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Office Supplies poll

Do you like office supplies more than you need them?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • No

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • I actually do need office supplies...

    Votes: 2 18.2%

  • Total voters

Jericho Z. Barrons

Oct 12, 2017
There is this strange phenomenon that happens when I go to an office supplies store or peruse the office supplies in a regular shop. I get a craving to buy highlighters, sharpie markers, accordion organizers, colored tabs, sticky notes, day planners, desk calenders, and folders. Rolodex! I don't need a rolodex! But I go to Office Max and suddenly, this feels relevant to organize my life.

If I had money to throw away, I'd buy a bunch of crap from Office Max, enough to fill a personalized office in my house. Just in case someone sprung on me some sudden chaos that needed to be marked down in a physical accounting book and tucked in a color coded folder for safe keeping and easy access.

Do you also share this fascination with office supplies?
Not so much these days, but definitely in my high school/university days. I'd get excited to be all organized and colour-coded, which led to some very ambitious and aspirational school supply purchases.
Not so much these days, but definitely in my high school/university days. I'd get excited to be all organized and colour-coded, which led to some very ambitious and aspirational school supply purchases.

Yes. ( -__- ) I had German for two years in HS and it was recommended that we get flashcards to help study nouns and verbs. I got two packets of colored index cards and a box with tabbed dividers to put them in. In college, I bought two of those thick, 6 subject notebooks, in anticipation of just flipping to each section and taking notes. After one year and 20 classes, I hadn't even filled up one.
No, but I do this with computer stuff. Despite knowing I can get it cheaper elsewhere, I see things on the shelf I go 'huh, that would be nice' and binge them like the above on office supplies >.<
This happened to me when I tried Bullet Journaling, I suddenly needed everything ever needed for office supplies, washie tape, glitter, pens and stuff I still haven't used because it lasted like two months and then I was like I'm bored. I get into fits with crafts also, that I go crazy needing stuff and then eventually just have a bunch of stuff I don't use.
I do though for me I think it's a nostalgia of getting ready to go back to school at the end of the summer. Such an exciting time full of promise and growth while also combining the simplicity of youth in a great upbringing.
I always want to buy the graphing calculators... The TI-nspire CX II CAS... just the thought of it brings me to tears
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