saves the day before anything bad really happens. Relating back to "extended bondage", she will not be untied immediately upon rescue. I like the idea of the rescue happening, but not having enough time to untie her so he has to carry her to safety, or something else, such as not knowing where the keys to the cuffs are. Some rescue scenes can turn smutty, but they do not have to. Even when there is no smut in the rescue scene, there will still be some light kissing, touching, etc. Along with that, I love it when my partners GM the kidnapping. So, you could take control of the bad guys and play the side characters and control the environment so he could eventually find her. This is not a must, but it is something I desire. I do not even need to be told about it. You can just suddenly decide to have her kidnapped and I would actually enjoy not really knowing what to expect, just as MC would not know.

  • Clothing Play: I love it when your character wears skirts/dresses, leggings/yoga pants, or bikinis. Finding a way to work these in would be great. Something else that goes along with my previous two kinks, I envision kidnapping scenes where she is kidnapped and undressed. Her clothes are taken and when she is rescued, she has to stay fully nude or partially nude until they find her more clothes

  • Public/Risky Sex: Just having sex in risky and/or public/semi-public locations.
  • Footplay: Light stuff. Focusing on the female's feet with massages/kissing. Some light teasing with her feet.
  • Vaginal/Oral/Anal basics
  • Aphrodisiacs
  • Photography/Videotaping
  • Titfucking
  • Pseudo-rape
Limits: Cheating/love triangles, Bloodplay, Death, Bathroom-related things

Romance: Romance is my favorite of the story. I want the romance to be happy, fluffy. I'm not saying they can't argue or fight. I'm just saying I am not interested in cheating or major drama where they are on-again/off-again, having huge fights every day, etc. I want a happy romance! Also, I prefer pre-existing romance or romance that begins literally in the first few posts.

I will be always editing, always expanding. More or less, most of my ideas will have the same theme so they might seem repetitive, but hey, I like what i like.
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Post 2: DC Extended Universe

Plots and Pairings:

  1. Arthur Curry x Mera: Nothing special. Just a continuation from the end of Aquaman where they can begin their romantic relationship.
  2. Steve Trevor x Wonder Woman: This is an AU where Steve Trevor is from the modern world. He washes up on the shore and they share a similar story, but it is more romance focused where Steve survives.
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Post 3: Divergent


  • 1. Kyle Macdonald (Male OC) x Tris Prior: Kyle and Tris have been lifelong best friends in Abnegation. Their friendship blossomed into a romance recently, but since they are members of Abnegation, they have to be sneaky about it. Both Kyle and Tris took their aptitude tests, just to find out they are Divergent. They decide to join Dauntless together where they can be free in their romance and go on this adventure together. This would start in the first book/film.​

Post 4: The Hunger Games


1. Gale Hawthorne x Katniss Everdeen: This is an AU where Gale and Katniss are not only best friends, but they have a romantic relationship as well. This plot begins with the 74th Annual Hunger Games Reaping. Instead of Peeta being chosen, as luck would have it, Gale is chosen too. This time, the star-crossed lovers would not fake for the cameras.

Post 5: Marvel Cinematic Universe

Plots and Pairings:

1. Gavin Ackerman (Male OC) x Natasha Romanoff: Gavin is a former United States Army Ranger. He was honorably discharged after being the lone survivor of an attack when he was deployed because he did not pass the mental wellness tests to be cleared. However, he is a great shot and very sound tactically, so it was something Director Fury heard about and sought him out soon after. Gavin was offered a job with SHIELD as an agent and took it.

There, he met Natasha. They worked together often and became close friends, going on missions and whatnot. Then, that friendship turned into a relationship. My ideal starting point is somewhere before the first Avengers film where we can explore their relationship, maybe a mission or two, and eventually get into their journey together with some canon storylines.

