Fx Male Modern Fantasy Roleplay


Oct 22, 2019
I had this idea for a modern fantasy roleplay that I would like to play out. The world is set in one not too different from our own in terms of technological advancements and society. The main difference is that most of the technology has advanced through years of magical research and as such magic is a very large part of the setting. Vehicles, smart phones, entertainment devices, medicine, and all other sorts of inventions have evolved from basic magic understanding. The world also has a hierarchy of society similar to one set in a fantasy world with a king being the ruling authority on all things and many nobles serving under him. The richer you are the higher your status. most of the noble families aren't inherently rich but support their wealth off many business endeavors and as such the status of these noble families standing is always changing, similar to the rich today. the value of currency is around the same as well, so someone who was a billionaire would likely be among the top ranking nobles.

You will play the son in law to a modestly rich noble family, the Wilson family. You were adopted by the late lord Wilson after he found you at an orphanage when you were 17 and he was insistent that you marry his grand daughter. On your side you did not want to give up the generosity of one of many lords and on his families side they dared not anger their Lord, even though they heavily expressed how much they didn't like you or the idea of you marrying into their family. Catherine was regarded as possibly one of the most beautiful women in the capital and she was very kind and generous to you, even agreeing to marry you. But even so Catherine up until then had no interest in marriage and only did so at her grandfather behest, as such she has never slept with you nor will she even let you share a bed with her. But all that aside she had grown quite fond of you and you of her, and even after the lord died and her family wished for her to divorce you she refused. After this both you and your wife were treated very poorly and looked down upon by not just the Wilson family but all others.

One Day you are approached by a man who held himself in high regard. He told you that you were the heir apparent to the kings through as you were his long lost grandson and that they have been looking for you for years. You were the only heir to the kingdom and as such they wanted you to return to them, but because they realized that you had a very rough upbringing you may not wish to return, and as such they gave you some time to think about it. They provided you with an account at the local bank worth 100 billion, just a bit of pocket change, and made you the chairman of a very prominent company called the Hypern Company that dealt in all sorts of dealing around the world from magic technology to construction projects. They also informed you that your family had dragons blood and as such you could use very powerful magic, and they provided you with all the resources to learn your abilities.

You decided to play it lowkey for now, as this was a rather big opportunity for you, by taking over as king there would be many rules that you would have to follow and it would likely limit your freedom. Instead for now you could use your new found power and wealth to seek revenge on all those that treated you badly and essentially live like a king with out all the rules for the time being. You would make all the noble women who looked down on you beg for you to make them yours and make all the men bow before you with out having to worry about formalities like the kingdoms upkeep and such.

I want this roleplay to be very story driven (50/50 story to smut), I will play most of the side characters and as such. I am also looking for someone with more depraved tastes when it comes to fetishes and the like for a partner in this. If your interested send me a pm, I do not do roleplays over discord so don't even ask.
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