Musings and confusion


Oct 13, 2020
Northwest Virginia
As far as I know, I have no apologies to make here. About the only thing I can think of is for being as paranoid as I am about saying what I prefer RPing, even though that is what the F-list is for correct? So I shouldn't be that afraid. I've just had really bad experiences in the past and I don't deal with rejection that well, either in real life or in the RP sense. And I've been RPing since 1999, so I've seen literally everything under the sun and beyond. And some has left me scarred and nervous with starting something new or that I want to try, even if it's only to see if I might enjoy RPing a new topic or if I discover that it's not really my cup of tea so to speak.

I try to be nice, and I like to think I am an easy going person. It is pretty hard to get me pissed off or really angry, but there are a few things that can easily do that. And I honestly would rather make friends than make enemies. If I don't make sense sometimes in discussions, I apologize. It is difficult to convey how I feel sometimes, or how to say what I am happy with, or what is making me unhappy.

Confusion, I'm hoping I overcome that part soon. It is mostly with the RP search section, and how I can properly convey a plot idea I have to suit everyone. Even those who don't RP sports related topics, so I am attempting to redo both sports related ideas I have. About the only idea I can possibly post is a veterinarian one I had for a couple of years. And I'm glad that the male section is only for characters and doesn't pertain to our RL gender, because I'd feel really bad looking for MxM and I'm a female IRL.

Anywho... I'm just confusing myself again. I hope to get thoughts sorted out soon, and maybe try to sound more cohesive or at least come up with a few plot ideas that will appeal to you all.
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