2. Alexander Cierny (Male OC) x Wanda Maximoff: Alex and Wanda are childhood best friends. Alex lost his family during the same explosions where Wanda lost hers. He follows the same path that Wanda and Pietro do throughout their canon lives. The addition here is that Wanda and Alex started a relationship together. We can begin with the Age of Ultron and play out those events with this new perspective.
3. Nathan Rose (Male OC) x Carol Danvers: Nathan and Carol were engaged when Carol "died". For the last six years, Nathan had been miserable until one day, she shows up at his house, very much alive. In this version, Carol would have never completely forgotten Nathan. That one piece of her old life was still holding on and she would even see him as the Supreme Intelligence figure. When she lands on Earth, all she can remember is him, their relationship, so she goes to find him, hoping to get some answers.


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Post 6: Star Wars


1. Jax Vaughn (Male OC) x Rey: Jax and Ben Solo were close growing up. Things were going well, but the night that Ben snapped, everything changed. Jax ended up being the lone survivor of his peers that fateful night. Luke Skywalker helped get Jax back to the Resistance, back to his family before going into hiding. Ever since that happened, Jax had been trying to teach himself and practice as much as he could without someone to guide him. About a year before the events of The Force Awakens, Jax senses some kind of disturbance on Jakku. He goes to find out what it is. In reality, it is Rey! She was cornered by a few men trying to take some of her parts and sell them, but the emotions caused her to accidentally lash out and use the Force to push them away. She was very confused, especially when she looked up and could see a man (Jax) as if he were standing there even though his background and environment was clearly something else (force bond). He shows up a day later and explains things to her. She goes with him back to the Resistance where he tries to teach her as well. Then, a year later, they go on the mission to find Luke, but have started a romantic relationship as well.

Post 7: The 100


1. Jay Bradley (male OC) x Clarke Griffin: Jay and Clarke were childhood best friends who started dating once boyfriend-girlfriend became a thing. He was there when Clarke was arrested. In the heat of the moment, he tried to save Clarke but ended up getting himself arrested for attacking the guards. Nine months later, they land on the ground, reunited, ready to explore the new world, and have a second chance to be with one another.
2. Finn Collins x Raven Reyes: Exact same story as they have canonically, minus Finn cheating on her. We'd start at their reunion, which would be a much happier occasion.
3. Michael Bennett (male OC) x Octavia Blake: Michael and Octavia meet in the SkyBox and fall for each other. Then, they are sent to the ground and have a chance to be free while exploring their relationship. We'd begin when they land on Earth.
4. Daniel Cook (Male OC) x Lexa: Basically, the same thing we saw with Clarke and Lexa, except with the male OC. He works closely with Lexa for peace, becomes an ambassador, moves to be in Polis with Lexa as their romance blooms

Post 8: Arrowverse


1. Scott Klein (male OC-ish) x Kara Danvers: My story involves pairing her with a canon(ish) character. The character's name is Scott Klein and he was literally only mentioned in one sentence in season Two and never again. Kara was talking about how she stepped on her prom date's toes and broke his foot in high school. Now, one thing I love is romance, especially pre-existing romance. It gave me an idea to create Scott Klein for a roleplay. Basically, my version of Scott would be the first friend Kara made on Earth outside of the Danvers family. Scott was the same age as her and he decided to sit with her at lunch. They became friends and started dating when they were in high school.

In this version, Scott is not a minor character. Instead, Scott and Kara maintain a relationship through high school and through college. The plot begins in Season 1 Episode 1 before Kara has revealed herself to the world. Not even Scott knows who she is yet. They are living together in that apartment and I definitely want them to get married soon.

The plot begins when Kara saves Alex's plane from crashing. Scott is a police officer so he was on shift and preparing for emergency actions as the plane almost crashed. However, he saw the newscast and he obviously would know that it was Kara. Then, he goes home that night. Kara knows that he would have seen her and she ends up confessing to him, probably worried that he was going to leave her once he found out, but he reassures her that there is nothing to worry about, that he loves her no matter what. Eventually, the plan is for him to work with the DEO as well so he can be working closely with Kara during her superheroine-ing.

2. Tate Queen (Male OC) x Sara Lance: Tate Queen is the slightly younger brother of Oliver Queen. In this version, Oliver never cheats on Laurel with Sara. Sara is dating Oliver's brother, Tate, which is why she gets onto the Gambit. The story between Tate and Sara would be similar to the time being spent on the island and their reunion in Starling City. However, it goes down differently. Sara is with the League of Assassins, believing that Tate is dead. Then, she hears that the Queen brothers were found alive and she goes back to the city immediately to reunite with her boyfriend, the passion and love not having died since they last met.

3. Roy Harper x Thea Queen: Pretty much the same canon story minus the romantic drama. I'd like to pick up when they officially become a couple and just go back through the story from there!

4. Barry Allen x Iris West: In this version, Barry and Iris are together before the series begins. We'd start at the very beginning when Barry wakes up and gets used to his new life, but this time, Iris is there as a romantic partner, not just as a best friend.

Post 9: One Chicago


1. Jay Halstead x Erin Lindsay: Just like the canon relationship, but without all the unnecessary drama. We'd start when they begin a relationship, which would happen sooner, such as season 1 or 2, and pick up from there.
2. Jay Halstead x Hailey Upton: When Erin breaks Jay's heart, Hailey is right there to comfort him. it does not take long for the comfort of a friend to turn romantic as she is sickened by how he had been treated. She wants to show that she can treat him better than Erin ever did. We'd begin as they start a relationship, while also working as partners in the field!

Post 10: Cursed


1. Holden Clemons (male OC) x Nimue: So I'd want this human x fey dynamic. My Oc's name is Holden. Holden would be from that coastal trading town nearby. Hawkesbridge, I think? I don't know exactly how close it is, but let's just say for RP purposes that it is close enough to Nimue's village.

I see where Nimue has a tendency to just run away from the village to be alone after being bullied in the flashbacks. Maybe, one day as a child, she ran away and ended up running into Holden, who would be around the same age as her. He listened to her, showed her kindness and compassion, which she is not used to. Even though he was human and she is Fey, he never let that bother him as he treated her right and always made her laugh, made her smile. So, that started the process of them visiting each other more through the years, getting closer to each other, and eventually falling in love as they grew older. Since they can't exactly live in the same spot together, I'm thinking maybe they only get to see each other like twice a week? Once, she goes near his town since she can pass for a human easily, and for him, he goes near her village, though it seems like they would have to stay away from the village itself or sneak around since they could tell he has "Man Blood". Either way, they have been together over a couple of years and it would start right at the beginning of the series before she tries to run away and leave on the ship. In this case, she would want him to come with her but that's for discussion later. I like the idea of starting at a place where they are getting to see each other for that time during the week I discussed just so we can write out their relationship a little bit before jumping into any part of the story

Post 11: The Walking Dead Universe


1. Brian Strickland (male OC) x Alicia Clark (Fear The Walking Dead):

Brian and Alicia were best friends growing up. Their mothers were close, so it was only natural they were close, too. They stayed close as they grew up and eventually started dating when they started high school. Brian has always been there for Alicia. When her father died, when her brother started using drugs, and when her mother started neglecting her, Brian was there. She really only feels like she is in first when she is around him because her family always makes her feel unimportant and second place. This would start in the pilot before anything crazy begins happening in the world.

Just like her, he has gone through loss. His father was a police officer killed on-duty and his mother is a doctor at a hospital. She will die pretty soon as well with the virus and it will leave him to just survive with Alicia and the Clark family. It would be following their survival together from the beginning of the outbreak through the stories that have been told in the show.

2. Josh Crowell (male OC) x Maggie Greene (The Walking Dead): Josh and Maggie have been in a relationship ever since high school. Right before the show starts, they have just finished college and started their new lives together. We'd jump in around the season 1 timeline as they try to make it from their apartment in the city back to her family's farm to ride out the flu outbreak!

3. Corey Conway (male OC) x Hope Bennett: Corey is the same age as Hope. They met at the Nebraska State University community. They quickly became friends and ended up starting a relationship. We would begin at the start of Season 1 with their journey of survival.
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Post 12: Game of Thrones


1. Jaron Glover (male OC) x Sansa Stark: This would begin around Season 6-ish. Let’s begin with Sansa – my idea involves a condensed timeline. I definitely want her age to be the same, to keep her an adult, but I want less time to have passed between the events of season 1 and 6. The exact amount of time isn’t important, just wanting to throw it out there because it’ll make more sense with my idea when I get to it. It also means that she managed to escape Ramsay before being raped or before anything like that happened, so she’s still a virgin, still untouched, etc.

It starts around season 6. For this idea, I’m going to pick a smaller northern house like House Glover. The man’s name will be Jaron Glover. During Robert’s Rebellion, he was just a baby. A battle happened at Deepwood Motte, his family’s stronghold, and there was great devastation. In fact, nearly everyone was killed except for the baby that was hidden away, now is the last Glover. Without a home and with no family, Ned Stark finds him and takes him to Winterfell, allowing a couple to raise him that always wanted a child but had no luck with the process.

So, he grows up in Winterfell and gets the proper training both in the field and with politics as his house is rebuilt. In particular, he grows close with Sansa Stark. It would be awesome if they were romantically involved. Of course, they would have been on the younger side so it is no more than stealing kisses, sneaking around to see each other late at night, etc – like some freshman high school couple. However, we know that Sansa is whisked away to marry Joffrey and in our version, she wouldn’t be too happy about it because of how she felt for Jaron.

Well, time passes and Sansa goes through her ordeals. Jaron grows up too and fights alongside Robb in the battle, narrowly escaping the Red Wedding. He spends the next year or so trying to fight back home with the remaining army that escaped with him after the fight and they eventually get to Deepwood and take it back.

Not long after that, Jon and Sansa are making their rounds to all the Northern houses, asking for them to fight. They are surprised to see their old friend back in Deepwood. Of course, Jaron would take all his men to fight for Jon. They were like brothers growing up. He and his men return to Winterfell with the other Northern Lords and I love the idea of Sansa getting Jon to approve a marriage between herself and Jaron because after everything that she went through, she just wants to be happy for once and she sees a chance to finally get a marriage out of love because, during the couple weeks trekking back to Winterfell, they quickly rekindle the romance and obviously are deeply in love with each other, so they would both want the marriage. We could begin in a scene where she comes to his room and tells him of the arrangement. I’d liken it to something like a high school sweetheart couple having to part for college, meeting up right after college, and quickly finding that the love and chemistry are still there if that makes sense? Of course, this is a more extreme case of that but I hope that kinda puts it in perspective?

So, they’ve had a couple of weeks to catch up, to reconnect – the time apart has only pulled them closer now that they’re reunited. They both recognize that they have a love for one another and I think it would be cute for Sansa to ask for Jon to approve it without even going to Jaron first and asking him if he’s okay with it, so she pops in to tell him the surprise and to confess the feelings she has, as he will do the same.

2. Liam Bayle (male OC) x Daenerys Targaryen: This is an AU. Essos is a place more like Westeros where it has some structure and kingdoms with a King/Queen. Liam is the Prince and Daenerys is married to him in season 1 instead of Drogo. This is a romance based so he will treat her much better and eventually go on the missions with her throughout the seasons to attempt to reclaim the Throne in Westeros.

Post 13: The Last of Us Part II


1. Sage Crosby (male OC) x Ellie: Sage meets Ellie when she and Joel arrive in Jackson. Sage is a nice guy just a year older than Ellie who befriends her and manages to break down her walls. We begin the story right before the events of the second game. Sage and Ellie are in a romantic relationship together at this point and Ellie would have developed quite the soft spot for him. This would give us a chance to go through the second game with this new perspective and character tagging along.
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